Is this legit watson?

I don't know either way about the quality of product, but I do remember reading somewhere that domestic-supply is run and operated by the Evo guys. I'm going to see if I can find the thread that said it (I don't believe it was here on meso, gimme a few)

The guy who runs domestic-supply has nothing to do with the people behind Evo.
The aids crew get Watson, Phizer, etc Test Cyp every month. 1 vial every other month to go with the 4 sero kits.
A couple of the "Light Steppers" that I know could be running a decent stack if they weren't intent on being awake every day getting high spreading the sickness.
Some get Egrifta and Oxandrolone as well.
had to google egrifta, sounds like an interesting compound.
i agree with bickel , they have a pic but that is all let one guy order dont all go out and get burned ..

Absolutely! I agree, and pictures dont mean SQUAT! My brother gets tons of this same Watson Cyp straight from the pharmacy, and what is pictured here, is actual pharma brand name gear! It comes with the box, the package insert, and the expiration date is stamped rite into the label in black, and you CAN'T rub it off with you're fingers! You're gonna have to see if what is pictured here, is the same as what you receive? if it is, you have authentic pharma grade gear! Good Luck! ;)
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The guy who runs domestic-supply has nothing to do with the people behind Evo.

I read many on other forums that the two do have a connection. Not saying you are wrong INSERT, just adding info.

Murph over at IMF used to rep for him and moved on. Maybe he can shed some light.

I almost ordered from DS last year, and asked here and a few other places and all said Dylan/Evo was involved in DS. Once again, not saying this is truth. Just what I was told during my inquiries prior.
@ insertnamehere did you ever labmax the product 1st before you started running it bro? Or anybody else?
I read many on other forums that the two do have a connection. Not saying you are wrong INSERT, just adding info.

Murph over at IMF used to rep for him and moved on. Maybe he can shed some light.

I almost ordered from DS last year, and asked here and a few other places and all said Dylan/Evo was involved in DS. Once again, not saying this is truth. Just what I was told during my inquiries prior.

The only connection that I'm aware of is DS sources on Evo, thats it. If Murph has some info to contrary I hope he comes by and posts it.

@ceo can help shed some light on this topic too.
do the admins/mods of evo get some income from promoting sources there? I am not putting down DS or anyone, not even Evo, but it just has been hard for me to find good info sometimes because of the overly positive, almost infomercial push, of the sources. It is as if no one ever has a complaint--or no one posts anything but compliments but never really a critique. I am gaining trust for people here and like Meso thus far so I really hope to see some true reviews for this cyp based upon user experience and blood work
do the admins/mods of evo get some income from promoting sources there? I am not putting down DS or anyone, not even Evo, but it just has been hard for me to find good info sometimes because of the overly positive, almost infomercial push, of the sources. It is as if no one ever has a complaint--or no one posts anything but compliments but never really a critique. I am gaining trust for people here and like Meso thus far so I really hope to see some true reviews for this cyp based upon user experience and blood work
Bro look who is doing it, r they members, mods/reps. U be the judge, gut instincts r usually right on.

Bro feel free to speak, ur not hurting anyones feelings, believe it.
Bro look who is doing it, r they members, mods/reps. U be the judge, gut instincts r usually right on.

Bro feel free to speak, ur not hurting anyones feelings, believe it.

yeah, I tried to say it in a way to avoid a flame war or too much accusations since I am new here. Also, it is a bit off topic. anyway, it does feel a bit odd when two or three mods/admins pounce on everything and then push the same products regardless of personal goals or needs. I agree with your advice and will do just that--going with my gut regarding each board and their style or agenda.
Listen the only way to have that happen here is for u to spew BS and not speak the truth. U may have a difference of opinion, but have facts to back it up, not heresay. More respect will be given to u, because u bring to the table information, and yet r humble enough to concede when the proof has the scales tipping the in other direction. It is all important, JUST DON'T B THAT GUY!!
I read many on other forums that the two do have a connection. Not saying you are wrong INSERT, just adding info.

Murph over at IMF used to rep for him and moved on. Maybe he can shed some light.

I almost ordered from DS last year, and asked here and a few other places and all said Dylan/Evo was involved in DS. Once again, not saying this is truth. Just what I was told during my inquiries prior.

Murf didn't move on. He disappeared. Then just as suddenly came back just the other day. He made a post a couple days ago saying he "left suddenly for reasons out of his control." Then he proceeded to talk about how he enjoyed repping for DS and using the gear. Nothing but praises that I saw.

You make it sound almost like he quit over some scandal or something. LOL! Oh the drama. We could all render guesses as to why he left suddenly for reasons out of his control, but I will refrain and let the man reserve the right to choose to tell people if he so wishes. Sounds like he doesn't want to get into details so I'll respect that and leave it up to him. None of my business anyway.

And no, DS has nothing to do with Evo other than he is a source there on a free, open source board. He just happened to be one of the first sources to go over there. Seems like the place is now crawling with sources and labs. Everyone seems to be setting up a lab in their kitchen these days and trying to hang a shingle at evo. Some lab over there doing all kinds of gimmicks to get people to buy his gear. Selling 1 liter bottles of gear super cheap, doing some "name your price" special. No thanks! It's pretty scary actually. Nobody seems to be holding them to the fire. Free and cheap gear and everyone is ready to be friendly.


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