"Iron Overload", Phlebotomy, Hormone Levels & Including The Liver and Related Factors (Insulin Resistance)..???


10+ Year Member
I stumbled on this and thought I would put it out here for thoughts. I have not dug deep into it yet and of course I will have some converse thoughts as my mind always tends to trend towards the body's natural innate ability to adjust to conditions. However, I am always open to learning to constructs that while the body is still making remarkably fast adjustments, but to consider the negatives that remain regardless, as well as whatever other conditions might occur concomitantly as an overall result. But I found this vid as an interesting lead in for though motivation..

As you may know I am a huge proponent of dispelling the myth that free-testosterone is the holy grail. When in fact the only testosterone with REAL value is that which HAS BEEN "Kidnapped" (facetious LOL) by SHBG and ALBUMIN. In fact I would tend to want to chase an investigation an more clarification as to how Albumin bound testosterone/hormones relate to the overall picture. And lets not forget that the blood proteins involve with hormones other than just testosterone. But of course I always prelude that FREE TESTOSTERONE is nothing more than proof we are making enough to be picked up to serve, and that Free-T may best POSSIBLY only offer a relative measure of hormone metabolism RATES (the real proposition which is really not measurable). I always like to also consider the constructs of metabolic structural life-cycle changes to hormones as they are employed, ELIMINATION RATES which no one seems to care to measure, and how receptor competition really behaves amongst active hormone populations and activity in the blood and receptors. I am not a medical professional but I have studied these concepts and have a few threads going over the years. I feel like this concept of blood components such as Iron, Ferritin, etc... merits its own chain of thought examination.

It should be noted that when doing blood donations (Phlebotomies)to lower blood components, there are many more factors than measuring Hemoglobin in terms of "RED BLOOD". The important thing about this is that they do not all restore at the same rate, and they may not all be available in proper proportions. E.G. When you dump blood in terms of "red cells" you are dumping the culmination of Red blood cells, the hemoglobin attached to some of them, Iron to make blood, and Ferritin (Protein) to make hemoglobin. And this is amongst the plasma which carries all blood protein as the "legitimizing enabler", whites cells, platelets, etc... So its not just about "dumping red blood cells" is all I am saying.

(Interestingly there are medically employed blood donation centers that will encourage as much as weekly blood donations as long as your hemoglobin is above 13. Consider the "Condition" of the hemoglobin in your blood is a factor as well. A guy around here once opened my eyes to some of this. But as you could imagine donating blood every week for 6 weeks straight could wind you up in a situation where the "body materials" to generate new blood may be out of whack and thus compromised for some time, and with further considerations as to what conditions the blood donor may also be experiencing as co-factors..). I found out the hard way that just because blood hemoglobin continues to appear within operational reference ranges, it may not be the best idea to just start dumping weekly. So I am just putting that out there... But here is the video that prompted this further thought. And while I think this path in interesting, it remains just another tiny piece of the puzzle.

View: https://youtu.be/qdO9btq1W3k?t=177

Moving beyond the YOU TUBE NOBLE NOVEL CAT...

This has apparently been around for some time..:

Aims: To assess the relation between moderate iron overload on sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels and gonadotroph function in men with dysmetabolic iron overload syndrome and the effects of phlebotomy.
Methods: The relationship between magnetic resonance imaging assessed liver iron concentration (LIC) and plasma ferritin levels with total testosterone, bioavailable testosterone (BT), SHBG and LH levels, were studied in 50 men with moderate dysmetabolic iron excess, in the absence of genetic haemochromatosis, who were randomised to phlebotomy therapy or to normal care.
Results: Four patients (8%) had low total testosterone (<10.4 nmol/l) and 13 patients (26%) had low BT (<2.5 nmol/l). In the entire population, those with LIC above the median (90 μmol/l) had a higher mean SHBG (P=0.028), lower LH (P=0.039) than those with LIC below the median. In multivariable analysis (adjusted for age, and fasting insulin) LIC was significantly associated with SHBG (positively) and LH (negatively). Patients in the highest quartile of SHBG had higher LIC (P=0.010) and higher ferritinaemia (P=0.012) than those in the three other quartiles. Iron depletion by venesection did not significantly improve any hormonal levels.
Conclusions: Hypogonadism is not infrequent in men with dysmetabolic iron overload syndrome. Liver iron excess is associated with increased plasma SHBG and moderate hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Phlebotomy therapy needs further investigation in symptomatic hypogonadal men with dysmetabolic iron excess."

