Is this legit watson?

So you're only an asshole online? :)

What your intent may or may not have been means little. Ever hear the saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"? If I "wrongly" interpreted them, who is to say how many others did interpret them the same way?

I do hope this is the end of our debate. I am sure you are busy saving lives. I know I have work to do as well. Good night Doctor.

If being an asshole means prying the truth out of those whom minimize their blind support for a particular UGL when their posts imply otherwise, I'm a proud asshole CEO!
You consider sources as friends? Do you and DS play golf on Friday mornings while negotiating your next order?

He's someone with whom you have a business arrangement. Nothing more, nothing less. He most certainly isn't your friend. Unless...

Actually, you've been doing quite a lot.


It's not taboo to say that here. But when you continue defending and saying he's the greatest source in the history of sources - page after page - it begins to look a little less like just stating your opinion and a lot more like advocating.

You talk about infer and imply? Well, I'm beginning to infer that what you're implying is more than a simple customer/business relationship. That might not be the case but I've seen very few people on these message boards devote this much time to a particular source without a vested interest.

If being an asshole means prying the truth out of those whom minimize their blind support for a particular UGL when their posts imply otherwise, I'm a proud asshole CEO!

You don't have to attack me, or "pry" truth out of me, just ask me whatever you want to know. Hell, I've already told my association with DS several times here in different threads. But no, it just couldn't be believed that someone is friends with a source, and likes the guy and thinks he's a genuinely good guy. Not possible. Because, after all, none of them are to be trusted, right?

Sorry if my asshole comment offended you. Hard to tell online by your reaction. I figured you would see the humor intended it but perhaps not.
Calling someone an asshole, let's see how would YOU define that CEO, I mean to say I was "attacked" just seems to minimize the offensive nature of commentary so derogatory.

Oh I know it's just a part of good humor, right? Now your behaving like a misinformed fool searching for excuses to defend maladaptive behavior. I do hope DS is worth the diminished credibility your earning!
You consider sources as friends? Do you and DS play golf on Friday mornings while negotiating your next order?
Not all sources, no. But I have a few people that I consider friends, whom are also sources, yes. Be hard to regularly play golf with a guy who lives on a different continent. I think he prefers fishing though. We talk quite a bit. I've bought from him and talked to him quite a bit over the last almost 15 years. That's a pretty good amount of time to develop a friendship, even online, isn't it? Or is that too far-fetched?

He's someone with whom you have a business arrangement. Nothing more, nothing less. He most certainly isn't your friend. Unless...
You are welcome to your opinion. He has invited me to come visit him, and not for business. I am not in the illegal drug trade. As tempting as it sometimes may seem, the risks for me far outweigh the rewards.

Actually, you've been doing quite a lot.
Of defending myself? Yes, I agree. Too much perhaps. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't though.

It's not taboo to say that here. But when you continue defending and saying he's the greatest source in the history of sources - page after page - it begins to look a little less like just stating your opinion and a lot more like advocating.

I don't believe I have used those words. Just that he has been my go to source over the years. Have I used others? Of course. Are there other good ones? Yes. Some stayed good, some didn't. We've all been burned. So when you have someone that has not burned you, you tend to stick with them. Hell, maybe even tell a person or two. If someone tells me they are going to order from some source I don't know, or I know isn't good, or is questionable, why wouldn't I tell them to order from someone I trust?

But if I say that more than once, I'm a business associate. I need to do a better job of marketing myself. Do you know how many people I've referred to places everywhere for good deals? I could have made a fortune on commissions.

I've said here plenty of times, use him or don't. I don't care. I've probably said that more than I've said how good DS is. I don't like to openly say that much here because I know if anyone says a source is good they are attacked. Case in point.

You talk about infer and imply? Well, I'm beginning to infer that what you're implying is more than a simple customer/business relationship. That might not be the case but I've seen very few people on these message boards devote this much time to a particular source without a vested interest.
Again, I'm not talking nearly as much about DS as I am defending myself here. I think it was insertname that directed me to this thread. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have known about it. I only recently discovered the alerts and tagging stuff. I'm not used to this new layout. I can't find where the Subscribed/Participated threads are. I still don't like it.
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Calling someone an asshole, let's see how would YOU define that CEO, I mean to say I was "attacked" just seems to minimize the offensive nature of commentary so derogatory.

