Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

I accept donations only. Some times it was 5 dollars for 3 hrs of work. So justify that how ever you like
When people ask me anything technical I don't charge for my information. Most of these things are pretty basic like bitcoin basics or simple computer security issues. The uncensored and open nature of this forum is what even allowed you to profit in the first place.
Like I said, you support free speech when you agree with it and you support censorship when you disagree.

I probably don't agree with 90% of what is posted on the the forum but this forum is based on principle.

No. I would have rather you not copy and paste hundreds of articles written by other people often failing to give credit to the original authors and source -- and possibly misleading people by passing the work as your own expertise.

No. I would rather you not post hundreds of unverified onion hyperlinks as well as onion hyperlinks to known scam and pedophile sites.

No. I would rather you not exploit this forum to enrich yourself - first as a "private source" secretly spamming members (against forum prohibitions) and secondly running an unlicensed bitcoin money transmitting business (against my personal warnings) and thirdly...? and fourthly...?

No. I would rather you not posted trackable IP logging hyperlinks to capture personally identifiable member information.

You very well know that I have contacted you publicly and privately on many occasions regarding these issues. You of all people should know that i am highly involved on this forum
100% dead on. It's what I was getting at but you articulated it better
Like I said, you support free speech when you agree with it and you support censorship when you disagree.

I probably don't agree with 90% of what is posted on the the forum but this forum is based on principle.

No. I would have rather you not copy and paste hundreds of articles written by other people often failing to give credit to the original authors and source -- and possibly misleading people by passing the work as your own expertise.

No. I would rather you not post hundreds of unverified onion hyperlinks as well as onion hyperlinks to known scam and pedophile sites.

No. I would rather you not exploit this forum to enrich yourself - first as a "private source" secretly spamming members (against forum prohibitions) and secondly running an unlicensed bitcoin money transmitting business (against my personal warnings) and thirdly...? and fourthly...?

No. I would rather you not posted trackable IP logging hyperlinks to capture personally identifiable member information.

You very well know that I have contacted you publicly and privately on many occasions regarding these issues. You of all people should know that i am highly involved on this forum
Then delete all my tech threads and let's move on.
I guarantee you won't.

2 doing freelance and running my own BTC website for years alot of those articles are paid for and I have some of the rights.

I never passed them off as my own. But yes I do fully understand and comprehend them.

And yes my English is horrible as English is not my first language! But alot of it is done on purpose.

Also are you going to answer my question about your servers in New Jersey I would like to know the truth..

Since we are all being honest here!

And why do you love CBS so much is he your partner? Or is he the law? Or you 2nd handle?
Also the country I'm in you don't need a permit to sell Bitcoin.
And it's not against the law to teach people security. What they do on there own is on them.
When people ask me anything technical I don't charge for my information. Most of these things are pretty basic like bitcoin basics or simple computer security issues. The uncensored and open nature of this forum is what even allowed you to profit in the first place.
I did share all the info on open threads. But members still could not figure it out.
They came to me
I spent 5 to 6 hrs a day teaching close to over a 100 or so members I said donate what you want. I don't feel bad about that. Every body time is worth a few cents imo.
Marcus is innocent I gave him my email
And I gave him references

There you go feel better.
I don't care about being innocent. I've said it multiple times, that I don't feel what I did was wrong, nor do I feel what you did WITH ME ONLY is wrong. As far as others go, that's a different story.

The point was to show you were not telling the truth. I asked you about the gear you were running just as I and many others have done all throughout the forum.

The purpose here is to get uncensored feedback about everything related to steroids, GH, whatever. This includes sources but also goes beyond that.

But I NEVER once came to you for a reference. I have literally never asked one person here for a reference as far as I can recall, and anyone is more than welcome to say otherwise if they think I have
I don't care about being innocent. I've said it multiple times, that I don't feel what I did was wrong, nor do I feel what you did WITH ME ONLY is wrong. As far as others go, that's a different story.

The point was to show you were not telling the truth. I asked you about the gear you were running just as I and many others have done all throughout the forum.

The purpose here is to get uncensored feedback about everything related to steroids, GH, whatever. This includes sources but also goes beyond that.

But I NEVER once came to you for a reference. I have literally never asked one person here for a reference as far as I can recall, and anyone is more than welcome to say otherwise if they think I have
I'll say what ever you like Brother.
(∆∆∆∆ Bro the real PI was gone alongtime ago. I took over this accountabout a year ago lol.)

@Millard Baker..Shouldn't this be grounds for account termination? He claims bullshit here and takes people's money as well as says he's a hacker ect. Honestly I think this board would be better off without this person being here.
(∆∆∆∆ Bro the real PI was gone alongtime ago. I took over this accountabout a year ago lol.)

@Millard Baker..Shouldn't this be grounds for account termination? He claims bullshit here and takes people's money as well as says he's a hacker ect. Honestly I think this board would be better off without this person being here.

Lol it's a open and free board. We're allowed to say a do what we want. Ja ja ja
Then delete all my tech threads and let's move on.
I guarantee you won't.

2 doing freelance and running my own BTC website for years alot of those articles are paid for and I have some of the rights.

I never passed them off as my own. But yes I do fully understand and comprehend them.

And yes my English is horrible as English is not my first language! But alot of it is done on purpose.

Also are you going to answer my question about your servers in New Jersey I would like to know the truth..

Since we are all being honest here!

And why do you love CBS so much is he your partner? Or is he the law? Or you 2nd handle?

What we have here, and in a few of Pi's other recent posts, is a perfect example of a long term member in his death throes.

He knows it's over and his credibility has been destroyed, he knows the gravy train has been derailed and that he'll take no more money from Meso members. And he also knows there is no getting the scammer train back on track. But he's still in the shock phase of grief, so he's lashing out at anyone and everyone and everything in a desperate but futile hope that something - anything - will stick and save his crooked ass. But nothing can save PI now, not even a moderator from ProMuscle. Even they know when to cut a scammer loose.

This tirade could last a few more hours or even a few more days, but rest assured, eventually PI will arrive begrudgingly at the acceptance stage and then it will be all over. Pi's reign of scamming, spamming, and duplicitous behavior will have come to it's final conclusion.

There will be no more money taken from meso member's because of the PI name. There will be no more begging for food,; there will be no more illiterate posts in which he lies about English not being his first language; there will be no more member IPs captured against the user's will; there will be no more pliagiarized posts that he so clumsily tries to pass off as his own work in a feeble attempt to convince others that he's a computer expert. There will only be silence as PI joins Stretch, Odie, Manwhore and countless others who considered Meso their own private marketplace and its membership as ripe for the picking. PI will have joined the ranks of the shamed, never to be heard from again.

Goodbye, PI. You will not be missed. Don't let the door hit you in your shady ass on the way out.