Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

Many people on here are who they say they are. They don't feel the need to lie to get admiration from a bunch of internet strangers. Most people are comfortable being themselves.

I'm guessing the reason you come here is because your real life is lacking in areas and you created a fantasy life to help you cope.

But let me ask you this, in this fantasy life you created did you ever imagine you would complain about other grown men bullying you? If everything is fake, why do you care?
No I'd rather not have LE have my real info. Those who get to casual. Put there identities at risk. Why do you have a fake name? Why not put your picture up?
Why because there are risk doing so.
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No I'd rather not have LE have my real info. Those who get to casual. Put there identities at risk. Why do you have a fake name? Why not put your picture up?
Why because there are risk doing so.

Right. So today's story is all the lies you tell are to throw off LE? Can't wait to see what tomorrows lame excuse is.
You posting those women in the show YOUR ladies thread would be like someone posting a picture of Ronnie Coleman in the biggest, most shredded thread.
Many people on here are who they say they are. They don't feel the need to lie to get admiration from a bunch of internet strangers. Most people are comfortable being themselves.

I'm guessing the reason you come here is because your real life is lacking in areas and you created a fantasy life to help you cope.

But let me ask you this, in this fantasy life you created did you ever imagine you would complain about other grown men bullying you? If everything is fake, why do you care?

This is some Fruedian class shit right here. *golf clap*
If you think I would actually really post anything about my true identify.
You've lost your mind.

I think people forget this is the wide open web and this meso is not even private board anybody can look on here. Government agencies as well as feds. Local law NSA !!!!! and all the above are cataloging all the info on here.

No I'd rather not have LE have my real info. Those who get to casual. Put there identities at risk. Why do you have a fake name? Why not put your picture up?
Why because there are risk doing so.

Really, PI? Even after you posted what you *claimed* were pics of your face? You were singing a much different song when you were begging for money.

Let's take a little stroll down memory lane, shall we?

Yes sir. I got tired of hiding behind Avi

I'm on the road to BB and I'm very blessed to have a family that backs me and a awesome coach. I rather show my face now to be insperation to others.

The ups and downs Look at Matt Porter he is who he is on foutms and what not and he's never had any trouble And to be honest The Gov and NSA has so much info they all know who we are anyways.

There not interested in a little people like us but the big guys. Plus I have a doctor's note ;)

I still have all my tech protections. But here I rather be my self.

All lies!

I think we have a pretty good idea of who the real PI is and it's not a pretty sight.

And If you think anybody really is who they say they are you saddly mistaken. First thing I learned at meso is


Hopefully people have learned not to trust you, PI.
Really, PI? Even after you posted what you *claimed* were pics of your face? You were singing a much different song when you were begging for money.

Let's take a little stroll down memory lane, shall we?

All lies!

I think we have a pretty good idea of who the real PI is and it's not a pretty sight.

Hopefully people have learned not to trust you, PI.

Well CBS, I am glad I read through to the end of this thread because it saved me a whole lot of time. The second I read that he was scoffing at the idea that anyone would expose anything about their true identity, I immediately remembered just 2 months ago when he was patting himself on the back for his big coming out here at Meso, which included VERY, VERY clear pictures of himself in the gym (might have been his garage?) along with the posts you quoted above.

It is ALWAYS so interesting how these shady members flame out here. It is the same movie ending to the same movie, every time.
--they scam and play games and do what they do under the radar
--finally a member who is invested enough here at Meso, finally has enough clues to step forward and question the shady member
--the shady member denies at first
--the shady member starts to contradict themselves and expose their own lies
--the shady member starts to crack
--the shady member claims to not care anymore
--the shady member claims they are not going to stick around, because after all, "this place sucks now" and "this is why every other forum laughs at Meso" and "you guys are losers and I have been playing you all along anyway" and claiming to have been intentionally punking Meso (social experiment anyone?)
--they repeatedly claim they are leaving for good, yet keep posting anyways
--then they claim something like "you guys can't make me leave, I'll stay just to piss you off"
--finally they leave, and/or most likely come back under a different handle

Same ending, different shady member.
Well CBS, I am glad I read through to the end of this thread because it saved me a whole lot of time. The second I read that he was scoffing at the idea that anyone would expose anything about their true identity, I immediately remembered just 2 months ago when he was patting himself on the back for his big coming out here at Meso, which included VERY, VERY clear pictures of himself in the gym (might have been his garage?) along with the posts you quoted above.