That article basically says nahh we didn't find a whole lot of hormone help here with blood letting but we def want to study more. This was 2011 of course. But if a brief test in blood letting to improve hormone levels (NOTE THIS DOES NOT MEAN FUNCTION), then what is the point of this line of study.?

Assuming SHBG blood measure as "Free" and not already involved with a hormone or who knows what else and factors. BUT, it's obviously always been my supposition that if you have High SHBG then there is a preclusion blocking the necessitation of said employment. But then WHY the high levels if the body adjust on a dime.? Keep in mind SHBG is produced in the LIVER, and we must consider IRON'S relation to liver function, and if we get outside the box then what other factors could be involved preventing a clear picture. The body is a "SYSTEM" after all... Its also been generally correlated over the years that otherwise healthy males on TRT have low SHBG levels around 12. I would assume this is because the excess exogenous testosterone supply is utilizing the SHBG. But IS IT? Or has the body just decreased SHBG production to prevent the already intentionally downward natural T production from being circumvented. So what conditions are applying to this correlation of Excess Iron and High SHBG, as I do not believe the minds behind these minds behind this line of questioning as considering how exogenous T application applies to their initial observations. I believe we are just talking about folks with high SHBG and high IRON and how that relates to blood lettings from a hormonal perspective so far...

*** Can you ever really truly "remove iron" from the human system?? really. I am here to testify the mass of my skeletal system would indication it would take a lifetime to spend it all and I have one of the heaviest set of bones on the planet. Further again we just scientifically have very difficult times discerning the difference between "Excess" and "True active metabolism rates", and how these factors act in REAL TIME.. It does kinda look like these guys started smothering up advancing the subject of iron in the body back around 2010 and beginning the quest to see how it involves with hormones and general metabolic dysfunction. But not yet so hormone oriented as a primary.

This one is just general sci-fi tally-in-time way above my pay grade, but I find it interesting that while they discuss "Iron regulating proteins", they fail to discern "Protein regulating iron".... So read that sentence again and if you already know me you knew I was going to blow that wall right off the box out of the gate. This reverse take on this may be what these guys are currently onto at last.

NOW... Is interesting and I will offer some improv...

NOTE This article actually dates to 1992 as doc'd on PudMed opening language format. But what does that mean in the forum of PUBMED.?? I wonder how long it took to publish this article from the date of the study conclusion? I wonder how you tell the actual RESEARCH DATE vs. The DATE OF PUBMED PUBLICATION? Am i missing something? Never thought to ask before. But do ya think they can just "Manually Mandela Effect" past studies into the flow quietly as subjects become more politically feasible over time??


Patients with chronic liver disease usually exhibit low plasma levels of testosterone with loss of libido and potency; this is also valid in male patients suffering from idiopathic hemochromatosis (IHC), [HALT - Idiopathic Hemochromatosis meaning SPONTANEOUS CAUSED BY UNKNOWN FACTORs BODY TISSUE AND ORGAN BUILD UP AND OVERLOAD OF IRON..], in whom nowadays the diagnosis is made at an earlier age. Therefore, the effect of testosterone treatment was studied in 10 patients with IHC. After the application of 250 mg testosterone enanthate i.m., the plasma testosterone (from 2.4 +/- 1.9 to 20.1 +/- 7.4 ng/ml) and estradiol (from 17.4 +/- 6.3 to 38.5 +/- 14.2 pg/ml) levels increased significantly. The rise of estradiol was in the range of controls and smaller than reported in other chronic liver diseases. In a long-term study, 250 mg testosterone enanthate was given 4-weekly for 33-96 months to 5 patients with IHC. General well-being, libido, and potency recovered almost immediately. [HALT - We can assume that there was ample SHBG is they were measuring hormones recovered. This acticle is not really describing irons relation to SHBG, but moreso possibly sex hormones].Over a treatment period of 27.3 patient years, symptoms of hyperestrogenism (gynecomastia) or (portal vein) thrombosis were not seen, both of which had been described in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis. There was no deterioration of liver function. The effect of testosterone treatment on the patients' well-being and plasma hormone concentrations remained unchanged over the whole period of testosterone treatment. [HALT - This is a shitty vague statement about patients with alcohol related cirrhosis UNCLEAR. Are they saying these patients had his issue prior to study or it happened to alcholics in the study?].Thus, in male patients with IHC and lowered plasma testosterone, treatment with testosterone enanthate may be instituted. Because of the positive effects on general well-being, liver regeneration capacity, and potency, testosterone should especially be administered to younger subjects suffering from IHC." [HALT - They are basically saying here that in average 3-8years of patient treatment it was real safe and effective and especially recommending in young people with low hormones correlating with iron overload because they had otherwise healthy bodies and livers - NONE OF THIS ACTUALLY QUALIFIES THAT THEY JUST DID NOT ENJOY A HORMONE JACK UP, WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR IRON LEVELS, DID THEY BLOOD DUMP, all that jazz. Maybe there is more in the complete article and this is just a very limited summary].

