Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

Yet again, you insist on bringing me into the conversation. You should stop desperately trying to find a way to blame me for your current predicament and man up and accept responsibility for your actions.
Because it's your fourm!

And you let him run wild with false accusations!

The constant bullying and behavior is why people are leaving the form!

Shut the underground down! And allow no source. It killing this fourm and the reason for behavior on this board along with allowence accepted

Let's not be like pirate Bay he to just only ran a fourm.

PS. Please start getting envolved with your fourm here your gudince is needed also

On the bottom of the form needs to be changed to 2017 fyi
Dude just go find to the women's section and stfu....its really annoying. Your not sorry, your just a disgrace tyo MESO..
In the case for determining if PI is retarded I present Exhibit A:

Shut the underground down! And allow no source. It killing this fourm and the reason for behavior on this board along with allowence accepted

It's people like you that kill this forum. All for the quick buck.
And while were on the subject of his elite anonymous skills, it's funny how I found out a shit load of information on him by doing a simple Google image look up when he posted some pics in his log a while back. Unless if course that wasn't him. But I did run into this "personal fitness" website that I assumed at the time was his business he spoke so highly of. I did see pics of his Asian wife or gf or what ever on that same page tho
Because it's your fourm!

And you let him run wild with false accusations!

The constant bullying and behavior is why people are leaving the form!

Shut the underground down! And allow no source. It killing this fourm and the reason for behavior on this board along with allowence accepted

Let's not be like pirate Bay he to just only ran a fourm.

PS. Please start getting envolved with your fourm here your gudince is needed also

On the bottom of the form needs to be changed to 2017 fyi
Yeah, for all your talk against censorship, you are just like all those who support free speech except when someone else's free speech hurts your feelings or makes you look bad. It is even worse in your case because you want to protect you from criticism involving your spamming and solciting of members via PM.

This is NOT about the lack of censorship on the forum. It is about your refusal to take responsibility for your actions.
Yet again, you insist on bringing me into the conversation.

Well yeah, it's your fault. You created the forum so literally everything that happens here is your fault. I accidentally deleted a long post the other day... First thing I said to myself was, "fucking Millard..."

It's much more reasonable to point the finger at everyone else man, we wouldn't want anyone to look in the mirror and check themselves.
Yeah, for all your talk against censorship, you are just like all those who support free speech except when someone else's free speech hurts your feelings or makes you look bad. It is even worse in your case because you want to protect you from criticism involving your spamming and solciting of members via PM.

This is NOT about the lack of censorship on the forum. It is about your refusal to take responsibility for your actions.
I'm all about freedom and rights

But there is a difference between Freedom and one right to express yourself self.

Than there is Hate and Bullying speech and talk and you know it.

I admitted what I did so there is no denial.

But you need to be envolved you own creation.

Unless you want CBS to run your thread.

Anyways you got what you wanted from me tons of tech and security threads and teaching you members how to do BTC. And now your done.

Also why are you servers run out of New Jersey
I'm all about freedom and rights

But there is a difference between Freedom and one right to express yourself self.

Than there is Hate and Bullying speech and talk and you know it.

I admitted what I did so there is no denial.

But you need to be envolved you own creation.

Unless you want CBS to run your thread.

Anyways you got what you wanted from me tons of tech and security threads and teaching you members how to do BTC. And now your done.

Also why are you servers run out of New Jersey
Which ONE right is that? Where can i find it in the constitution? Under express yourself self?

You sound like you need a " timeout card". Things are getting too intense for you.
Use your words PI. Use your words... heres your juice box and animal crackers. Nap time.

You dont seem to get it. I know you admitted everything. YOU are no longer a member here. Plain and simple. You are a SOURCE and you will be treated accordingly. You made your bed. Now sleep in it.

I...i...i dont even know what to do with this. My 10 yr old literally forms better sentences.

