Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

I do however want to also ask the community forgiveness. The one thing I am guilty of is crossing the line at one time in my life here from member to S. That I'm guilty of! And understand my punishment.
I am guilty of being mean and telling stories and I'm am imberessed that I stoop to that level.
I have never scamed anyone here.

I did tell members that I accept donations for my services. Some donated. Most did not after I got them set up.

For now on I will create a Bitcoin and security Q & A thread and will answer questions from the community within the legal realm. I will stop be time to time to answer any questions asked.
Thank you PI
Once again, you're doing what you do best and I honestly kinda feel bad for you. But you need to come completely clean if you want people to actually forgive you

There are many here who know this is not the only source who you've done dirty PI
I'm not nearly as concerned about Omega posting in this thread as I am about PI being allowed to use it as a diversion. The focus should remain entirely on PI, otherwise he gets what he wants which is devide and conquer.
You have been so deadset on trying to rid of me for years. And now you are having a fit. That your accusations did not stick. I know you obsessed with me.
your in late 60s and you want to retire now. You no longer hit the gym but spend countless hours behind you PC. I'm in my mid 20's I have alot of juice left in me old timer.
I'm not nearly as concerned about Omega posting in this thread as I am about PI being allowed to use it as a diversion. The focus should remain entirely on PI, otherwise he gets what he wants which is divide and conquer.
I see what you're saying but it's doubtful that anyone could divert attention from how odd this guy is. The thing I am enjoying the most is keeping count of how many times pi says he is out of here then 5 minutes later pops back in. LOL
You have been so deadset on trying to rid of me for years. And now you are having a fit. That your accusations did not stick. I know you obsessed with me.
your in late 60s and you want to retire now. You no longer hit the gym but spend countless hours behind you PC. I'm in my mid 20's I have alot of juice left in me old timer.

Everytime you post what you think you've discovered about me, you prove what a fraud you really are. You know nothing about hacking and technology.

Stick to cleaning urinals, PI. That's your calling. Leave the tech stuff to the guys that really know what they're doing.
You have been so deadset on trying to rid of me for years.

Not for years. I always thought you were just weird and probably had no friends, but it wasn't until way after the spetz scam that I began to become suspicious about you. It probably started when docd called you out on info collecting.

I thought your behavior during the spetz scam was odd but didn't think you were bright enough to pull off a scan yourself. It wasn't until I started looking into you more that I realized what a greasy fuck you really are. You are one of the shadiest motherfuckers I've ever encountered and you feign mental retardation to get away with it. You're pathetic.
Once again, you're doing what you do best and I honestly kinda feel bad for you. But you need to come completely clean if you want people to actually forgive you

There are many here who know this is not the only source who you've done dirty PI
There is more to the real story. But I feel my security is at risk. As I've discussed with another member.
Not for years. I always thought you were just weird and probably had no friends, but it wasn't until way after the spetz scam that I began to become suspicious about you. It probably started when docd called you out on info collecting.

I thought your behavior during the spetz scam was odd but didn't think you were bright enough to pull off a scan yourself. It wasn't until I started looking into you more that I realized what a greasy fuck you really are. You are one of the shadiest motherfuckers I've ever encountered and you feign mental retardation to get away with it. You're pathetic.

Wow hes not the shadiest here, @pumpingiron22 is a Junior Penis computer nerd,lies alot makes things up. The shadiest here are @pharmacom and their associates. They are out here scamming in the hundreds of thousands monthly. Worst thing is they are protected by almost everyone on here.
Not for years. I always thought you were just weird and probably had no friends, but it wasn't until way after the spetz scam that I began to become suspicious about you. It probably started when docd called you out on info collecting.

I thought your behavior during the spetz scam was odd but didn't think you were bright enough to pull off a scan yourself. It wasn't until I started looking into you more that I realized what a greasy fuck you really are. You are one of the shadiest motherfuckers I've ever encountered and you feign mental retardation to get away with it. You're pathetic.
I leave the tech stuff with you. Keep those Trojan horses feed. Lol.
It's not hard to figure out that your way past prime And you always wanted to be a mocho man that's comes with being a officer and hotshot being a nerdy kid growing up makes since.

But you were just never really good with the gym life. You were jealous of other guys blamed it on the juice. After being retired on the Field
They moved you to the Cyber security department.
Instead you found meso to hate on Bodybuilders due to your jealousy and crack down sources via internet..
Reason you won't talk about your cycle or use!!!!
But honestly I'm not going to even fight with you because back in the day we use to play good cop bad cop. I would get close to sources by chumming up with them and getting then to leak info about there operations. And you would play good cop. You knew the game we we're playing so it would be very easy to smudge me.
But I will give you the ultimate deal.
Admitted about your use of steroids
When the last time you did?
And if you have ever bought steroids?
And our you apart of any local or fedral or government agencies?
Answer this and you have my word I will leave this fourm forever. I promise!
I been reading this thread and I have to say it's pretty crazy at all the stories.

