Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

Yep lets watch it with the cancer jokes , its not funny to alot of us who have to watch a family member slowly die from it.
Fat is just fat but cancer sucks...:(

You were someone I had in mind when I asked Jay to be respectful. I know he's pissed but I don't want too see him alienate members he gets along with. Certain things don't need pressed... I'd say the same thing to someone bringing racial shit to the table.
Is this a fact? Did he really post that stuff? Out of everything in this thread, that's something that is incomprehensible and a lack of a verbal defense does speak volumes. Shilling and scamming be damned, but chomo activity on any level is completely over the line. Disgusting.

I didn't see it but Millard did and called him on it.

I would rather you not post hundreds of unverified onion hyperlinks as well as onion hyperlinks to known scam and pedophile sites.
Everybody is wondering why you are not answering my question?
You can count me out of that broad blanket statement. I dont care why CBS is here. Hes as MESO as a punch to the face. If he was a baseball card hed prolly be Mariano Rivera. Yeah...the fucking sand man.
Night night cunt. THE closer is here.

That probably true your the coolest guy on this fourm. But only here and you can have it. But in real life your just a punk that can't hold his temper and has a hard holding a realtionship. Your pretty much have a dad bod with high bf. And can't say on point with your diet. In the real world not only am I cut as hell on point.
And in a few months I will be a millionare. So I'm good bro have all you want here I will move on with my life.
I've 100% told the truth about what I'm guilty about and that was one thing. And did help source for a private lab which you tried to put in a order but I was busy!!!! So you're basically a hipcrate!
Really what you mad about is I called your friend out Omega!!!! Yeah I know about that. Why would you wait almost 2 yrs to call me out about this but now all assuden. Why did you wait two years.
Now because you were waiting to use it your benefit.

Anyways I'm signing out. I'll check in a few months when jay whole story comes to light and get on a fucking diet bro that's not bulking that's call un disiplend and lazy. You will thank me for these words one day as it was told to me Along time ago.
In RL hes a badass veteran. Hed storm a killbox armed with only a k Bar and take out a dozen clones that look just like you. Full, frontal brutality in its rawest form. Your are not the same man. Some thing...lesser
You need to just give in. I've never seen so many pages of straight bashing before. I really don't know how you have the energy.
Your like a woman having the biggest NFL team run a train on her just to have them get done and her say, "That's it? Done already?"
You've got to be enjoying this some how.
Truthfully Im not mad at all, just pushing buttons. Sometimes it goes to far. I apologize if I offended anyone...except pumpingiron22.

I know, my friend. Just don't want you to rub your friends the wrong way at the expense of pushing PI's buttons, that's all.

The sex with daughter and pizza stuff was gold though. :D
I see this often on boards. This reads smells and feels like a relapse of a severe drug addiction. 20 for pizza? Is that what they call dope these days ?
His actions in the last few months were strange to say the least with pic of himself or what not. Wish you a soon recovery. Whatever is your situation we are all handles on the Internet, you're wasting your time defending your actions here,go get help. Who gives a flying fuck unless you're trying to profit from this place what people may think about your handle. It's so obvious you are in dire straits
Good luck
I see this often on boards. This reads smells and feels like a relapse of a severe drug addiction. 20 for pizza? Is that what they call dope these days ?
His actions in the last few months were strange to say the least with pic of himself or what not. Wish you a soon recovery. Whatever is your situation we are all handles on the Internet, you're wasting your time defending your actions here,go get help. Who gives a flying fuck unless you're trying to profit from this place what people may think about your handle. It's so obvious you are in dire straits
Good luck
He has posted some pics of himself, and while I do hope it's really him he looked quite jacked so it appeared he's put time in the gym. There was another pic he posted a while back that had his face as well.

For someone like that this whole situation is totally pathetic and I hope that PI is not another OdieM type who masterfully builds a persona on the forums only to slip up bigtime and shows how much of a sham he really is.
So here my full story. I have nothing to lose so here is the truth I have no intention of being a member here after what I have witnessed this is not Brother hood. So let's go way back in time since we're putting my whole members life on here?

The start my fist Cycle was Astro test and Tren.

My second was spetz and yes I was excited thinking I found the golden source I was still new to juice and giddy which we have all done at one time when. We were New. Lol spetz used my kindness and I defended him as I did not know better at the time also let's reamber meso was much different back in the day we didn't have all the rules made up by members do's and dont's

Then there was marvel. I like marvel and knew them from the dark web and have used it before. Not much to the story!

