Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

What we have here, and in a few of Pi's other recent posts, is a perfect example of a long term member in his death throes.

He knows it's over and his credibility has been destroyed, he knows the gravy train has been derailed and that he'll take no more money from Meso members. And he also knows there is no getting the scammer train back on track. But he's still in the shock phase of grief, so he's lashing out at anyone and everyone and everything in a desperate but futile hope that something - anything - will stick and save his crooked ass. But nothing can save PI now, not even a moderator from ProMuscle. Even they know when to cut a scammer loose.

This tirade could last a few more hours or even a few more days, but rest assured, eventually PI will arrive begrudgingly at the acceptance stage and then it will be all over. Pi's reign of scamming, spamming, and duplicitous behavior will have come to it's final conclusion.

There will be no more money taken from meso member's because of the PI name. There will be no more begging for food,; there will be no more illiterate posts in which he lies about English not being his first language; there will be no more member IPs captured against the user's will; there will be no more pliagiarized posts that he so clumsily tries to pass off as his own work in a feeble attempt to convince others that he's a computer expert. There will only be silence as PI joins Stretch, Odie, Manwhore and countless others who considered Meso their own private marketplace and its membership as ripe for the picking. PI will have joined the ranks of the shamed, never to be heard from again.

Goodbye, PI. You will not be missed. Don't let the door hit you in your shady ass on the way out.
Answer my question
When was last steroids Cycle?
Do you do steroids?
Have you ever done steroids?
I've only asked 100 times and you never answer being a part of the law you don't want to blow your cover?
How's your son? Do you still blame steroids for his death? That's why your so angry old man.

That right I've known a long time. Ever since we chatted and I taught you how to catch ip.

You will never rid of me or my other 100 handle's PI is my favorite one I bought so far.
You are law enforcement?????
Answer my question
When was last steroids Cycle?
Do you do steroids?
Have you ever done steroids?
Random hypothetical question

In the old Member status system someone got points for likes and messages, what if someone became a WKM and then people took their likes back? Could he be a junior member?

And yes, my weed is very good.
Random hypothetical question

In the old Member status system someone got points for likes and messages, what if someone became a WKM and then people took their likes back? Could he be a junior member?

And yes, my weed is very good.
Sure brother what ever you say I did. Because You and other's said so.
There is no evidence justifing anything.
I only admitted to one thing.

See that's the meso way let's bully until the person breaks down or shut up. It's fine that you don't like me. But those are cop moves guilty until proven guilty by any means. Lol
Random hypothetical question

In the old Member status system someone got points for likes and messages, what if someone became a WKM and then people took their likes back? Could he be a junior member?

And yes, my weed is very good.
Whats your bf @ aleast 20%[emoji16][emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]
Diet bro bulking doesn't mean eat junk food. And if you so awesome with chicks why are you always on the net stroking it.
What we have here, and in a few of Pi's other recent posts, is a perfect example of a long term member in his death throes.

He knows it's over and his credibility has been destroyed, he knows the gravy train has been derailed and that he'll take no more money from Meso members. And he also knows there is no getting the scammer train back on track. But he's still in the shock phase of grief, so he's lashing out at anyone and everyone and everything in a desperate but futile hope that something - anything - will stick and save his crooked ass. But nothing can save PI now, not even a moderator from ProMuscle. Even they know when to cut a scammer loose.

This tirade could last a few more hours or even a few more days, but rest assured, eventually PI will arrive begrudgingly at the acceptance stage and then it will be all over. Pi's reign of scamming, spamming, and duplicitous behavior will have come to it's final conclusion.

There will be no more money taken from meso member's because of the PI name. There will be no more begging for food,; there will be no more illiterate posts in which he lies about English not being his first language; there will be no more member IPs captured against the user's will; there will be no more pliagiarized posts that he so clumsily tries to pass off as his own work in a feeble attempt to convince others that he's a computer expert. There will only be silence as PI joins Stretch, Odie, Manwhore and countless others who considered Meso their own private marketplace and its membership as ripe for the picking. PI will have joined the ranks of the shamed, never to be heard from again.

Goodbye, PI. You will not be missed. Don't let the door hit you in your shady ass on the way out.
Damn CBS you sure have a way with words hahaha

On point
Why are you so short?
Being taller and broader in the shoulders is a sign of masculinity. Always has been.
No matter what runt. You aint gettin noooooo taller :D
Whats your bf @ aleast 20%[emoji16][emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]
Diet bro bulking doesn't mean eat junk food. And if you so awesome with chicks why are you always on the net stroking it.
Whats your bf @ aleast 20%[emoji16][emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]
Diet bro bulking doesn't mean eat junk food. And if you so awesome with chicks why are you always on the net stroking it.

Its sad you think a man talking about my appearance will offend me.

You had almost 24 hours to think of a comeback (after you tried to get on your knees and apologize) and that's your best?

I wouldve said something about my UC. Sometimes I shit blood. That a good start for a sick burn.

Or my fiance who cheated with my best friend when I was in Iraq. Twist that knife.