What I am wondering tho... ain't pi the guy that got called out in the most shredded thread for posting pictures that was actually from a website saying it was him?

I ask this because I was looking at some threads and he has one saying he's going to compete. I would just about bet my membership to his membership that the two pictures are of different guys. I could be wrong, but they have slightly different muscle shapes. Also it's pretty sad making fun of the way someone looks calling them fat or whatever when you post fake pictures. I could be wrong about the most shredded thread, but I'm pretty sure it was him that did it.
I been reading this thread and I have to say it's pretty crazy at all the stories.

What I am wondering tho... ain't pi the guy that got called out in the most shredded thread for posting pictures that was actually from a website saying it was him?

I ask this because I was looking at some threads and he has one saying he's going to compete. I would just about bet my membership to his membership that the two pictures are of different guys. I could be wrong, but they have slightly different muscle shapes. Also it's pretty sad making fun of the way someone looks calling them fat or whatever when you post fake pictures. I could be wrong about the most shredded thread, but I'm pretty sure it was him that did it.

You're right that the pics he posted were questioned but I don't know if it was ever proven if they were of someone else or not.
I been reading this thread and I have to say it's pretty crazy at all the stories.

What I am wondering tho... ain't pi the guy that got called out in the most shredded thread for posting pictures that was actually from a website saying it was him?

I ask this because I was looking at some threads and he has one saying he's going to compete. I would just about bet my membership to his membership that the two pictures are of different guys. I could be wrong, but they have slightly different muscle shapes. Also it's pretty sad making fun of the way someone looks calling them fat or whatever when you post fake pictures. I could be wrong about the most shredded thread, but I'm pretty sure it was him that did it.
Yeah here's the real pics of nerdy cancer boy @pumpingiron22

You're right that the pics he posted were questioned but I don't know if it was ever proven if they were of someone else or not.
It seems like the ones he posted in that thread were straight from a photo shoot lol. I know the ones he posted back then to the ones he just poster are not the same guy. That Shit just gets under my skin and if someone does something that small who knows what else they will lie about
It seems like the ones he posted in that thread were straight from a photo shoot lol. I know the ones he posted back then to the ones he just poster are not the same guy. That Shit just gets under my skin and if someone does something that small who knows what else they will lie about

Well speaking for myself, I lost every ounce of respect once he admitted to trapping and cataloging members' IP addresses. He initially states it was something he did, then denied doing it, then said he didn't do anything bad with the info, then said it was a joke or something like that. So 4 different explanations for the one thing. Of course he lies. He's lied in this thread.the money for the pizza was initially a sob story about a broke father then it was a social experiment then it went back to the sob story.
Well speaking for myself, I lost every ounce of respect once he admitted to trapping and cataloging members' IP addresses. He initially states it was something he did, then denied doing it, then said he didn't do anything bad with the info, then said it was a joke or something like that. So 4 different explanations for the one thing. Of course he lies. He's lied in this thread.the money for the pizza was initially a sob story about a broke father then it was a social experiment then it went back to the sob story.
I have had to read this thing 3 times just to make sure I wasn't crazy. I didn't want to post anything until I was sure of what I read and that was very hard considering he went back and forth so much.

I think I am just going to go back to not posting anymore, I only see a few of you guys I enjoyed talking to. I just can't believe some of the advice I am seeing these guys give "I won't say new guys because I am still newer than a lot" so I just try and help out. It was a pleasure talking with you doc.
Im short height 5'8
Age in my 30's
BF finally down to 8. I want to be around 4 or 5 % year around. And really build up from there.

You have been so deadset on trying to rid of me for years. And now you are having a fit. That your accusations did not stick. I know you obsessed with me.
your in late 60s and you want to retire now. You no longer hit the gym but spend countless hours behind you PC. I'm in my mid 20's I have alot of juice left in me old timer.

Two years ago you were in your 30s but now you are in your mid 20s? I know Im a nobody here, but that seems odd to me.
I have had to read this thing 3 times just to make sure I wasn't crazy. I didn't want to post anything until I was sure of what I read and that was very hard considering he went back and forth so much.

I think I am just going to go back to not posting anymore, I only see a few of you guys I enjoyed talking to. I just can't believe some of the advice I am seeing these guys give "I won't say new guys because I am still newer than a lot" so I just try and help out. It was a pleasure talking with you doc.

By not posting it just allows bad information to spread. If you see something wrong, post up. It would be nice to see some of your posts again.

The pleasure was mutual. No homo (maybe just a little homo).
By not posting it just allows bad information to spread. If you see something wrong, post up. It would be nice to see some of your posts again.

The pleasure was mutual. No homo (maybe just a little homo).
I couldn't get on here for a few, but when I started using tapatalk again it let me on. I have posted up a few things... just so people don't get hurt hahaha. I'll be around tho because no matter what I will always like this place, some of the best guys I have met on forums are from here.