Oh I know it's just a part of good humor, right? Now your behaving like a misinformed fool searching for excuses to defend maladaptive behavior. I do hope DS is worth the diminished credibility your earning!
I tried to lighten things up a bit. I thought I even put a smiley face in there? If not I meant to. Again, I am sorry good doctor. I really do not wish to continue a conversation with you and would prefer to leave it on a decent note. Don't take that the wrong way. It's me, not you.
I am quite capable of being an asshole. Even when I don't intend to. I've been called that and worse. When I am called that it is usually true and I know it. I accept my faults.
I don't believe I have used those words.

See your quote below.

But I am pro DS. In all of my experience with him he has been a great source. I know it's taboo to say that here, but if someone is going to use a source anyway, why wouldn't I tell them about the best one I know?

And that's just one example. This thread of full of similar statements.

Not all sources, no. But I have a few that I consider friends. Be hard to regularly play golf with a guy who lives on a different continent. I think he prefers fishing though. We talk quite a bit. I've bought from him and talked to him quite a bit over the last almost 15 years. That's a pretty good amount of time to develop a friendship, even online, isn't it? Or is that too far-fetched?

You are welcome to your opinion. He has invited me to come visit him, and not for business.

At the very least, you have a definite conflict of interest.

Of defending myself? Yes, I agree. Too much perhaps. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't though.

No, defending DS. That's all you've done in this thread.

You keep talking about being attacked personally when you haven't. It seems that you're interest in this source is causing you to take his criticism personally.

I've said here plenty of times, use him or don't. I don't care. I've probably said that more than I've said how good DS is. I don't like to openly say that much here because I know if anyone says a source is good they are attacked. Case in point.

You've been around long enough to know that every shill uses that very argument.

And you just admitted that you've said "how good DS is" several times. How many times do you have to say it to make your point? How many times do you have to say it before it's no longer just giving your opinion and instead becomes actively promoting?
See your quote below.

And that's just one example. This thread of full of similar statements.
saying, "he's a great source," is a far cry from saying he is "the greatest source in the history of sources - page after page."

But I guess it's meso. :rolleyes:

No, defending DS. That's all you've done in this thread.
No, not at all. That is just how you want to make it appear. Even brutus I believe it was came in and said I was being attacked in here and had not been pushing anything.

That post was either ignored, or it incited more attacks.
People are going on and on at me asking me why DS isn't here? And all these questions. Fuck if I know! I keep telling people to ask him directly and they keep posting back at me. Go ask DS all this shit. Email him. His email is right on his site.

You keep talking about being attacked personally when you haven't. It seems that you're interest in this source is causing you to take his criticism personally.

One person outright called him a scammer. I asked him for proof. We went back and forth a bit and we've since moved beyond that. He was making a statement that he had no knowledge of by the way.

You've been around long enough to know that every shill uses that very argument.

And you just admitted that you've said "how good DS is" several times. How many times do you have to say it to make your point? How many times do you have to say it before it's no longer just giving your opinion and instead becomes actively promoting?

I didn't admit shit. I don't know how many times I've said he is good. Not too damn many. I said that I've said many times to people to use him or don't use him. Doesn't matter to me.

My advice to all of you would be not to use him. Happy? Please don't use him. I don't care if the whole of meso never orders from him. Won't bother me at all. Seriously. Now will you all stop asking me about him and why he does or does not do whatever? I'm done with it.
Your "done" I suspect so, bc we all should know exactly where YOU stand when it comes to DS CEO.

Rest assured you will be the LAST Meso "member" consulted if an UNBIASED OPINION is needed in that regard.

And to think one of your initial criticisms about Meso was it's tendency to generate "bias". Are you familiar with the term projection, LMFAO!
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The only thing you've ever exposed is your pathetic little pecker on a crowded playground. Evidence WAS posted on that thread by Dr Jim, Lightspan and me. You and your partner in crime, KnowNothing, refused to accept overwhelming evidence because your agenda wouldn't allow it, but you don't get to infect another thread and say no evidence was posted. Get it? Probably not.

BTW, it was YOU who "ran from the thread like a coward" when evidence was posted. It was also YOU who ran like a coward when you were exposed in another thread as a Spetz accomplice. In fact, all of your associates - HardbodyGirl, KnowNothing, Spetz - suddenly became scarce. Funny how that works, isn't it? LMFAO
Ohh, I see you still have Dr Jims dick in your mouth.