These are the things that CBS has called me out on but has Zero evidence.
He just throws the accusations until it sticks. No different than the tactics in our government.
Let's fast forward another year or so.
I learned about Tor and security and Bitcoins. During these years I taught alot of people how to use Tor and get set up as well as security pgp and keeping people safe. I taught it to the point we're it's just common knowledge around here if your a younger member you were probably not around and meso was very different like the wild wild west.
Me and other went on a crusade crushing sources alot of the reasons you see the techniques today! We used to use ip catchers to get sources as well a CBS to who came to me through pm to ask if he was doing it right.
We were all using these tools. Even though we taught members not to click on links or pictures so clicked on the links regardless that why there is a story that I catch members ips. They were for sources. I love IP catcher's and it just helps and proves if sources a keeping our security safe. New members did not like this and one day I was being a smart ass and said I catalog everyone's lol because I see no wrong using these tools to bring down sources.
During this time I also did very well with my crypto trading..

Fast forward...
There was a private source that I and alot of guys were using this was during the Era of sources vs private Sources debate.
I took interest as I wanted to see what it was like on that side after all these years of smashing sources. I like to know how things work education wise
What I come to find out is how two sided people are on this form and the secret agendas of most as well as the hirearchy that most still praise on this form. What I learned is how people say one thing and do another scared of what the masses will think. Who are real brother and one that are not and some who contribute nothing to this board other than troll like behavior.
During this time I got sick and quit everything I was doing this was a very scary time in my life
I spent it with family and told no one what was happening.
after targeting my cancer to my throat they took out my salvia glands. I was going to church and got saved. I'm so grateful for my life and family. I was in major debt and had to spend my BTC funds on my bills. So I no longer have those funds after medical almost losing my house car and everything.

I came back to meso fresh and ready to work out again as you guys have always motivated me.
The pizza story that all of you think is so funny. Graduation for my little one my funds got messed up as the irs sticks there hands in first.. it was a sad moment as a father. Being a survivor of cancer makes you very emotional and I'm a lot Softer than I use to be. It's hard to explain. Anyways I was just letting out my emotions on the board as I had nowhere to out let these emotions. I really did not expect any help. I regret this now as I seem to be the butt of jokes around here.
So I do apologise for lashing out Being a ass and I even got to the point that I just started saying what ever being a smart ass.
I have never scamed anyone here or a source. I never accept payments for my Tutorials I just said donate what ever.
I no longer want be a part of this place after seeing what I have seen these past days. Where so called brother treat each other this way with no proof but just hear say. And tons of new members jumping in to get on the action. I still have some solid brothers who contacted me and think this is all silly and do not like the direction this board is going in.
Millard, thank you for your board and sorry for the going back and forth. Although we agree on some things and not others that's fine. We're not ment to agree with every one that would make us un-humans. Thank you for your amazing matrial here.
And I do hope you enjoy some of my Threads. Some of those are actually mine. But have been re-written. Due to my English.
I do how ever ask that you please explain the onion links and how that was a mistake it was a list of the most popular sites due to the onion links you don't always know what exactly behind those links.
So I am officially out of here I will check in by pm with some friends. But I no longer want to contribute here.
It's sad that I had to fight this hard and explain my life story.
You can choose to believe what I wrote or not but put this in to consideration why would I fight this hard! Also I have nothing to gain or lose. So why wouldn't I tell you everything. I do hope that in time some look back at this and use this not to treat members this way. To some it's just the net but some like my self really truly valued friendship here. There are real people behind these screens with feelings and emotions. And the things you say and do effect them in real life.
Yours Truly Pumpingiron22
So here my full story. I have nothing to lose so here is the truth I have no intention of being a member here after what I have witnessed this is not Brother hood. So let's go way back in time since we're putting my whole members life on here?

The start my fist Cycle was Astro test and Tren.

My second was spetz and yes I was excited thinking I found the golden source I was still new to juice and giddy which we have all done at one time when. We were New. Lol spetz used my kindness and I defended him as I did not know better at the time also let's reamber meso was much different back in the day we didn't have all the rules made up by members do's and dont's

Then there was marvel. I like marvel and knew them from the dark web and have used it before. Not much to the story!