Thats it for now on this one and I'll be back. But I just think its interesting the possible link with body iron supersaturation as "Overload" as it related to SHBG and hormones, if this really exist, and how relating to co-factors unclear and many for sure. One thing that always catches my attention in medicine is when we start discussing body minerals and METALS as they relate as I believe there has been a total failure in medical science to determine the relation of ELECTRICAL CHARGES pertaining the animal life, health, and modulation thereof. I'm saying we tend to want to modulate the body the Chemicals and Organic substrates, as opposted to even making the attempt to just see what is going on electrically throughout the body in various conditions. So when I see worlds like IRON, ZINC, POTASSIUM, and especially the miniscule metals like Copper and chromium, I get excitable as we are essentially a "Walking SOLS, Stars, or even BIOLOGICAL ROBOTS operating on complex code which is modfiable from a full range of things varying from "Food" to chems to VIRAL CODE APPLICATION(RNA). If you consider with both D/C (BATTTERY STORES) and A/C like (ACTIVE CURRENT) activity involved in life processes, I just don't see how these constructs can be omitted my current science any longer).

More interestingly is how does electrical modulation of animal biological systems relate to spirituality, as technically we are eternal electrical signals and waveforms in TIME which capture, involve with, and modulate the activity of various matter (Earthborn matter for our purpose in this dimension). So you have ENERGY, MATTER, and VIBRATION (RESONANCE). TIME being the yardstick that the vibration of matter is measured by. The frequency/resonance of said matter pertaining directly to our defined FUNCTIONAL DIMENSION.. One would think that to measure body electrics might even offer a possible glace in the never ending organic hunt for the soul. One would wonder would tinkering with such even tend to possibly change the intended eternal waveform and physical manifestation of a person, and alter their spirit as the connection to the soul? And once you consider this construct to this extreme degree, if you just take two steps back doesn't it start to look like there is a relation in biological science. NOTE the INATE CONTRADICTION in the prase "Biological Science". While it does not, it somehow accidentally imparts for get that 220 over on the wall it'l kill ya...

Trip over for now. But we are going to focus on how IRON relates to HORMONE ACTIVITY in the body, and what goes from that :) .

And if anyone reads this and sees typos or obvious errors or misconceptions please point them out as i always fire from hip with little edit and leaves much room for error and well as personal growth and learning. Thanks in advance.

-note to self next time review and open study into IRON, PANCREAS, and INSULIN SENSITIVITY are involved and potentially related to SHBG,,
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its more complicated and strange the first paper didn't address this..

