Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

I remember my first interaction with pumping iron was him PMing me on March 9, 2016 asking for my email and saying he was going to let me in on something I might be interested in.
I was pretty new to meso then so I didn't really know wtf he meant. After he said that last little bit I thought he was going to start sending unsolicited dick pics or something.
But it was just an overpriced list of roids.

Looking at the whole pizza situation was stupid.
The behavior reminded me, and a lot of others, of an addict going into relapse. Only seen it 3 or 4 times but all of them acted the same.
Idk. Really don't care either. If you make a deal with someone, follow through with it. If you can't follow through with it, don't make the deal. Not too hard to do.
Lol at this point its kind of funny watching him have a meltdown tbh. Its even funnier he is hiding his emotional and mental distress behind a picture of a pizza.

PI threatened to commit suicide the last time I called him out and he couldn't take the pressure. The dude's a fruit loop.
The saddest thing really, I always thought computer people were supposed to be smart
I'm smart, right J??

Like the switch back to that avi @Eman. It fits you well.

I deal with both state and federal construction contracts every day. Each and every contract is structured differently depending on a myriad of factors; all of which are generally always out of the contractors control. One fun fact about these contracts is that they ALWAYS require a bond and financial proof that the contractor can float the work financially for the duration of the project. You will not find any substantial contract offered by a state or the feds without needing these requirements met.

Basically this means the contractor has to have a gross mismanagement of funding to end up taking a bath. These hoops are put into place so the project can ensure a steady and efficient construction phase.

I have never seen a government contract pay in advance outside of one job in particular. It was for the Mass DOT and it was for a new line of lazer projectors. The reason for payment prior to install? No clue. Cool project though. IMAG0518.jpg

Obviously a contract can be segmented any way the folks involved in the boiler plate moments choose to segment it; generally in my industry payment is net 60 (which often goes to 90/120 as manufacturers love to find a companies threshold for pain).

Just a small glimpse into an audio video guys experience with government contracts...
I did consulting work on a federal IT project myself and there certainly a lot of hoops I had to jump through before I even was able to begin work and that included an extensive background check and interviews. Definitely quite an experience and if you have even the slightest criminal record, you are denied access to the project.
I remember my first interaction with pumping iron was him PMing me on March 9, 2016 asking for my email and saying he was going to let me in on something I might be interested in.
I was pretty new to meso then so I didn't really know wtf he meant. After he said that last little bit I thought he was going to start sending unsolicited dick pics or something.
But it was just an overpriced list of roids.

Looking at the whole pizza situation was stupid.
The behavior reminded me, and a lot of others, of an addict going into relapse. Only seen it 3 or 4 times but all of them acted the same.
Idk. Really don't care either. If you make a deal with someone, follow through with it. If you can't follow through with it, don't make the deal. Not too hard to do.
You been a member since 1/16 and he pm'd you with the intention to sell wares on 3/16?
Well there ya sales pitching aimed at new members!
Same shit Manwhore did
Not really...

I'm a badass mofo though. Know why? I can buy more pizza than you can.
You really dont get it, do you? The reason people believe Omega isnt because he's a great source thats well trusted, its because people already know how shady you are. Members dont trust you, this didnt create it, it confirmed it.

You knew better to go behind the scenes, even if you had paid, you know it was wrong. Thats why it was done thru PM and email and not in the open.
I sincerely hope you dont believe that my man...
You been a member since 1/16 and he pm'd you with the intention to sell wares on 3/16?
Well there ya sales pitching aimed at new members!
Same shit Manwhore did


I sincerely hope you dont believe that my man...

I think you read it too quick. Isnt. I was saying we dont trust Omega, we just trust PI less.
We should have one of these threads for pharmacom scams,but of course no way it would reach 12 pages. Why doesn't pumpingiron get banned and call it a day?
NO source needs to be hanging around member threads and other source threads, commenting and shilling their products and downgrading the competition . It started with Bio-Tom and now Omega-shill is joining in , acting like a trusted member . Friendly sources = Shills & Scammers ...o_O
NO source needs to be hanging around member threads , commenting and shilling their products or downgrading the competition . It started with Bio-Tom and now Omega-shill is joining in , acting like a trusted member . Friendly sources = Shills & Scammers ...o_O

Problem is there are secret shills with normal handles. These are regular people that will get extremely verbally abusive when you criticize their favorite brand, I can tell you NO one in real life will put their hands in the fire for free NO one. That goes completely against human instinct,especially when it comes to this kind of thing.
Problem is there are secret shills with normal handles. These are regular people that will get extremely verbally abusive when you criticize their favorite brand, I can tell you NO one in real life will put their hands in the fire for free NO one. That goes completely against human instinct,especially when it comes to this kind of thing.