These are the things that CBS has called me out on but has Zero evidence.
He just throws the accusations until it sticks. No different than the tactics in our government.
Let's fast forward another year or so.
I learned about Tor and security and Bitcoins. During these years I taught alot of people how to use Tor and get set up as well as security pgp and keeping people safe. I taught it to the point we're it's just common knowledge around here if your a younger member you were probably not around and meso was very different like the wild wild west.
Me and other went on a crusade crushing sources alot of the reasons you see the techniques today! We used to use ip catchers to get sources as well a CBS to who came to me through pm to ask if he was doing it right.
We were all using these tools. Even though we taught members not to click on links or pictures so clicked on the links regardless that why there is a story that I catch members ips. They were for sources. I love IP catcher's and it just helps and proves if sources a keeping our security safe. New members did not like this and one day I was being a smart ass and said I catalog everyone's lol because I see no wrong using these tools to bring down sources.
During this time I also did very well with my crypto trading..

Fast forward...
There was a private source that I and alot of guys were using this was during the Era of sources vs private Sources debate.
I took interest as I wanted to see what it was like on that side after all these years of smashing sources. I like to know how things work education wise
What I come to find out is how two sided people are on this form and the secret agendas of most as well as the hirearchy that most still praise on this form. What I learned is how people say one thing and do another scared of what the masses will think. Who are real brother and one that are not and some who contribute nothing to this board other than troll like behavior.
During this time I got sick and quit everything I was doing this was a very scary time in my life
I spent it with family and told no one what was happening.
after targeting my cancer to my throat they took out my salvia glands. I was going to church and got saved. I'm so grateful for my life and family. I was in major debt and had to spend my BTC funds on my bills. So I no longer have those funds after medical almost losing my house car and everything.

I came back to meso fresh and ready to work out again as you guys have always motivated me.
The pizza story that all of you think is so funny. Graduation for my little one my funds got messed up as the irs sticks there hands in first.. it was a sad moment as a father. Being a survivor of cancer makes you very emotional and I'm a lot Softer than I use to be. It's hard to explain. Anyways I was just letting out my emotions on the board as I had nowhere to out let these emotions. I really did not expect any help. I regret this now as I seem to be the butt of jokes around here.
So I do apologise for lashing out Being a ass and I even got to the point that I just started saying what ever being a smart ass.
I have never scamed anyone here or a source. I never accept payments for my Tutorials I just said donate what ever.
I no longer want be a part of this place after seeing what I have seen these past days. Where so called brother treat each other this way with no proof but just hear say. And tons of new members jumping in to get on the action. I still have some solid brothers who contacted me and think this is all silly and do not like the direction this board is going in.
Millard, thank you for your board and sorry for the going back and forth. Although we agree on some things and not others that's fine. We're not ment to agree with every one that would make us un-humans. Thank you for your amazing matrial here.
And I do hope you enjoy some of my Threads. Some of those are actually mine. But have been re-written. Due to my English.
I do how ever ask that you please explain the onion links and how that was a mistake it was a list of the most popular sites due to the onion links you don't always know what exactly behind those links.
So I am officially out of here I will check in by pm with some friends. But I no longer want to contribute here.
It's sad that I had to fight this hard and explain my life story.
You can choose to believe what I wrote or not but put this in to consideration why would I fight this hard! Also I have nothing to gain or lose. So why wouldn't I tell you everything. I do hope that in time some look back at this and use this not to treat members this way. To some it's just the net but some like my self really truly valued friendship here. There are real people behind these screens with feelings and emotions. And the things you say and do effect them in real life.
Yours Truly Pumpingiron22

We used to use ip catchers to get sources as well a CBS to who came to me through pm to ask if he was doing it right.

I never once came to you asking if I was doing it right. The idea is rediculous. I was capturing IPs before you even knew what one was. I knew you already had spetz's IP and I simply asked for varification on the one I had.

You can't even be honest in your farewell post (cry for sympathy). Everything you say is lies.

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How often to these ip tracking links get posted?

Seems like a bannable offense.
How often to these ip tracking links get posted?

Seems like a bannable offense.
It should and shouldn't be, personal identifiable information.

By word of mouth Millard has said no death threats and don't post personal identifiable information, but refuses to post rules which I have requested long ago.
It should and shouldn't be, personal identifiable information.

By word of mouth Millard has said no death threats and don't post personal identifiable information, but refuses to post rules which I have requested long ago.
He doesn't have to tell you, as such things are common sense rules on ANY forum. Posting personally identifiable info on forums is generally a bannable offense and practically every board I am familiar with has that as a rule whether written or simply common sense.
He doesn't have to tell you, as such things are common sense rules on ANY forum. Posting personally identifiable info on forums is generally a bannable offense and practically every board I am familiar with has that as a rule whether written or simply common sense.
Common sense doesn't really apply here in my opinion.
The way we interact and carry ourselves isn't common nor does it make sense..