I have hemachromatosis ie high ferritin.. low end binding globulin though as my liver function apparently is good...which im very lucky as put alot of stuff through my liver over the years along with hemochromatosis :) again, very complicated and several systems at play..

hemachromatosis can affect different systems that affect hormones.. your brain aswell as deposit in gonads that reduces test production. ie at least 2 Dif ways can lower hormones and can also give you diabetes which I assume can also affect other hormones.

yes giving blood lowers iron, helps prevent it from depositing in different organs (pretty much all of them may get deposits and be effected depends on the person).

they dont let you give blood often(ie once every 2 months or so) as your correct your body needs to replenish blood cells, antibodies, ferritin etc etc. when you have hemachromatosis they Do RX phlebotomy and will do dumps several in a month depending on blood levels/person. and the "risk" is worth the reward, just normal people would get anemic if gave blood more than 6-7 times a year... or at least have higher risk of this...

yes everything is energy....matter=energy... electrolyte balance helps body function better and well known and why they monitor electrolytes and why its an issue with folk with kidney issues. Iron is oxidative so too much causes oxidative stress which is just energy/electrons...

not sure the point of your post? do you think you have high ferritin? its somewhat common in certain populations and a few genes involved and even heterozygous can cause iron overload. just get a blood test or genetic test even 23 and me tests for at least 1 of the genes iirc.

yes several causes of high iron, some genetic, some diet, sometimes its from viral infection. covid I am not sure if has been linked to long term elevated iron but it does raise iron at LEAST temporarily... other viruses/infections I think they have more data on and effect everyone differently hence "idiopathic".

if get 2 tests of ferritin over 300 it means you should be getting treatment.. but also can just give blood aswell if borderline.
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Your ferritin is what needs to come down and donating blood or therapeautic phlebotomy will do that. You'll see it in your before and after labs and it can drop it by quite a lot BBC.

A little story...
Back when the 'concept' of metabolic syndrome was being developed, (Harvard?) chronically elevated ferritin was one of items they identified that raised cardiovascular risk (i.e., heart attack and/or stroke). The others were the usual suspects like hypertension, etc. Then, soon after for some reason (I have never seen an explanation written anywhere), it came off the list.

My $0.02?

ALL the other items on that list have a pill/drug available. However, there isn't anything you can take to reduce ferritin; all you need to do is donate blood and its done.
yes there are things u can take to lower ferritin when phlebotomy is counter indicated. these are known as chelators. but phlebotomy is "healthiest" although there are other risks and loose antibodies which is annoying esp with covid.

yes ferritin CAN raise risk of heart issues however its a secondary symptom and varies as depends on were the iron is being deposited.
Take aspirin regularly. Aspirin causes just enough microbleeds to substantially lower iron.

Also take copper. Hemachromatosis is often caused by copper deficiency.
love to see the study showing "substantial" ferritin lowering with Asprin.. while possible 'micro bleeds' in the intestine could help a little, keep in mind to lower ferritin when u have hemachromatosis you loose litres and litres of blood to move the needle ie would have black shit in order to do anything taking that much Asprin would surely hurt u more Than help... maybe with normal levels It could do a small amount... perhaps enzymically helps reduce absorption but again love to see "substantial" lowering of iron via Asprin esp via micro bleeds.

also yes copper is involved in iron transport, its not often a CAUSE of hemachromatosis. in fact its more likely the opposite hemachromatosis increase zinc and then MAY cause copper deficiency, but I dont think this has been observed rather theory.