Youre like a mouse now. Im the cat just playing with you while you lie there helplessly. Only difference is the mouse gets a quick death while you die slowly in a hospital room. Cancer slowly eating you alive.

I would take pity on you, but in this instance I take pity on your loved ones. Think how hard this is for them. Having to see a once respected man reduced to a pathetic husk. You could do them the favor and save them grief. End it. Show @CensoredBoardsSuck that internet bullying has consequences. Your family will thank you (posthumously), and don't worry, I'll get your daughter pizza (well she'll get her ass up and go get it after we're done* ;) ).

*By done I mean having intercourse. In your daughters vagina.
Also if I have the time I try to masterbate at least twice a day, three times on non-training days. Because who's going to love me like me?
Its sad you think a man talking about my appearance will offend me.

You had almost 24 hours to think of a comeback (after you tried to get on your knees and apologize) and that's your best?

I wouldve said something about my UC. Sometimes I shit blood. That a good start for a sick burn.

Or my fiance who cheated with my best friend when I was in Iraq. Twist that knife.

Youre like a mouse now. Im the cat just playing with you while you lie there helplessly. Only difference is the mouse gets a quick death while you die slowly in a hospital room. Cancer slowly eating you alive.

I would take pity on you, but in this instance I take pity on your loved ones. Think how hard this is for them. Having to see a once respected man reduced to a pathetic husk. You could do them the favor and save them grief. End it. Show @CensoredBoardsSuck that internet bullying has consequences. Your family will thank you (posthumously), and don't worry, I'll get your daughter pizza (well she'll get her ass up and go get it after we're done* ;) ).

*By done I mean having intercourse. In your daughters vagina.
Did u read that pi22. Probably a good idea to pack your bags. Negative attention is better than no attention....nah I think that's bullshit!! You've done this, you've done that. Bla bla bla. You fucked up that's what you did. Just shut the fuck up, close the account and act like a man! You still have the gym right!!! Oh yeah it's pizza night at planet fitness. Rofl.
@pumpingiron22, when it comes to computers and small time hustling, you have me beat. When it comes to a battle of wit and intellect you have no chance against me.

Everything you say gets flipped on you. It gets worse and worse. You could, and should, just go away. But youre pride wont let you.

Everything you read hits you right in the heart. It hurts, and you want revenge, you want me to feel what you feel.

Unfortunately this leads to a never ending cycle. You say something corny, I say something much more clever, and youre back at square one.

You are the Meso version of Sisyphus and I'm a boulder. If this was a boxing match your corner wouldve thrown in the round 1. Basically Im saying, for the love of God Rocky, JUST.STAY.DOWN.
Pardon me jay but you have just lost all credibility to me, for somebody that claims to masturbate that often you don't even know how to spell the word correctly, I think I am going to be on PI side, PI be honest now are you a scammer (if you answer correctly I can even follow you or click like on some comments also) And fuck you Sworder if you read that
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DAMN BRO.....FUCKING RUTHLESS I LOVE IT!! HAHAHHA is this guy married? If he is you know his wife has a dick up her ass while wondering if her husband would ever recover lol,and if no wife then his daughter is getting skull fucked by Jaymaximus wondering if her dad will ever stop being a complete either @pumpingiron22 your getting fucked hahahahahaha ASSHOLE!!
@pumpingiron22, when it comes to computers and small time hustling, you have me beat. When it comes to a battle of wit and intellect you have no chance against me.

Everything you say gets flipped on you. It gets worse and worse. You could, and should, just go away. But youre pride wont let you.

Everything you read hits you right in the heart. It hurts, and you want revenge, you want me to feel what you feel.

Unfortunately this leads to a never ending cycle. You say something corny, I say something much more clever, and youre back at square one.

You are the Meso version of Sisyphus and I'm a boulder. If this was a boxing match your corner wouldve thrown in the round 1. Basically Im saying, for the love of God Rocky, JUST.STAY.DOWN.
Lol this seems fitting 6820c20b35315f102bc2fb35c767fa3d--steelers-stuff-steelers-football.jpg
Pardon me jay but you have just lost all credibility to me, for somebody that claims to masturbate that often you don't even know how to spell the word correctly, I think I am going to be on PI side, PI be honest now are you a scammer (if you answer correctly I can even follow you or click like on some comments also) And fuck you Sworder if you read that
It's pretty simple story.
A source that has already scammed people. Said I scamed him. Because I said his gear was bunk. Accusations started flying jay made a thread about me out of know where. CBS scoops in because he hates me and threw some old accusations at me from along time ago. And there no evidence to back it up.
I was asked if I ever sourced and I admitted I did a long time ago. Millard got on to me because I don't like Cyber bulling to the point that I'm is out of control. Millard says it an open board so everything fly's.
I basically have gave up and any accusations that are thrown I will just basically agree because one your called out you are no longer a member here. Not sure I ever read that in the fourm when I signed up. But no I have never scammed any one or plan to do so.

If anything I've wasted to much time contributing to this fourm.

Oh yeah and Cbs wont answers about if he has ever done steroids in his life
Ever bought steroids
Or his last Cycle?