Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

Ok new scenarios -

Step into heavy traffic

Go surfing and accidently drown

Sex with an AIDS patient

Buttfucked by large penised donkey

Skydiving, forget chute

Hoodie in Florida

Take a bath in venomous spiders

Someone knows what he did last Summer

I mean, I gave the basis for the idea, he can choose how to make it look legit. Then again, if he cant afford a pizza, probably has no life insurance. Too bad, guess he's useless as a parent.
The 20 year old girlfriend was in the headlines recently for pushing her BF to suicide and encouraging it. The law extends and has begun to go after cyber crimes as well such as cyber bullying etc.
For what? Erm, in my quoted example is it not clear that Mister Jaymax is persuading Pumping to kill himself?

Where did your post come from? Telling me to fuck off for what?....

It would take some research though. The young lady was easily found. PI would have to leave a note outing his screen name and his "harassment", and then they would have to come find me. And it would be an FBI case most likely since it is across state lines (or countries as he now claims). Seems like a lot of work. I mean maybe they would try, but Im guessing LE has more pressing problems.

Or they could find me and charge me. Would be an interesting convo in the prison for why Im there. I dont know how suicide antagonists are treated in the system.
And the only reason I said anything about it is he has stated multiple times that internet bullying might make him do it and we'll feel so bad. So he put the seed in my mind (Im justifying, just go with it).
It would take some research though. The young lady was easily found. PI would have to leave a note outing his screen name and his "harassment", and then they would have to come find me. And it would be an FBI case most likely since it is across state lines (or countries as he now claims). Seems like a lot of work. I mean maybe they would try, but Im guessing LE has more pressing problems.

Or they could find me and charge me. Would be an interesting convo in the prison for why Im there. I dont know how suicide antagonists are treated in the system.
I didn't mean to imply that anybody would launch an investigation and you will go to jail for it, I said it is illegal. And that was mainly in the terms I was speaking to Mindlesswork about people not having common sense and that rules aren't needed.
And the only reason I said anything about it is he has stated multiple times that internet bullying might make him do it and we'll feel so bad. So he put the seed in my mind (Im justifying, just go with it).
Thank you jaymaximus for all your ideas for me to commit sucide.i guess I have alot to think about @millard This is the behavior I was talking about. I'm all for free speech. But this is Bullying verbal and emotional abuse for ones pleasure. Asking one to commit sucide and then to give ways to do it or to insinuate. I don't believe or promote that.
And it's just plain wrong

Trolls vs Internet bullies
Everybody is wondering why you are not answering my question?

Nobody, not one person here is wondering that - just you. You dont have to do steroids to establish credibility. You, on the other hand, will never establish any credibility regardless of all the plagiarized and copy/paste material you post.

And now youve been linked to pedophilia and kiddie porn? That's more messed up than anything else ive witnessed on this site. CBS summed up your existence a few pages back. I may bump that up occasionally to serve as a reminder for current members and new members to avoid you like the plague that you have become. You really are sick.
You did post links to pedophile sites after all.

Odd that you ignored that. That's a pretty serious allegation and most people are so disgusted by chomos they'd vehemently defend themselves. You didn't and that speaks volumes.

Is this a fact? Did he really post that stuff? Out of everything in this thread, that's something that is incomprehensible and a lack of a verbal defense does speak volumes. Shilling and scamming be damned, but chomo activity on any level is completely over the line. Disgusting.

And now youve been linked to pedophilia and kiddie porn?

To be fair, it is very unlikely that @pumpingiron22 knowingly posted hyperlinks to darknet pedophilia websites and darknet cryptocurrency scams. The pedo hyperlinks to the pedophile sites were included in one of his posts that included literally over 1000 darknet onion URLs. He probably just casually glanced at the list on some darknet website and thought it would be cool to copy it and paste on MESO. Any judgment should be viewed in this context.

Even if it wasn't his intention to promote these type of sites, anyone should know better than to spam the forum with over 1,000 hyperlinks. My biggest problem with @pumpingiron22 post is that it represented a long-term pattern of carelessness in posting of "spammy", unverified, questionable and sometimes fraudulent hyperlinks.

