Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

Oh yeah and Cbs wont answers about if he has ever done steroids in his life
Ever bought steroids
Or his last Cycle?

How about first you answer everyone youve tried to lie about. All have asked permission to post emails and PMs to give even more proof of your sad lying, but you conveniently forget to respond.

Stop holding on to this CBS bullshit. Youre getting clowned by everyone and you think you get some small victory going after him.

No victory is coming. You already lost.
How about first you answer everyone youve tried to lie about. All have asked permission to post emails and PMs to give even more proof of your sad lying, but you conveniently forget to respond.

Stop holding on to this CBS bullshit. Youre getting clowned by everyone and you think you get some small victory going after him.

No victory is coming. You already lost.
Damn Jay, you are so savage! Never has anyone fallen this far like PI, and he's fallen farther than even OdieM (who before his exposure and downfall, was more popular than PI22 had been). I myself feel humbled by your savage posts and would not ever want to face your wrath.
Damn Jay, you are so savage! Never has anyone fallen this far like PI, and he's fallen farther than even OdieM (who before his exposure and downfall, was more popular than PI22 had been). I myself feel humbled by your savage posts and would not ever want to face your wrath.


Thats the end. PI22 was on the ground squirming and Mindless finished him. Move on people, nothing to see here
PI, why were you posting links to pedophile sites on the dark web, as Millard pointed out earlier? Are you a chomo?

No. I would rather you not post hundreds of unverified onion hyperlinks as well as onion hyperlinks to known scam and pedophile sites.

That point has gone largely unnoticed but if you're a kiddie didler, that's even worse than being a scamner. I don't know anyone who would ever post links to pedophile sites unless they were a chomo. You're sick, PI. Very sick.
So here the deal I'm self employed. And waiting on a corporate account to pay Which there very late. So I'm broke so I took out my Bitcoin saving which takes 3 days to hit my spending. Well I sent it to the wrong pocket to emergency savings.
So now I have to wait 3 days till my funds and my check should hit wed.
My daughter graduate community college today and her brother wanted pizza and now I can't. This is imberresing but can a brother send me a BTC loan.. even 30.00 would help. I have no family or any one to ask and I feel like shit dad of the year! Can any one help?

The pizza deal was a moment in my life that was sad.and I don't need to explain. It's a long sad story
And honestly the pizza and Bitcoin was a social experiment. To see who would help a brother out. And 5 members all vets offered. And are still good friends to this day.

Even if you didn't scam for free gear, which you did, by snapping member IP addresses and pulling the shit above, you've lost the privilege of using the word "honestly" here.
PI, why were you posting links to pedophile sites on the dark web, as Millard pointed out earlier? Are you a chomo?

That point has gone largely unnoticed but if you're a kiddie didler, that's even worse than being a scamner. I don't know anyone who would ever post links to pedophile sites unless they were a chomo. You're sick, PI. Very sick.
Everybody is wondering why you are not answering my question?
I saw @Eman did it, so I did too. I want to be like him. I even have his name tatted on my chest. Its backwards so I can read it in the mirror, but to everyone else it just says namE.
Oh I see you changed you Avatar because you got your feeling hurt. [emoji22]
And I already figured out what source you are finally took some time to add the pieces.
Even if you didn't scam for free gear, which you did, by snapping member IP addresses and pulling the shit above, you've lost the privilege of using the word "honestly" here.
You time line is obvious shill. I'm sure you love pharmacon
Also has it occurred to anyone who may have had PI22 set up Bitcoin wallets and such may be at risk of getting coin stolen on the sly by PI22?
Oh I see you changed you Avatar because you got your feeling hurt. [emoji22]
And I already figured out what source you are finally took some time to add the pieces.

Yep. You hurt me really bad. Sniff sniff

And you still think a little victory over CBS will redeem you.

I dont care if he's never seen a steroid, still more valued and respected than you.

I don't care if he's FBI, still trust him more than you.

I don't care if he's secretly President Trump and he got bored tweeting and came here, still like him more than you.

Its sad knowing that after all your time here youve been reduced to this thread. Sad, but funny.
PLEASE can you type your comments in 1 post I am tired of clicking alerts I have to work out forearms today and all that click click can cause overtraining I think
You out of all people should know how it feels to be accused of thing you did not do. Remember when everyone said you were a child molester
Right and in the end that was all proven wrong..I was the victim of some very vindictive people on other forums.
PI keeps trying to get allies. Im literally in my house laughing out loud.

From Awesome member to begging for friends

From "tech guy" to scammer

From bodybuilder to rotten cancer body

This thread might be the most fun Ibe had on Meso. Its like running a train on a girl. Not only are all you and your homies fucking her, she has every chance to leave and stays, silently on her knees and back, eyes begging for more.
This could be true. He mines for bitcoin so I wouldn't hold it past him
I would then warn people who had wallets created by him to create new wallets and immediately transfer out any coin in those that PI22 created and delete them.