long and short of it is more than highly unlikely taking Asprin and copper will cure or even help HC in any substantial way.. ive been wrong before so happy to see the studies! and taking a little copper isn't going to kill u, but do have to be careful if you have liver disease or kidney disease from HC when taking anything really including vitamins.
To ad some thought without expounding further into my initial observations and thread topic...
1. Iron is found in massive quantities in body and bone and I believe through food supply supplementation. Bread is loaded with it as example. There are legitimate reasons for this. Like how hard blood is to replenish quickly in those suffering an instantaneous accidental blood loss.. But for most of us Iron is a problem of excess as my bones are simply LOADED with it.
2. Me and a buddy have noticed that they take way more than 500mls of blood on a blood donation. Those bags are made to "LOAD TO PRESSURE" and they can take as much as 1.5 times the intended amount. I believe they do it on purpose. Those therapeutic blood donation places separate the blood components when they take it too (informative). To plasma, platelets, and reds. If I recall right.. IN SHORT SOMETIMES THAT BAG IS FUCKING BULGING....! That can become serious in terms of the fact that blood is 50% plasma if I am correct on that stat. Not to mention the other stuff they are getting. Forget about stem cells and body generated GH, igf1 etc. I'm becoming convinced that insulin driven IGF-1 can be the death of us the the primary cause of bodies just getting bigger, wider, all that jazz...
3. @LW64 - My point exactly is that ferritin is removed proportionately faster than blood components in general, in terms of how if replenishes (my suspicion). On FERRITIN. I suspect my levels a LOW from drinking... As alcohol is the only other thing we ingest with neutral polarity that can interact with both FAT and WATER which in my opinion can open the cellular gateway for either which can mean EITHER DIRECTION...
4. I do feel we all need more copper. I believe zinc is the counter for copper and therefore chealates it similar to to the salt/potassium relation (for reference example).. CAREFUL supplementing. Copper goes a LONG WAY. But if you are one to jack in some extra zinc, think twice if you are not loading copper too. IMHO, ZMA supps should include a touch of copper...
5. I'm not that sharp on ferritin protein yet. I am working on it. Feel free to educate me.
6. I am taking aspirin now along with other things primarily ginkgo biloba, which I am starting to believe is a key to longevity along with tumeric. JUMP ALL OVER CO-Q10... I know way to many juicers and ex-juicers that remain heart-sound, and I believe simple because of this stuff. THE SCIENCE IS IN on Coq10 and you are crazy if you are not adding it in..
7. Personally I am finding that anywhere in the 2-350mg range of testosterone supplementing with no other steroids involved, every 6 weeks blood letting is optimal. I like to stay around 17 on the hemoglobin measurement for what that's worth and how it relates to these other factors I am discussing. More exogenous steroids in the game of blood letting I estimate complicate for sure. But anything more that once every 6 weeks and I get weaker and off kilter.
8. It won't be long before I start actively experimenting more with "E-Stim" application of modulating A/C current to pre-load the body with electrical energy for exercise. Sexual stimulation and otherwise I will experiment with both. I also have a few hypotheses about how sexual e-stim affects the testicles and whether or not certain frequencies and can shut the testicals down, or ever reset them for better functionality. its more that getting your junk off there is something going on with that stuff that is being over looked. As a whole body mechanism..
9. I have recently found myself at a unique juncture where I want to simple be the best naturally genetically intended human I can be. I am hitting the gym now for a while burning no less than 1000 calories a day, sometimes going back for seconds in the evening. I am also experimenting with the new trend of RED LIGHT therapy as well as sauna and INFRARED SAUNA. These things are new trends and I suspect underrated in both positive as well as negative potential effects. But you are talking to a BBC3 that has full plans to shed 75 lbs in 6 months to a year. What I am finding amazing is that as hard as I am working in the stepper I am having ZERO HIP INFLAMMATION. That says something BIG. In fact I am having no pain anywhere. I will be starting a thread to discuss RED LIGHT and IR SPECTRUM SAUNA very soon.
10. On the thread topic of Iron's relation to SHBG. THis is going to be a tough one. It will take a lot of look and I am not letting it go hijacking my own thread here. I simply have bigger fish on the fryer at the moment....

** I did BTW have a liver issue that was causing a lack of creation of ESTERASE ENZYME that had me whacked for some time. I have removed some of the offending concomitant substances that were interefering with that as well as laying off for a while to clear the esterfied testosterone that was SATURATED THROUGHT MY BODY and things have turned around. But the biggest game changer is getting on that stepper for a min of 1 hour a day and 1K calories. 200mgs/wk TRT is once again restoring me like a newbie... That heave calorie burn is just draining every bit of excess right out of me. My liver is thanking me..

I'm done on this today. Please feed back if you seen merited.
you got alot wrong. blood bags are 500ml no larger maybe 10% more? they are pretty strict with how much blood u can give.. and as a metric person it looks like half a litre to me, looks smaller than 500ml if anything...

when u have high ferritin you actually get high zinc aswell. a lady wrote a paper on this, may of been just theoretical

booze does help absorb iron but not because it open cellular pathways. we have phospholipid membranes that can take in both and also bile etc that helps absorb fats

what makes u think we are low in copper? amino acids chelate metals aswell.. our food is not short on chelators from salt fertilizers. not sure how much research is done on the main 2 that are used in humans but may be interesting to look into for u. prob depends on what u eat and your water source about how much copper u get. think its more about the ratio of zinc and copper rather than levels for most folks.