His tendency to copy and paste content from other websites is largely to blame. This often had the unintended consequence of including dozens of embedded hyperlinked keywords. Sometimes, these hyperlinks were to fraudulent websites. For example, in his "This is how PI does Bitcoin" thread, he posted a link to a supposed bitcoin tumbling service that was really a scam site.

It is my opinion that there was never any malicious intent only poor judgment and carelessness.


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To be fair, it is very unlikely that @pumpingiron22 knowingly posted hyperlinks to darknet pedophilia websites and darknet cryptocurrency scams. The pedo hyperlinks to the pedophile sites were included in one of his posts that included literally over 1000 darknet onion URLs. He probably just casually glanced at the list on some darknet website and thought it would be cool to copy it and paste on MESO. Any judgment should be viewed in this context.

Even if it wasn't his intention to promote these type of sites, anyone should know better than to spam the forum with over 1,000 hyperlinks. My biggest problem with @pumpingiron22 post is that it represented a long-term pattern of carelessness in posting of "spammy", unverified, questionable and sometimes fraudulent hyperlinks.

His tendency to copy and paste content from other websites is largely to blame. This often had the unintended consequence of including dozens of embedded hyperlinked keywords. Sometimes, these hyperlinks were to fraudulent websites. For example, in his "This is how PI does Bitcoin" thread, he posted a link to a supposed bitcoin tumbling service that was really a scam site.

It is my opinion that there was never any malicious intent only poor judgment and carelessness.
Thank you for the clarification Millard. In my heart I was hoping that it was something like that. I'll never be able to understand that mentality, ever.

@pumpingiron22 sorry for passing judgment in that regard
To be fair, it is very unlikely that @pumpingiron22 knowingly posted hyperlinks to darknet pedophilia websites and darknet cryptocurrency scams. The pedo hyperlinks to the pedophile sites were included in one of his posts that included literally over 1000 darknet onion URLs. He probably just casually glanced at the list on some darknet website and thought it would be cool to copy it and paste on MESO. Any judgment should be viewed in this context.

Even if it wasn't his intention to promote these type of sites, anyone should know better than to spam the forum with over 1,000 hyperlinks. My biggest problem with @pumpingiron22 post is that it represented a long-term pattern of carelessness in posting of "spammy", unverified, questionable and sometimes fraudulent hyperlinks.

His tendency to copy and paste content from other websites is largely to blame. This often had the unintended consequence of including dozens of embedded hyperlinked keywords. Sometimes, these hyperlinks were to fraudulent websites. For example, in his "This is how PI does Bitcoin" thread, he posted a link to a supposed bitcoin tumbling service that was really a scam site.

It is my opinion that there was never any malicious intent only poor judgment and carelessness.
Thank you Millard for clarifying this. It means alot to me.
And you are correct some times in my excitement of sharing things I would just quickly browse and copy and paste. It's hard some times to know what's behind those links. And when it comes to Bitcoin and dark web what's good one day can be bad the next or selectively scamming. I now would advise not to ever use any sites or 3rd Parties on the darkweb if you do it's at your own risk.
I do however want to also ask the community forgiveness. The one thing I am guilty of is crossing the line at one time in my life here from member to S. That I'm guilty of! And understand my punishment.
I am guilty of being mean and telling stories and I'm am imberessed that I stoop to that level.
I have never scamed anyone here.

I did tell members that I accept donations for my services. Some donated. Most did not after I got them set up.

For now on I will create a Bitcoin and security Q & A thread and will answer questions from the community within the legal realm. I will stop be time to time to answer any questions asked.
Thank you PI
I do however want to also ask the community forgiveness. The one thing I am guilty of is crossing the line at one time in my life here from member to S. That I'm guilty of! And understand my punishment.
I am guilty of being mean and telling stories and I'm am imberessed that I stoop to that level.
I have never scamed anyone here.