It is ALWAYS so interesting how these shady members flame out here. It is the same movie ending to the same movie, every time.
--they scam and play games and do what they do under the radar
--finally a member who is invested enough here at Meso, finally has enough clues to step forward and question the shady member
--the shady member denies at first
--the shady member starts to contradict themselves and expose their own lies
--the shady member starts to crack
--the shady member claims to not care anymore
--the shady member claims they are not going to stick around, because after all, "this place sucks now" and "this is why every other forum laughs at Meso" and "you guys are losers and I have been playing you all along anyway" and claiming to have been intentionally punking Meso (social experiment anyone?)
--they repeatedly claim they are leaving for good, yet keep posting anyways
--then they claim something like "you guys can't make me leave, I'll stay just to piss you off"
--finally they leave, and/or most likely come back under a different handle

Same ending, different shady member.
No I basically just gave up? I got tired of defending my self. So you guys wanted a Villan I became one and just agreed with everything that was throw at me. After I saw how quickly members turned there back on me with zero evidence from CBS. He just has old shit he throws at me with no proof. The other half members who some I have talked to me through pm don't believe and agree with mess but there the same ones slandering me here on this form that shit is two faced! I wouldn't have friends like that in my real life and I sure will not put up with it here.
So you collect ips been doing it for a long time. Do you mind explaining the reason why you collect ips on this form.
Man what the hell just happened here. Just read through this whole thread. Crazy and disappointing to say the least.

METRO PCS?? Boiiii you're poor as shit. no wonder you scammed me for $400 with your broke ass $40 per month ass 3G line

Watch yer mouth (fingers), big shot.

So an internet drug dealer with an iPhone > an honest working man who can "only" afford Metro PCS?

Cool world you live in.

Have you ever had to go without? Have you ever been down on your luck and didn't know how you were gonna pay your rent? Ever been unable to pay for a BLT, let alone a PCS? Plenty of us here have, so save the income shaming for you and your fellow internet drug dealers, Big Baller.

Show some more respect and class than that.
Watch yer mouth (fingers), big shot.

So an internet drug dealer with an iPhone > an honest working man who can "only" afford Metro PCS?

Cool world you live in.

Have you ever had to go without? Have you ever been down on your luck and didn't know how you were gonna pay your rent? Ever been unable to pay for a BLT, let alone a PCS? Plenty of us here have, so save the income shaming for you and your fellow internet drug dealers, Big Baller.

Show some more respect and class than that.
I've already deleted my comment. And I will refrain from posting after this and stick to my own thread. I agree with exactly what you've said. But I also don't scam $400 of sources and post an account with 700k in it like he does. Go read the thread brother, may shed a little more light. Also around page 100 in my thread there's quite a bit of information.
Watch yer mouth (fingers), big shot.

So an internet drug dealer with an iPhone > an honest working man who can "only" afford Metro PCS?

Cool world you live in.

Have you ever had to go without? Have you ever been down on your luck and didn't know how you were gonna pay your rent? Ever been unable to pay for a BLT, let alone a PCS? Plenty of us here have, so save the income shaming for you and your fellow internet drug dealers, Big Baller.

Show some more respect and class than that.
Good chance it's just a burner phone anyways. Who cares about phone service ...
Man what the hell just happened here. Just read through this whole thread. Crazy and disappointing to say the least.

You have more patience than I do I didn't want to read all the way through it.
You have more patience than I do I didn't want to read all the way through it.

I always do this really annoying thing where I'll start to read a thread like this, see that it is 25 pages long, tell myself not to read the whole thing, then get about 10 pages deep and tell myself "fuck it, I already read this far, might as well get to the end, and then stay current from there".
I always do this really annoying thing where I'll start to read a thread like this, see that it is 25 pages long, tell myself not to read the whole thing, then get about 10 pages deep and tell myself "fuck it, I already read this far, might as well get to the end, and then stay current from there".
Same game just different players this time. It gets old.