I ran from nothing. I was exposed as Spetz? Becuase I use TRT clinic in the state he lives. Bitch, please. Get a life
Ohh, I see you still have Dr Jims dick in your mouth.

I ran from nothing. I was exposed as Spetz? Becuase I use TRT clinic in the state he lives. Bitch, please. Get a life
And furthermore I use this same username with same avatar on other boards for yrs, before Spetz was even around.
Ohh, I see you still have Dr Jims dick in your mouth.

I ran from nothing. I was exposed as Spetz? Becuase I use TRT clinic in the state he lives. Bitch, please. Get a life
And furthermore I use this same username with same avatar on other boards for yrs, before Spetz was even around.

I see this has been on your mind for the last 5 hours since you had to respond again after your first retort.. :rolleyes:
And furthermore I use this same username with same avatar on other boards for yrs, before Spetz was even around.

Brother can't we just agree to disagree? I don't have any problems with anyone but that doesn't mean I agree with everyone. It's your right to have a mind of your own and make your own decisions whether they are based on studies, facts, or just how you feel.
I will tell you as far as the 7-10x rule goes I'm going to do my own study on myself. I'm going to run pharma grade gear at 750mg/wk and then have bloods drawn so I can set my own base for UGL gear to compare to. Then if I get 7x or 10x or a different number I will know how my body reacts to testosterone. That seems like the only logical thing for people to do.
You constantly arguing with Jim is going nowhere brother. Believe what you want to believe and let it be please.

Every thread at EVO you are on (in the past of course), you actually have the same amount posts in that thread as DS or even more. All of it is directed at people asking questions about DS's product quality. This makes you look more than just a friend, IMHO of DS's.

Since you been on here you've been pushing his product and services. Not saying this is a bad or good thing. Just a fact. And I know you have increased his business with your posts here. You are his scout, front line man. Whatever you get in return is your business, but please don't bullshit us. Just be up front.
Brother can't we just agree to disagree? I don't have any problems with anyone but that doesn't mean I agree with everyone. It's your right to have a mind of your own and make your own decisions whether they are based on studies, facts, or just how you feel.
I will tell you as far as the 7-10x rule goes I'm going to do my own study on myself. I'm going to run pharma grade gear at 750mg/wk and then have bloods drawn so I can set my own base for UGL gear to compare to. Then if I get 7x or 10x or a different number I will know how my body reacts to testosterone. That seems like the only logical thing for people to do.
You constantly arguing with Jim is going nowhere brother. Believe what you want to believe and let it be please.
I've seen him do the same thing at PHF, EVO and other places. Some people like to argue, but with DR. Jim he has meet his match! lol :D

Every thread at EVO you are on (in the past of course), you actually have the same amount posts in that thread as DS or even more. All of it is directed at people asking questions about DS's product quality. This makes you look more than just a friend, IMHO of DS's.

Since you been on here you've been pushing his product and services. And I know you have increased his business with your posts here. You are his scout, front line man.


:D Just kidding.
Let me just start with #1 and address the SCOC. If I recall, that means posting pics of the equipment used to make the gear, right?

DS could not begin to comply with that since he does not make any gear. He is not a UGL/lab as you keep referring to him. He has no lab. He buys internationally, imports and resells. He is simply a source/reseller.

So what does he do then ceo?
I'm glad you asked Jim! But unfortunately I don't really know.
I guess he could post pics of his Watson (since Watson is the topic of this thread).
He has done that. Go to his site and see it. Cool right?
Nope. That Watson must be fake!

"But it looks just like my Watson I get from the pharmacy," said several members.
"Then the pic is real Watson, but he is selling fakes!" said meso bros.
"How do we know?"
"We don't for sure but you can't trust anyone. Plus it's on a source website and everyone knows the good sources don't have websites and the source websites are always scammers selling fakes."
"Oh crap! Glad I didn't buy that Watson then. Thanks bros!"

It's already a losing battle.

And all I can do is ask him to come to meso and he will ask is it worth it, and I will say, "If you can put up with a bunch of guys immediately calling you a scammer and accusing you of selling fakes and asking you to send out free gear to have tested on the off chance that you may be legit, but mainly it seems just so they can prove themselves correct, then maybe."

Knowing him he would most likely say something like, "Fuck that."
And I wouldn't blame him. Sorry but that is just how it appears.
You hit the Nail directly on the head...! Well done >: )


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