Yep, WE used YOU. Gotcha. Keep spinning them wheels. YOU used member privelege to bolster your sales. Nice one ass hole
And also just to let you know. You members asked for my email and we talked off board. So I broke no rules
This is a lie. You gave me your email and asked me to email you... I don't give a fuck but others do so stop making shit up at the very least
This is a lie. You gave me your email and asked me to email you... I don't give a fuck but others do so stop making shit up at the very least
I reamber when you first came you asked me by pm hey what's good around here because nobody would help you!!!! We exchanged emails and I gave you a few reference! And you know that is the Truth. You will denie because your scared of what people will think here. But it's the truth. I have nothing to prove here any more my member status is gone and not worth trying to rectify. So I will call you out!!!! 100% on the truth!
Is it just me, or does Sworder always appear to buddy up with the village idiots? Birds of a feather flock together, i suppose..
I'm such a idot thats why I have thosands of threads of info and tutorials
Why can't people just figured out there tech by there selves why did I have to spend countless hours teaching.
I reamber when you first came you asked me by pm hey what's good around here because nobody would help you!!!! We exchanged emails and I gave you a few reference! And you know that is the Truth. You will denie because your scared of what people will think here. But it's the truth. I have nothing to prove here any more my member status is gone and not worth trying to rectify. So I will call you out!!!! 100% on the truth!
Lies again... do I have your permission to post PMs PI? You were running spetz's gear and I asked you how you like it.

Do I need to provide proof for you or you wanna just glance back through your PMs before you continue making a fool of yourself
I'm all about freedom and rights

But there is a difference between Freedom and one right to express yourself self.

Than there is Hate and Bullying speech and talk and you know it.

I admitted what I did so there is no denial.

But you need to be envolved you own creation.

Unless you want CBS to run your thread.

Anyways you got what you wanted from me tons of tech and security threads and teaching you members how to do BTC. And now your done.

Also why are you servers run out of New Jersey
I have stayed out of this until now but I can't stand to read this type of bullshit any longer.

The forum is what allowed you to line your pockets. The forum is what allowed you to offer your tech services for a fee and again line your pockets. You also were advertising the sale of software and hardware which again was only possible because of this forum. Your so called contributions to tech threads are mostly based of copy and pasted articles from other sources. You used this forum and it's uncensored nature to further your personal income and now have the nerve to whine about it.

I have never had any issue with you the entire time I have been here. As a matter of fact I brushed aside people that sent me pms about you over the years and I dismissed them because I couldn't see you being that type of person. I would like to apologize to those people right now for not taking it more seriously and with more objectivity.

Take some personal responsibility for your actions and stop blaming people, the forums, Millard, CBS, the governement, hate speech, and just about everything else but yourself.
I have stayed out of this until now but I can't stand to read this type of bullshit any longer.

The forum is what allowed you to line your pockets. The forum is what allowed you to offer your tech services for a fee and again line your pockets. You also were advertising the sale of software and hardware which again was only possible because of this forum. Your so called contributions to tech threads are mostly based of copy and pasted articles from other sources. You used this forum and it's uncensored nature to further your personal income and now have the nerve to whine about it.

I have never had any issue with you the entire time I have been here. As a matter of fact I brushed aside people that sent me pms about you over the years and I dismissed them because I couldn't see you being that type of person. I would like to apologize to those people right now for not taking it more seriously and with more objectivity.

Take some personal responsibility for your actions and stop blaming people, the forums, Millard, CBS, the governement, hate speech, and just about everything else but yourself.

I accept donations only. Some times it was 5 dollars some times more for 3 hrs of work. And longer for over 100 people So justify that how ever you like. I made a Total of 200.for months of work. I hardly call that lineing my pockets
But there is a difference between Freedom and one right to express yourself self.

Than there is Hate and Bullying speech and talk an

Like I said, you support free speech when you agree with it and you support censorship when you disagree.

I probably don't agree with 90% of what is posted on the the forum but this forum is based on principle.

Anyways you got what you wanted from me tons of tech and security threads and teaching you members how to do BTC. And now your done

No. I would have rather you not copy and paste hundreds of articles written by other people often failing to give credit to the original authors and source -- and possibly misleading people by passing the work as your own expertise.

No. I would rather you not post hundreds of unverified onion hyperlinks as well as onion hyperlinks to known scam and pedophile sites.

No. I would rather you not exploit this forum to enrich yourself - first as a "private source" secretly spamming members (against forum prohibitions) and secondly running an unlicensed bitcoin money transmitting business (against my personal warnings) and thirdly...? and fourthly...?

No. I would rather you not posted trackable IP logging hyperlinks to capture personally identifiable member information.

You very well know that I have contacted you publicly and privately on many occasions regarding these issues. You of all people should know that i am highly involved on this forum