Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

You time line is obvious shill. I'm sure you love pharmacon
Yeah....I speak so fondly of them....weak sauce PI, weak sauce.

You've been outed PI and it stings, we get it, it's supposed to sting.
It's on the internet forever and now, someday your daughter will know what she's suspected all her life, ever since she was a child, ever since daddy started visiting her room late a night.
She'll know her father fucked a lot people he shouldn't have, he fucked his friends and fucked his family and all for some bitcoin, pizza and hormones.
You want me, come get me:

Bull, motherfucking shit @Pharmacom Helper!
Had you said "it's not probable, or highly unlikely" I wouldn't flame on you, but you didn't, so fuck you.
You said "it's simply "impossible" and that is a bold-faced, motherfucking, straight-up, dick-sucking, shilling-ass, lie!
Listen, I've used pcom products in the past (where or who I got them from isn't relevant) without infection.
You, @Pharmacom Helper ain't helping! You insult the knowledge of whats left of the "Harm Prevention" MESO community when you make a stupid-ass, motherfucking, shilling-ass statement like "it's simply
"impossible" for bacteria to exist, and or propagate in the world of Pharmacom!
Bull, motherfucking shit!!
Am I wrong?

Right and in the end that was all proven wrong..I was the victim of some very vindictive people on other forums.
Exactly so where is the proof I scamed any one? Or worked for spetz or marvel
Stole Bitcoins. Had sex with Jay's sister.
Is there anything else?
There is none just flying accusations.
I only admitted to one thing and one only.
See you left when they called you out and they still call you a pervert here. You a fool just trying to get along if you really think that people don't think that still.
See when you blame something on some one or make a thread you better have tangible proof other than hear say.
Exactly so where is the proof I scamed any one? Or worked for spetz or marvel
Stole Bitcoins

The source posted proof you scammed him. You took gear and didn't pay for it like you promised.

You've been unable to prove you paid for the gear, except for a poorly fabricated email and you couldn't even spell his name properly or get the timestamps right. That was the most pathetic attempt at a fabrication I've ever seen and you had over 24 hours to put it together. Some computer whiz you are, PI. Lmfao

Had sex with Jay's sister.
Is there anything else?

Unless Jay's sister is a minor, she'd be too old for you, PI. You did post links to pedophile sites after all.

Odd that you ignored that. That's a pretty serious allegation and most people are so disgusted by chomos they'd vehemently defend themselves. You didn't and that speaks volumes.
I would then warn people who had wallets created by him to create new wallets and immediately transfer out any coin in those that PI22 created and delete them.

He was telling people he would create crypto-currency wallets for them? This was a known thing?

JFC people, if he had hung out a sign saying "I am going to cheat you at some point." it would have been LESS obvious.
@pumpingiron22, when it comes to computers and small time hustling, you have me beat. When it comes to a battle of wit and intellect you have no chance against me.

Everything you say gets flipped on you. It gets worse and worse. You could, and should, just go away. But youre pride wont let you.

Everything you read hits you right in the heart. It hurts, and you want revenge, you want me to feel what you feel.

Unfortunately this leads to a never ending cycle. You say something corny, I say something much more clever, and youre back at square one.

You are the Meso version of Sisyphus and I'm a boulder. If this was a boxing match your corner wouldve thrown in the round 1. Basically Im saying, for the love of God Rocky, JUST.STAY.DOWN.
That probably true your the coolest guy on this fourm. But only here and you can have it. But in real life your just a punk that can't hold his temper and has a hard holding a realtionship. Your pretty much have a dad bod with high bf. And can't say on point with your diet. In the real world not only am I cut as hell on point.
And in a few months I will be a millionare. So I'm good bro have all you want here I will move on with my life.
I've 100% told the truth about what I'm guilty about and that was one thing. And did help source for a private lab which you tried to put in a order but I was busy!!!! So you're basically a hipcrate!
Really what you mad about is I called your friend out Omega!!!! Yeah I know about that. Why would you wait almost 2 yrs to call me out about this but now all assuden. Why did you wait two years.
Now because you were waiting to use it your benefit.

Anyways I'm signing out. I'll check in a few months when jay whole story comes to light and get on a fucking diet bro that's not bulking that's call un disiplend and lazy. You will thank me for these words one day as it was told to me Along time ago.
Exactly so where is the proof I scamed any one?
I already gave you 2 examples that you have even admitted to, where you scammed members here.
(1) You tricked / scammed member into clicking a link that logged their IP address.
(2) You scammed members into sending you bitcoins so you could buy a fucking pizza.

You can lie or try to play semantics by calling it a "social experiment" either way, it was dishonest and monetarily benefited you.....surprise, surprise.

