1) But I suspect he has probably seen the way all sources are attacked here regardless of whether or not they are good .
2) It seems to me it would be largely a waste of time to try to convince people when most seem like they would never be convinced regardless.
3)If I were a source trying to make money I probably wouldn't come here as I think it would be largely counter productive and a waste of time. .
1) Only deserving sources are "attacked" by those Mean Meso Members your referring to.
Deserving by what standard Jim?
First and foremost analytical lab and blood assays that PROVE they are selling "gear" that is underdosed, no-dosed or contain another AAS from that on the label!
OR those whom have received several complaints from reputable members about a labs delivery problems, pathetic communication, gear contamination or other related quality issues.
OR those UGL whom are unequivocally found lying, fabricating, or propagating some sort of ruse to sell their low quality product.
OR those whom absolutely refuse to comply with Meso's SCOC in any way fashion or form!
OR those that fail to post any evidence they even know WTF they are selling as AAS. (Included are things like HPLCS or LC/MS)
Such as proof the Tren-E raw which was purchased actually contained Tren-E rather than Deca or Test-E at the specified concentration. (Sorry anecdotal world wide reviews just don't cut it here and are not acceptable substitutes)
OR those whom become confrontational, disrespectful of established members or otherwise fail to appreciate the notion they are VISITORS on Meso and that won't change until said UGL has EARNED the credibility they desire to enhance sales.
2) Bc not one NEW UGL which began a sales thread on Meso has lasted more than SIX MONTHS before departing (after SCAMMING Meso members of course) it's no wonder most members remain very skeptical of ANY new lab that prances onto Meso promising a road to AAS GOLD.
They are only exercising due diligence by remaining callused and demand THE LAB prove it's GTG, by insisting a lab post much more than prototypical lip service such as; "trust me", "check my reviews" on some CENSORED board they sponsor or "PM my customers" etc.
3) YEP your probably right only bc Meso mates have LEARNED to simply believe that which we are told is a recipe for disaster and an open invitation we are fair game for any scamming UGL on the WWW.
However should ANY truly legit UGL decide to conduct business in an equitable fashion, Meso is an absolute GOLD MINE!
So rest assured should DS decide to give Meso sales a try he will be treated like any other UGL, fairly, equitably, and with the level of respect he's proven worthy of!