Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

I couldn't get on here for a few, but when I started using tapatalk again it let me on. I have posted up a few things... just so people don't get hurt hahaha. I'll be around tho because no matter what I will always like this place, some of the best guys I have met on forums are from here.
Come back sure know how to put bad people in their place lol. It is people like you that make this place great.
Wow hes not the shadiest here, @pumpingiron22 is a Junior Penis computer nerd,lies alot makes things up. The shadiest here are @pharmacom and their associates. They are out here scamming in the hundreds of thousands monthly. Worst thing is they are protected by almost everyone on here.

Please show some respect for the forum and (1) avoid repeatedly spamming unrelated threads with off-topic messages; and (2) avoid posting essentially the same message in multiple threads.
Please show some respect for the forum and (1) avoid repeatedly spamming unrelated threads with off-topic messages; and (2) avoid posting essentially the same message in multiple threads.

Millard,I do show respect to the forum members. People are being scammed daily for hundreds of dollars. Millard at minimum wage it could take some of our members a week or so to send a few hundred dollars to pharmacom. I think it's disrespectful to the members and to the community when a scamming source is getting covered up. I know you can ban me whenever you want,but at the end of the day I know my will is good.
It isn't right to let our members get scammed out of thousands of dollars. Threads complaining about pharma have existed ever since they got to the scene,when you look around and you find multiple threads with 20+ pages of the SAME thing it says something about the current situation.

Had Pharmacom been treated equal to other sources,they would have been out of here since 2015 and our members would not have been scammed. It doesn't take a genius to find out what is going on here,but it doesn't make it right.

I think it is unethical that Pharmacom is allowed to sell here after so many of our members have been scammed. Why isn't anything being done @Millard Baker. Why do people here look the other way when it comes to pharma. I have been lurking your website for at least 7 years and it is an absolute shame that the principles on which this website were founded no longer apply to pharmacom.

It isn't right Millard,I feel wronged that I was scammed sure.However it pours salt into the wound when these guys are allowed to continue scamming and fleecing members. I get warned from you for "spam" they steal 100s of thousands of dollars from our members and they do not even get a slap on the wrist.

What happened to integrity?
Millard,I do show respect to the forum members. People are being scammed daily for hundreds of dollars. Millard at minimum wage it could take some of our members a week or so to send a few hundred dollars to pharmacom. I think it's disrespectful to the members and to the community when a scamming source is getting covered up. I know you can ban me whenever you want,but at the end of the day I know my will is good.
It isn't right to let our members get scammed out of thousands of dollars. Threads complaining about pharma have existed ever since they got to the seen,when you look around and you find multiple threads with 20+ pages of the SAME thing it says something about the current situation.

Had Pharmacom been treated equal to other sources,they would have been out of here since 2015 and our members would not have been scammed. It doesn't take a genius to find out what is going on here,but it doesn't make it right.

I think it is unethical that Pharmacom is allowed to sell here after so many of our members have been scammed. Why isn't anything being done @Millard Baker. Why do people here look the other way when it comes to pharma. I have been lurking your website for at least 7 years and it is an absolute shame that the principles on which this website were founded no longer apply to pharmacom.

It isn't right Millard,I feel wronged that I was scammed sure.However it pours salt into the wound when these guys are allowed to continue scamming and fleecing members. I get warned from you for "spam" they steal 100s of thousands of dollars from our members and they do not even get a slap on the wrist.

What happened to integrity?
Don't ignore but acknowledge my message. Here it is again:

Please show some respect for the forum and (1) avoid repeatedly spamming unrelated threads with off-topic messages; and (2) avoid posting essentially the same message again and again in multiple threads.
Two years ago you were in your 30s but now you are in your mid 20s? I know Im a nobody here, but that seems odd to me.

PI is a sociopath. Or an out of control addict. Or both. The very first assumption to be made with every post is that every poorly crafted sentence contains 100% lies and misdirection. Don't ever shed a tear for this guy. Not one sniffle.
Millard,I do show respect to the forum members. People are being scammed daily for hundreds of dollars. Millard at minimum wage it could take some of our members a week or so to send a few hundred dollars to pharmacom. I think it's disrespectful to the members and to the community when a scamming source is getting covered up. I know you can ban me whenever you want,but at the end of the day I know my will is good.
It isn't right to let our members get scammed out of thousands of dollars. Threads complaining about pharma have existed ever since they got to the scene,when you look around and you find multiple threads with 20+ pages of the SAME thing it says something about the current situation.