you can donate blood OR plasma as they can take a crap load more plasma than blood so much more effective doing it separately. completely different set ups.

the issue with blood loss is more so to do with blood cells than iron as no blood cells u cant move O2... as u said we have plenty of iron stores in most parts of our body, not just blood.
you got alot wrong. blood bags are 500ml no larger maybe 10% more? they are pretty strict with how much blood u can give.. and as a metric person it looks like half a litre to me, looks smaller than 500ml if anything...

when u have high ferritin you actually get high zinc aswell. a lady wrote a paper on this, may of been just theoretical

booze does help absorb iron but not because it open cellular pathways. we have phospholipid membranes that can take in both and also bile etc that helps absorb fats

what makes u think we are low in copper? amino acids chelate metals aswell.. our food is not short on chelators from salt fertilizers. not sure how much research is done on the main 2 that are used in humans but may be interesting to look into for u. prob depends on what u eat and your water source about how much copper u get. think its more about the ratio of zinc and copper rather than levels for most folks.

you can donate blood OR plasma as they can take a crap load more plasma than blood so much more effective doing it separately. completely different set ups.

the issue with blood loss is more so to do with blood cells than iron as no blood cells u cant move O2... as u said we have plenty of iron stores in most parts of our body, not just blood.
I said we are low on copper because zinc chelates it. Many vitamins do not add copper but they all seem to have zinc. Most workout supps tend to include zinc. Many people will also take it as ZMA at night.

For the life of me I am not sure but I tested low in magnesium a few years ago. real low..

Firstly and honestly I don't understand why it's not PLATELETS that they are concerned with in therapeutic phlebotomies for steroids users..??!? WHY ARE THEY NOT JUST TAKING PLATELETS??? But the following will explain why they don't take DOUBLE REDs as a protocol like some guys round here would go on about. It just seems to me that if blood clotting is the big concern about hormones then what gives? In fact, Lance Armstrong would tell you the opposite because I think those guys like EPO which is basically adding red cells for more optimization O2/CO2 gas functionality in athletic events. I'm sure the blood just gets too think and does not flow right even if just due to reds. But I am also sure they should be monitoring platelets and maybe just only pulling them every so often too... But I am here to tell ya you ain't seen the bags they collect this blood in at this place. And I have seen the variance in fill capacities is ASTOUNDING... There is simply no denying I would take any bet that they an overload them by as much as 30% depending on the blood pressure of the patient. Hell, it was brought to my attention by a couple of friends that go to the same place. We can agree to disagree there.. I May try and sneak a photo. I can tell you my personal record is 5 minutes flat for them to tell me I am done and still sit there another minute before they clamp off my line CONVENIENTLY due to finishing up with another patient... I dont mind though I am over it and only go every 6-8 weeks works fine for 2-300 mgs test/wk...

On plasma. They want (1) liter these days. Its a hard bottle and no denying the amount. For the plasma lab rats they will take (2) liters a week for about 110 bux TOTAL. ITS CRIMINAL what they are doing to them. I think I did the math one time and if we have 5+ liters of blood in us at any given time, and half of that is plasma, then they are getting 1/3rd your plasma in a single donation depending on hydration levels maybe more. And while they will quickly tell you that plasma fully regenerates in 48hours - I WILL GUARANTEE YOU IT DON'T. you may get the fluid back.... But......

On red blood cells and WHY they count HEMOGLOBIN and not simply RED CELLS for donation purpose is because not every red cell has a hemoglobin attached to it, and even if one is, it may not be in optimal working condition. Hence the importance of the ferritin protein in hemoglobin and red cell production/function. Consider, Hemoglobin ALSO CARRIES AWAY THE CO2 for expulsion... So its a double pronged sword in ways.

THIS thread is self hijacking now. Why don't you give me something on why it is that IRON may or may not affect the liver, hormone levels, and possible insulin function...
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cause excess iron gets deposited in liver pancreas gonads causing inflammation/disfunction of those tissues. everyone deposits differently some folks its the brain, others its skin. aka copper diabetes.
cause excess iron gets deposited in liver pancreas gonads causing inflammation/disfunction of those tissues. everyone deposits differently some folks its the brain, others its skin. aka copper diabetes.
Well I wonder would an Earth magnet stick to my left nut?? Im posting a pic if it does..

