Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

I never once came to you asking if I was doing it right. The idea is rediculous. I was capturing IPs before you even knew what one was. I knew you already had spetz's IP and I simply asked for varification on the one I had.

You can't even be honest in your farewell post (cry for sympathy). Everything you say is lies.

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So you basically admitted you captured ips.

It ok for you but not me hence the double standard. And by pming you are asking to verify your methods are correct. Lol
Hes fucking weird one day he's coming after everyone's IP address , the next hes apologizing now leaving. I think this is honestly a head case here. @pumpingiron22 you need serious therapy and psychiatric help.
Is that a threat? If you are thinking you'll attempt to take down the forum you are nuts. @Millard Baker is certainly prepared for that if you ever tried to do this.

That was the impression i got from that too.

PI your story and subsequent flip flopping all wreak of bullshit. Then the umpteen times you claimed you were done, but came back to add more makes it look exactly as JayMax said it does.

Posting veiled threats isn't going to help you in any manner and you know that. You're supposed to be a smart dude, act like it.
The pizza story that all of you think is so funny. Graduation for my little one my funds got messed up as the irs sticks there hands in first.. it was a sad moment as a father.

Here's the saddest / most pathetic part, not only are you not man enough to take care of your family, but there's no one in the real world who cares enough about you to help. You had to beg strangers to feed your kid. No wonder you keep coming back, obviously you have no where else to go.

Truthfully the manly thing to do would be end it. At least your daughter would get life insurance. If you love your daughter you know what you have to do.
At least your daughter would get life insurance. If you love your daughter you know what you have to do.
@MindlessWork See? Good example of lack of common sense, this is actually against the law and has landed people in jail to push people to suicide...

Meso has become a game of limbo, how low can you go?:D
I saw this one girl "walk" or "limbo" under a car.. Pretty impressive.
@Sworder...fuck who in jail? For what? Sounds like you have sand in your Va-J.
The 20 year old girlfriend was in the headlines recently for pushing her BF to suicide and encouraging it. The law extends and has begun to go after cyber crimes as well such as cyber bullying etc.
For what? Erm, in my quoted example is it not clear that Mister Jaymax is persuading Pumping to kill himself?

Where did your post come from? Telling me to fuck off for what?....
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The 20 year old girlfriend was in the headlines recently for pushing her BF to suicide and encouraging it. The law extends and has begun to go after cyber crimes as well such as cyber bullying etc.
For what? Erm, in my quoted example is it not clear that Mister Jaymax is persuading Pumping to kill himself?

Where did your post come from? Telling me to fuck off for what?....
I don't agree with what's being said by tellin him to off himself although I think I may have told someone to do that before here (maybe Italian muscle or someone like that), but that story is much different than what's happening here.

Maybe that makes me a hypocrite (I spell that right? :D)
He doesn't have to tell you, as such things are common sense rules on ANY forum. Posting personally identifiable info on forums is generally a bannable offense and practically every board I am familiar with has that as a rule whether written or simply common sense.
It's not common sense. There needs to be a line drawn or else everyone could agree weather ips posted is to much. Me, I don't know who the guy is through that ip so fuck it. He's safe. Now if he posts his name and addy then that's to much obviously (common sense). So were do we draw the line mindless? Then I'll ask someone else the same question. I bet you I get atleadt 1 different answer. Now if that one person "crossed the line" and didn't know it should they be banned while others play in the gray area of posting personal info?

Don't make sense. Just saying.
I don't agree with what's being said by tellin him to off himself although I think I may have told someone to do that before here (maybe Italian muscle or someone like that), but that story is much different than what's happening here.

Maybe that makes me a hypocrite (I spell that right? :D)
I don't think that makes you a hypocrite... To an extent maybe, but if I smoke cigarettes and say that cigarettes are bad for you.. I am acknowledging it is wrong, even if I still smoke them. It's debatable
Here's the saddest / most pathetic part, not only are you not man enough to take care of your family, but there's no one in the real world who cares enough about you to help. You had to beg strangers to feed your kid. No wonder you keep coming back, obviously you have no where else to go.

Truthfully the manly thing to do would be end it. At least your daughter would get life insurance. If you love your daughter you know what you have to do.

Life insurance companies don't pay out on cases of suicide, as far as i know.
But you're a creative fella, i'm sure you could come up with a plausible accident scenario that would benefit his family.
Here's the saddest / most pathetic part, not only are you not man enough to take care of your family, but there's no one in the real world who cares enough about you to help. You had to beg strangers to feed your kid. No wonder you keep coming back, obviously you have no where else to go.

Truthfully the manly thing to do would be end it. At least your daughter would get life insurance. If you love your daughter you know what you have to do.

Nope.There is no life insurance on suicide actually. Otherwise people would buy expensive policies and off themselves.
Ya I knew a guy that killed himself and the family got his life insurance. I can't say how it happened or how long it took, but I know for a fact they got every bit of the money.
Nope.There is no life insurance on suicide actually. Otherwise people would buy expensive policies and off themselves.
There is a 2 year contestability period, after that you can do whatever you want... Google it
Suicide: Most life insurance policies also have two year suicide clauses in them, which say the carrier doesn’t pay the death claim if you commit suicide within the first two years. In such a case, their liability is usually limited to a refund of premiums.

AFTER TWO YEARS, the policy is said to be “incontestable”. You can die any way want (including suicide), and the insurance carrier still has to pay out. I read about a case recently where a person with HIV successfully purchased a life insurance policy.

He was able to do so by lying on the application about his condition, and having a friend show up for the medical exam, giving blood and urine in his place. When he died four years later, even though he had committed fraud, the insurance carrier had to pay out.