Had Pharmacom been treated equal to other sources,they would have been out of here since 2015 and our members would not have been scammed. It doesn't take a genius to find out what is going on here,but it doesn't make it right.

I think it is unethical that Pharmacom is allowed to sell here after so many of our members have been scammed. Why isn't anything being done @Millard Baker. Why do people here look the other way when it comes to pharma. I have been lurking your website for at least 7 years and it is an absolute shame that the principles on which this website were founded no longer apply to pharmacom.

It isn't right Millard,I feel wronged that I was scammed sure.However it pours salt into the wound when these guys are allowed to continue scamming and fleecing members. I get warned from you for "spam" they steal 100s of thousands of dollars from our members and they do not even get a slap on the wrist.

What happened to integrity?

Who looks the other way? I've stated several times that Pharmacon had problems, and that I wouldn't used them. Others have as well. In fact, there's at least one negative thread about them right now.

You want Millard to ban them for scamming but where's the proof? Where are the hplcs and mass specs that show bunk gear? Where are your bloods?

If you want to hurt Pharmacon on this forum, you're going to need proof. Your say so isn't going to do it and constantly repeating the same rant is actually hurting your case. Provide proof and you'll sway opinions. Until then you're wasting your time.

Pharmacon have lots of nuthuggers but you're letting them scare you away from criticizing them. State your opinion. That's all you can do. It's not up to you or me or Millard or anyone else to protect the people that refuse to do their research. It's up to them to make their own decisions based on the evidence, not dick riders and critics.

Meso hasn't changed. You're still free to criticize whomever you want. If you don't agree go to a source board and criticize Pharmacon and see what happens.
Threads complaining about pharma have existed ever since they got to the scene,when you look around and you find multiple threads with 20+ pages of the SAME thing it says something about the current situation.

And yet you still bought from them.

Go piss and moan in the pcom thread where it belongs.
Millard,I do show respect to the forum members........
I think it's disrespectful to the members and to the community......
I think it is unethical......
What happened to integrity?
In the last 10 days you have accused many New and Longstanding MESO members of being UGL shills, faggots or bitches.
Anyone who has suggested you keep your fight it the appropriate thread or pointed out that you have NO data of your own, you have labeled them a shill.
There are actually 4 search pages totaling 62 times in 10 days that you have branded someone on MESO a shill.
upload_2017-7-18_23-29-21.png So I'm going to call bullshit on your claim that "you do show respect for forum members".

You have openly accused MESO of being a covert, for-profit, pay-to-play source board and you've accused Millard of being the financial benefactor of the operation.
Yet you're quick to give @Millard Baker your opinion on what you "think is disrespectful to the members and to the community" ?

Likewise you've accused Anaboliclab of being an equally covert, for-profit extension of MESO.

And your comment of "when you see a member with anAnaboliclab Supporter tag"....."it screams shill", that probably ups your disrespect for members, MESO, Anaboliclabs and Millard by 10 fold.
Yet you're still here.
Still here using other people's data to fight with your source in other people's threads.
But you're using your own thoughts, opinions and beliefs to hate on MESO, it's members, Anaboliclab and Millard.

Because we fear what we don't understand, and we hate what we fear.
I never liked PumpingIron22.... ever since he came out with that "I get bored and I find people Thread"

Then he comes into threads with clickbait to tag IP addresses.... stating that's his Hobby?

The only thing I enjoyed of his is that he was a big dude... If that was him.... I remember he was doing some sort of photo shoot? But who knows pictures are easily duplicated.... google is king.
In the last 10 days you have accused many New and Longstanding MESO members of being UGL shills, faggots or bitches.
Anyone who has suggested you keep your fight it the appropriate thread or pointed out that you have NO data of your own, you have labeled them a shill.
There are actually 4 search pages totaling 62 times in 10 days that you have branded someone on MESO a shill.
View attachment 73014 So I'm going to call bullshit on your claim that "you do show respect for forum members".