You wanna know what a true social experiment looks like?
Start an open uncensored forum, let people be themselves and see what happens to the people for being who they are.
How are you liking the results of the MESO Steroid Underground...."social experiment" now that it's clear who you are?
I already gave you 2 examples that you have even admitted to, where you scammed members here.
(1) You tricked / scammed member into clicking a link that logged their IP address.
(2) You scammed members into sending you bitcoins so you could buy a fucking pizza.

You can lie or try to play semantics by calling it a "social experiment" either way, it was dishonest and monetarily benefited you.....surprise, surprise.

You wanna know what a true social experiment looks like?
Start an open uncensored forum, let people be themselves and see what happens to the people for being who they are.
How are you liking the results of the MESO Steroid Underground...."social experiment" now that it's clear who you are?

Let him go. No need to respond. Do you think even one person believes a word he said in here? Let this page be the last words of a desperate man.
The source posted proof you scammed him. You took gear and didn't pay for it like you promised.

You've been unable to prove you paid for the gear, except for a poorly fabricated email and you couldn't even spell his name properly or get the timestamps right. That was the most pathetic attempt at a fabrication I've ever seen and you had over 24 hours to put it together. Some computer whiz you are, PI. Lmfao

Unless Jay's sister is a minor, she'd be too old for you, PI. You did post links to pedophile sites after all.

Odd that you ignored that. That's a pretty serious allegation and most people are so disgusted by chomos they'd vehemently defend themselves. You didn't and that speaks volumes.
No body knows exactly what's behind the onion sites. As it's all in jibber. it was list of popular list. That happen to be in there. And Omega has not proved anything other than we spoke.over pm that's it and that's hardly evidence. His wicker the time stamp. It just a timer all they all count down you have 7 days till the delete. Do you homework? So that proves nothing for me or him period.
He can't prove anything and neither can I. And why did he scam Obeast88?
I know you don't like me and you want to rid of me. But wouldn't you feel better knowing you really got me. This way is pretty lame
No body knows exactly what's behind the onion sites. As it's all in jibber. it was list of popular list. That happen to be in there. And Omega has not proved anything other than we spoke.over pm that's it and that's hardly evidence. His wicker the time stamp. It just a timer all they all count down you have 7 days till the delete. Do you homework? So that proves nothing for me or him period.
He can't prove anything and neither can I. And why did he scam Obeast88?
I know you don't like me and you want to rid of me. But wouldn't you feel better knowing you really got me. This way is pretty lame

You keep saying youre leaving and keep posting. Dont you realize everyone is laughing at you. This thread is number one on Meso right now and every member is scrolling through pages laughing at you.

Despite what you may think, Im trying to be nice when I say just fade away. Use another handle.

I know youre sitting alone in a room somewhere, just seething that you put in work for years to build up this screen name and now its over.

You dont have enough money to take care of your family

Your once proud body is riddled with cancer

And now this

There's no winning here. No redemption. No one is going to come around. You have no allies. No friends. Nothing.

You can come with lame reply after lame reply, or keep asking questions you think will prove your point. Does not matter. IT IS OVER. DONE.

Oh and here is a present before I leave Omega is usa spetz look at his ai's and Jay max works with him on the side. Or at least that's what I was told by omega

Reason for the call out on me because I wouldn't help spetz!! He thought we would be buddies he sent me gear on the house for 5 dollars. That's the reason I didn't want to post the transaction.
You keep saying youre leaving and keep posting. Dont you realize everyone is laughing at you. This thread is number one on Meso right now and every member is scrolling through pages laughing at you.

Despite what you may think, Im trying to be nice when I say just fade away. Use another handle.

I know youre sitting alone in a room somewhere, just seething that you put in work for years to build up this screen name and now its over.

You dont have enough money to take care of your family

Your once proud body is riddled with cancer

And now this

There's no winning here. No redemption. No one is going to come around. You have no allies. No friends. Nothing.

You can come with lame reply after lame reply, or keep asking questions you think will prove your point. Does not matter. IT IS OVER. DONE.
Your still fat bro. Work on that diet those are like bingo wings on a fat Chic
Your still fat bro. Work on that diet those are like bingo wings on a fat Chic

Yes I am fat. Obese actually. Diabetic. I drink gravy and pie all day. Next...

And Im still waiting for that pic of your cancer body since youre so cut up. I mean maybe all the gear you scammed helped, but Im betting you still look real cancery. Let us see. Dont be scared.
I'm a Pcom shill, Jay is fat and CBS is LE......we get it, but we can all buy our own pizza.
Breakfast pizza please :)

I hate watching a ship sink but I love it all at the same time.

You did post links to pedophile sites after all.

Odd that you ignored that. That's a pretty serious allegation and most people are so disgusted by chomos they'd vehemently defend themselves. You didn't and that speaks volumes.
Is this a fact? Did he really post that stuff? Out of everything in this thread, that's something that is incomprehensible and a lack of a verbal defense does speak volumes. Shilling and scamming be damned, but chomo activity on any level is completely over the line. Disgusting.