I did tell members that I accept donations for my services. Some donated. Most did not after I got them set up.

For now on I will create a Bitcoin and security Q & A thread and will answer questions from the community within the legal realm. I will stop be time to time to answer any questions asked.
Thank you PI
id like to preface this by saying I do not keep email records. However I was uneasy about this whole orde and archived emails and I was correct.

So a few weeks ago @pumpingiron22 pm'd me and gave me a sob story about how he's low on gear and will be paid shortly. We had a great conversation about how working for government contracts and such they make you wait forever before paying you. He asked me to front him 16 vials. I initially was very hesitant but eventually gave in and sent 6x test, 6x deca on a promise to pay.

Well he never paid. The pm's of his side of the conversation have been edited to ".". Unfortunately for him I have proof of all of this. @pumpingiron22 is a scammer. And nothing but a scammer. Please review the following link

Luckily he can't edit my reply quoting him, so you see him asking. Then he emails me with the promise to pay. He confirms delivery(I also have his tracking archived as well for proof but I cannot and will not post that publicly)

ON TOP OF THAT he makes a joke about obeast trying to scam me. Scummiest scum of the world. I decided not to bring this forth publicly for a while but in a pm to me you did say I could put you on blast if you didn't pay. I have had 0 correspondence from you whatsoever

It's a matter of principle. Fuck scammers, if your self worth is so low you're willing to scam someone over $400 then you're a money worshipping piece of shit. Karma is a bitch.

Edit: I find it interesting in the one being accused of being a scammer everyday but in the only one getting scammed it seems! Lmao.

Money comes and goes, but once your morals are gone, they're gone for good.

Nah fuck you bro. If you were really poor you could've just said so and I would've helped you out. That's straight up malicious to scam me.

You and I, after all that crytpocurrency talk and you literally specifically saying multiple times you'd pay in Bitcoin or ethereum randomly decided on cash in mail? Makes a lot of sense. Should I post the email where you're even asking for a Bitcoin address and I sent it to you? What's your rebuttal on that one?

Did you see my response pages ago about cash in mail when it was brought up? Absolutely fucking not.

Yeah the guy that sells Bitcoin for a living did cash in mail? Lmfao.

I have have his addy and location along with lots of info. My crypto funds were caught up so I did cash in mail.

We were talking by encrypted messaging not email when. We spoke about CIM!!!!!

So you ask me for a Bitcoin address and I provide one and then you pay cash in mail?

Honestly anyone reading this should be insulted that PI thinks you guys are stupid enough to believe this shit

Soon as I get home. Ill post his address. If you guys ready want it.

Honestly I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I've been here for ages. Why the hell would I ruin my rep for a couple of bottles of test? Really bro think about it. But if you guys choose sources over members be my guest. Look at my track record and look at his.

We talked on wicker when he gave me his address I wrote it down. So that's all I have

Really? I can go back several pages to our conversation about OPSEC and you said you were impressed I do believe.

You don't have an addy. At very most you have a made up address I pulled out of my ass for a fake return addy that's not even remotely close to where I live.

Wickr is hardly safe. I'm surprised a tech nerd like you doesn't know that. Maybe you should look into that.

You're a scammed and you got caught. You're not as smart as you think you are.

You edited pm's. @jaymaximus camrbout and said you do that, apparently that's not uncommon for you.

I have emails of you offering to pay Bitcoin, asking for a Bitcoin address, sending me your address, but magically convinced me to accept cash in mail.

But you of course cannot provide proof of this because I don't communicate via Wickr. And magically we switched over from emails. Surely you have the email where we traded Wickr names right? Or discussed it? Where are those emails at?

But you had to teach me? Shatters your story. Plus your bullshit Wickr you made up is timestamped as of last night. Not 2 weeks ago. It shows your messages delete after 24 hours so how could you possibly still have messages from weeks ago.