You have openly accused MESO of being a covert, for-profit, pay-to-play source board and you've accused Millard of being the financial benefactor of the operation.
Yet you're quick to give @Millard Baker your opinion on what you "think is disrespectful to the members and to the community" ?

Likewise you've accused Anaboliclab of being an equally covert, for-profit extension of MESO.

And your comment of "when you see a member with anAnaboliclab Supporter tag"....."it screams shill", that probably ups your disrespect for members, MESO, Anaboliclabs and Millard by 10 fold.
Yet you're still here.
Still here using other people's data to fight with your source in other people's threads.
But you're using your own thoughts, opinions and beliefs to hate on MESO, it's members, Anaboliclab and Millard.

Because we fear what we don't understand, and we hate what we fear.

This right here should be the post that finally shuts that little asshole with the big mouth up. Granted, it won't, because he's a full fledged idiot and doesn't know when enough is enough, but i for one applaud this post and give it my official seal of approval. Very well done, sir!
This right here should be the post that finally shuts that little asshole with the big mouth up. Granted, it won't, because he's a full fledged idiot and doesn't know when enough is enough, but i for one applaud this post and give it my official seal of approval. Very well done, sir!
fist, foot or cock. That's what it takes for someone like this to keep their mouth from moving long enough to obtain a clarifying thought.

Clearly, he can't function without his emotions driving his every move. My wife is slowly delving into menopause. He reminds me of this.
Here are multiple times he posted women he googled in the see your ladies thread. One is a online hooker. So yes, google is king for this member.
I never claimed she was mine. Nor would I ever post my mate on here.

The first thing I learned about meso is never give info on who you are. Reason we all use Avatars and vpns and Tor.

If you think I would actually really post anything about my true identify.
You've lost your mind.

I think people forget this is the wide open web and this meso is not even private board anybody can look on here. Government agencies as well as feds. Local law NSA !!!!! and all the above are cataloging all the info on here.

And If you think anybody really is who they say they are you saddly mistaken. First thing I learned at meso is

First thing I learned at meso is

that's a shame. I've built a good handful of quality relationships. I've met a member outside of Meso a few times now. I've made a good friend or two as well. There are guys here that would get my assistance if they needed it and I trust they would be there for me if they could be.
I never claimed she was mine. Nor would I ever post my mate on here.

The first thing I learned about meso is never give info on who you are. Reason we all use Avatars and vpns and Tor.

If you think I would actually really post anything about my true identify.
You've lost your mind.

I think people forget this is the wide open web and this meso is not even private board anybody can look on here. Government agencies as well as feds. Local law NSA !!!!! and all the above are cataloging all the info on here.

And If you think anybody really is who they say they are you saddly mistaken. First thing I learned at meso is

It's kinda sad how little you have made yourself with these post. You make threads posting pictures of people that are not you like you are some bb making fun of the way others look? I mean why make a thread? I'll answer that for you... so these people you are talking Shit about will look up to you.

You also posted them pictures in let's see your girl thread so people would think you were with these girls and don't say you didn't. If you didn't want people to think that you wouldn't of posted them in let's see YOUR girl lol.

You got something off in your head man, this is kinda like odiem. It's ok to want people to like you, but do it on your own not act like something you're not. You claim all these guys lie about who they are... well I can promise you that's not true. That's just another line trying to get people to feel sorry for you. Either get off the drugs or go seek some help because you got something going on.
that's a shame. I've built a good handful of quality relationships. I've met a member outside of Meso a few times now. I've made a good friend or two as well. There are guys here that would get my assistance if they needed it and I trust they would be there for me if they could be.
You said it buddy. [emoji39] I ordered pizza swing by if you want. Park in the neighbors driveway cause my roommates leaving soon.

And If you think anybody really is who they say they are you saddly mistaken.

Many people on here are who they say they are. They don't feel the need to lie to get admiration from a bunch of internet strangers. Most people are comfortable being themselves.

I'm guessing the reason you come here is because your real life is lacking in areas and you created a fantasy life to help you cope.

But let me ask you this, in this fantasy life you created did you ever imagine you would complain about other grown men bullying you? If everything is fake, why do you care?