True. Alot of times this is what helps identify shills , their constant devotion and praise for a source while degrading other sources in other threads . After a while you see who they support...
Im pretty sure you were sad..acter you recived price list and not dick pics.. heck sad:eek:
I remember my first interaction with pumping iron was him PMing me on March 9, 2016 asking for my email and saying he was going to let me in on something I might be interested in.
I was pretty new to meso then so I didn't really know wtf he meant. After he said that last little bit I thought he was going to start sending unsolicited dick pics or something.
But it was just an overpriced list of roids.

Looking at the whole pizza situation was stupid.
The behavior reminded me, and a lot of others, of an addict going into relapse. Only seen it 3 or 4 times but all of them acted the same.
Idk. Really don't care either. If you make a deal with someone, follow through with it. If you can't follow through with it, don't make the deal. Not too hard to do.
My experience with government contracts is they pay in full in advance. Maybe construction is different but i did multiple facilities and we were paid in advance as soon as we started each one.
Corporate contracts and there medical.
It's pretty common to be the last one paid. By law companies can pay up to 3 months late without having to go to court.
PI threatened to commit suicide the last time I called him out and he couldn't take the pressure. The dude's a fruit loop.
That would be your biggest dream. You really think I care that much. No I just pushed the emotional envelope to prove that you are heartless and a bully. I wanted to see how far you would go and how long Millard would let you and it definitely proved my point. That you would push it all the way. I hate Cyber bullies like you. One day you and this place will be on the news because you pushed somebody to far. There are actual human beings on this board. There nothing wrong with a few disses here and there but you can't stop at that you go to far!

What's your point on this board?

Why does Millard let you do what you want?
Do you even bodybuild or work out?
Do you do steroids?
When was you last Cycle?
And are you a cop? Feds,Dea,
What do you do in real life?
I will happily leave this fourm if you answer my questions? But I know you won't.
First and foremost I am a human being. Just because I did something over a year ago for maybe two months and every one knew it. I took a break after that and when I came back I said sorry. So if you want to judge me on one time in my life that's fine.
But I'm not going anywhere
Cbs thinks he has accusations and he is welcome to believe that. But he has no tangible evidence that was ever brought to light. Case closed.
Omega is a scammer and scammed two people including me and has no proof otherwise.
And I have no proof either case closed. I'm going to go back to being on the board now and when I feel like it. God forgave me for my past I asked forgiveness on this board when I came back. Look at my new member page. Thank you. Have a good day.

The only thing I ask is for everyone to look how quickly and negatively you turned on a brother! No evidence and no proof. Also look how quickly others joined in I don't even know. This negative behavior and I'm the next alpha cool guy for joining in and making hurtful comments there are real people on this board with feelings.
Jay I am sorry for my comments and apologise I'm sure your a beast in real life but you need to check your ego at the door and two not be a hipcrate.
Your type of behavior is what's killing this board and why there has been a drop in active members and why others have found different boards.
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That would be your biggest dream. You really think I care that much. No I just pushed the emotional envelope to prove that you are heartless and a bully. I wanted to see how far you would go and how long Millard would let you and it definitely proved my point. That you would push it all the way. I hate Cyber bullies like you. One day you and this place will be on the news because you pushed somebody to far. There are actual human beings on this board. There nothing wrong with a few disses here and there but you can't stop at that you go to far!

What's your point on this board?

Why does Millard let you do what you want?
Do you even bodybuild or work out?
Do you do steroids?
When was you last Cycle?
And are you a cop? Feds,Dea,
What do you do in real life?
I will happily leave this fourm if you answer my questions? But I know you won't.
Yet again, you insist on bringing me into the conversation. You should stop desperately trying to find a way to blame me for your current predicament and man up and accept responsibility for your actions.