Shattered your story again. You keep digging yourself deeper and deeper

Yes CIM. I did ask for his BTC address. But I didn't feel safe sending him BTC. Since I was helping him set up his Tumblebit Hidden wallet which is the only one that can not be tracked.
As BTC transaction are being very watched right now. But he also seemed to be having issue with past customers with BTC.
I mailed in funds. I did receive my package 2 test 2 decca.
He's a scammer he scamed obeaste by giving him the wrong addy I didn't believe it at first but he's scamming and I bet you all his gear is way under dosed it's just a matter of time before he exits!!!! I usually get from potg and should of stuck with what I know but he opens and closes so much these days only reason I decided to try some one else. Never again I tell you that.

And it's basically my word against his

He asked me to front him gear long before any testing were done. He couldn't have known. I've posted more than 1 proof of that.

He then promised to pay on. The 30th and multiple times says he will pay via Bitcoin or ethereum whichever I prefer. He even goes as far as to ask for a Bitcoin address, and I provided one. There is also proof of this I posted.

He then is trying to tell you guys he (the Bitcoin guru) convinced me to do cash in mail after I specifically said in my thread I would NEVER accept that and it's stupid.

But wait, it gets better.

He then says I talked to him via cash in mail over Wickr. He posts last night a Wickr conversation that apparently is from 2 weeks ago AND IS TIMESTAMPED at 1:53 am last night. Also you can see that he has it set to expire 24hrs after. Then the messages are deleted forever. Fake. Absolutely stupid on his part.

He also claims we talked on Wickr so he could reach me about security. Above I have quoted him where he publicly stated weeks ago I know what I'm doing and have a good understanding. So he taught me stuff he already stated I knew all about?

Apparently he also begs for money but also posted an account with 700k in it. He also told me pm(proof posted of this as well) he accepts PayPal for Bitcoin. Now why would a guy who sells Bitcoin, has 700k, need gear fronted, then do cash in mail, then ignore my pm asking for repayment. Then posts "proof" of a Wickr conversation from last night but claims it was from 2 weeks ago.

I stated from the beginning, I don't give a shit about the money. But fuck scammers.

Apparently he's also posted links to log IP addresses of members and he threatened to doxx me and post my address. Which he doesn't have lmfao. Go to my thread there's plenty of proof posted by me. He hasn't posted shit except a Wickr convo that proves he's lying

2 of each huh? That's weird. I also have the email where you wanted 8x each and as you can see I sent 6x each.

How's it going spetz. It's against fourm rules to post in other threads. You obviously have no respect for the members or rules here.
I have never scamed anyone here.

You did scam here. Both cases I'm aware of involved scamming sources but I strongly suspect you were involved in the spetz scam. In fact, I have not doubt you were involved.

And then there is the issue of your incessant lying. This thread is full of your lies and changing stories - some of which happened within 1 or 2 posts of each other. I can't recall anyone lying as much as you and doing it so poorly.

For now on I will create a Bitcoin and security Q & A thread and will answer questions from the community within the legal realm.

Don't bother. Your knowledge on these matters is elementary at best, and there are far more knowledgeable members they can answer any tech questions members have. You're trying to keep your foot in the door and it's not welcome. Just go away.
Dude how many times do you have to be told to stay in your own thread? You are a source not a member and you said in your thread that you acknowledged that. Jumping into this thread is not your place. Cut the shit. We get it, you don't like him okay. We all get it.
Dude how many times do you have to be told to stay in your own thread? You are a source not a member and you said in your thread that you acknowledged that. Jumping into this thread is not your place. Cut the shit. We get it, you don't like him okay. We all get it.
I am not a source, nor a member. I've closed down shop and not accepting orders. Just think he along with everyone else needs reminding of his scam so he can't weasel his way back in.
Dude how many times do you have to be told to stay in your own thread? You are a source not a member and you said in your thread that you acknowledged that. Jumping into this thread is not your place. Cut the shit. We get it, you don't like him okay. We all get it.

I'm not nearly as concerned about Omega posting in this thread as I am about PI being allowed to use it as a diversion. The focus should remain entirely on PI, otherwise he gets what he wants which is divide and conquer.
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