I guess I could see that I'm guessing a metal is going to gravitate to fat and long carbon bonds.

Its interesting when you put it like that too because it immediately takes my headspace to the relation of IRON in the body's electrical system, and how body-electrics involves with health. You know in certain light, you can consider mainstream drugs, food, minerals as POLARITY MODULATORS and CHARGE FACTORS. Saying, the drug just may not be working by the means we think it is.. AT ALL... Kinda like see'ing hot and cold weather systems mixing not as temperature related, but more like polarity in true action and effect...

I still wonder why I have low magnesium and it seems like magnesium is required for proper iron metabolism, or is that calcium uptake.?? A quick study would indicate that high iron levels may inhibit proper magnesium proportion and activity..

Honestly and leveling the field to non-hypothetical, I NEED A HARD CORE 10 DAY FAST SO BAD RIGHT NOW. It's coming soon... I am full up on a lot more than bullshit right now...
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some iron forms are not ferrous(ie won't be attracted to magnets) ;) strange, yet true... think the expirement is putting magnet to steel wool and rusting the steel wool and trying again... something like that

many people are magnesium deficient as soil gets depleted quickly of it and therefore food.

yes electrolytes/balance are/is vital
some iron forms are not ferrous(ie won't be attracted to magnets) ;) strange, yet true... think the expirement is putting magnet to steel wool and rusting the steel wool and trying again... something like that

many people are magnesium deficient as soil gets depleted quickly of it and therefore food.

yes electrolytes/balance are/is vital
I was actually magnesium low a few labs ago and got him to run one again he said they would cover it since low history was documented. Latest labs were right in the middle range. I have been taking a basic mag supp with the most common suffix (whatever the normal shit natures valley makes) and for only a couple months. Maybe I need it. Maybe I drink it low. I dont know I am not that knowledgeable and things that affect me I sometimes avoid in studies. GO figure...
mag glycinate/biglycinate or theonate are what u want for best absorption. try those.500mg 2-3 times a day, will get u back up in short order. magnesium is one of the first depleted nutrients from the soil so most food is low in magnesium, and is not applied in huge amounts like other plant macros. part of the reason why hydro food like tomatoes and lettuce taste so different from soil grown.

never heard of natures valley supplements but if u mean natures spring they sell mag oxide which has ultra lowest absorption and more used to make u shit. ie milk of magnesium
mag glycinate/biglycinate or theonate are what u want for best absorption. try those.500mg 2-3 times a day, will get u back up in short order. magnesium is one of the first depleted nutrients from the soil so most food is low in magnesium, and is not applied in huge amounts like other plant macros. part of the reason why hydro food like tomatoes and lettuce taste so different from soil grown.

never heard of natures valley supplements but if u mean natures spring they sell mag oxide which has ultra lowest absorption and more used to make u shit. ie milk of magnesium
Well you know. Natures whatever or SpRING Valley. Probably the same manu. And FWIW, I had doc run MAG again right after my last post and I was back in range. All I am doing is taking the cheap ass oxide form put me right in range. The biggest neg I suspect is the harshness on the gut. I honestly think that if I were to stack Mag OX on Creatine Mono, I would be shitting down my leg at urinals. If I were to toss in a gram or two of vit C twice a day on that i would just to be sure I am afraid to fart... :p

I honestly get paranoid about bringing MAG up to range because I think its necc for calcium absorption which I am trying to deplete to clear cervical spurs.. I sometimes get so far outside the box that I have to wonder these things. For example, are cataracts not direct damage to to eye lens from sun, but a protective coating put on lens to protect the more important retina... So the point is - IS MY BODY RUNNING LOW ON MAG TO KEEP CALCIUM ABSORPTION DOWN as amelioration in order to prevent further calcium conglomeration>>>???? Really I wonder...?

Personally I am developing a suspicion that COPPER is underlooked and because it can get so dangerous so fast. but Zinc cheales copper out the body and we all get plenty of zinc.. SO..... Now we get into a qualification of just HOW ZINC and COPPER affect the body electrics, and how they might interact with the iron D/C battery/retention functions, and what all gives there...
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