Is this legit watson?

do the admins/mods of evo get some income from promoting sources there? I am not putting down DS or anyone, not even Evo, but it just has been hard for me to find good info sometimes because of the overly positive, almost infomercial push, of the sources. It is as if no one ever has a complaint--or no one posts anything but compliments but never really a critique. I am gaining trust for people here and like Meso thus far so I really hope to see some true reviews for this cyp based upon user experience and blood work

As far as I know Evo does not take advertising money from sources. They don't have special subforums for sources or even let them post banners. They are really trying to push their NTBM,AG Guys, sarms1, RLS, whatever other shit. Rick made the place open source to drive massive amounts of traffic there. Seems to be working. I'm pretty certain the open source nature of the board won't go on forever. Once he has built a big enough email marketing list and has top google rankings and thousands of visitors hitting the site every hour, with people buying sarms and NTBM supps that work better than steroids (LOL!), spending thousands of dollars for a sarms, AG Guys, NTBM "cycle"...he will probably shut down the open sourcing. It will be another EF.

Evo claims how they are uncensored but that's bullshit. They have a guy there who, whenever someone would post about some other place that sells sarms or liquid RCs, would always say that place was a scam and lots of guys got scammed. All bullshit of course. Threads about competitors would get locked and deleted, just like EF. Mods and reps were threatened they could not rep any competitors of ntbm/AG/sarms1/etc. (even other EF sponsors) or they would be de-modded and banned from both EF and Evo. Those guys are so scared of competition it's ridiculous. "Don't forget your N2Guard and HcGenerate bro. And $1000 worth of sarms, and..." $2,000 later! Ridiculous.

Pics and bloods were posted on IMF of the watson. It is the real deal. I compared it to my script stuff and it is exactly the same. Red letters and all. Blood work verified.
yeah, I tried to say it in a way to avoid a flame war or too much accusations since I am new here. Also, it is a bit off topic. anyway, it does feel a bit odd when two or three mods/admins pounce on everything and then push the same products regardless of personal goals or needs. I agree with your advice and will do just that--going with my gut regarding each board and their style or agenda.

Just don't buy any of the ntbm/sarms/ag guys/rls, etc. bullshit and you'll be fine. That is what they constantly push. They for sure get paid to push that shit. PAid a shiny new bottle of shit every month! Don't you want to go be a rep too?
Just don't buy any of the ntbm/sarms/ag guys/rls, etc. bullshit and you'll be fine. That is what they constantly push. They for sure get paid to push that shit. PAid a shiny new bottle of shit every month! Don't you want to go be a rep too?

thanks for info. and yeah, i did start to think it was odd that Cardarine + HCGen was the answer to 90% of all the diverse needs and goals lol. I am new to many of the latest developments, but not new to biochem or lifting (undergrad degree was in chem) but none of that is even needed when the push is bigger than Billy Mays in an oxyclean infomercial lol.

As for the Cyp, I am eyeing it and will have more info over the next two weeks from my doc regarding getting a proper script. I may have to get my own stash of extras for blasts
thanks for info. and yeah, i did start to think it was odd that Cardarine + HCGen was the answer to 90% of all the diverse needs and goals lol. I am new to many of the latest developments, but not new to biochem or lifting (undergrad degree was in chem) but none of that is even needed when the push is bigger than Billy Mays in an oxyclean infomercial lol.

As for the Cyp, I am eyeing it and will have more info over the next two weeks from my doc regarding getting a proper script. I may have to get my own stash of extras for blasts

No problem brother.
Yeah, I have been on TRT (legit, not self) for 4 years now and I keep a stash for blasts. :)
[QUOTE="ceo, post: 1188061, member: 24696"

You make it sound almost like he quit over some scandal or something. LOL! Oh the drama. We could all render guesses as to why he left suddenly for reasons out of his control, but I will refrain and let the man reserve the right to choose to tell people if he so wishes. Sounds like he doesn't want to get into details so I'll respect that and leave it up to him. None of my business anyway.

Wow. What a response from this one sentence from me: "Murph over at IMF used to rep for him and moved on. Maybe he can shed some light."

Where is the drama in that statement? Where did I say he left on bad terms? You seem very sensitive about the subject.
Murf didn't move on. He disappeared. Then just as suddenly came back just the other day. He made a post a couple days ago saying he "left suddenly for reasons out of his control." Then he proceeded to talk about how he enjoyed repping for DS and using the gear. Nothing but praises that I saw.

You make it sound almost like he quit over some scandal or something. LOL! Oh the drama. We could all render guesses as to why he left suddenly for reasons out of his control, but I will refrain and let the man reserve the right to choose to tell people if he so wishes. Sounds like he doesn't want to get into details so I'll respect that and leave it up to him. None of my business anyway.

And no, DS has nothing to do with Evo other than he is a source there on a free, open source board. He just happened to be one of the first sources to go over there. Seems like the place is now crawling with sources and labs. Everyone seems to be setting up a lab in their kitchen these days and trying to hang a shingle at evo. Some lab over there doing all kinds of gimmicks to get people to buy his gear. Selling 1 liter bottles of gear super cheap, doing some "name your price" special. No thanks! It's pretty scary actually. Nobody seems to be holding them to the fire. Free and cheap gear and everyone is ready to be friendly.

Nobody? Not even one? I bet if you try real hard, you can think of at least one person...:cool:
theres plenty of bad reviews at evo on their sources and all their SARM bs......they usually last all of 15 mins and then are deleted and the person posting is back door banned.
Nobody? Not even one? I bet if you try real hard, you can think of at least one person...:cool:

LOL! You are right. I'm sure you're doing a great one man show over there. ;)

And most users are probably cheering you on until the source tosses out the free gear.
theres plenty of bad reviews at evo on their sources and all their SARM bs......they usually last all of 15 mins and then are deleted and the person posting is back door banned.

absolutely true. The place is worse than EF was/is. They delete posts and even change members posts. If a member says he got no results from sarms they will change the reply to that member praising sarms. Shady fucks. Then 5 or 6 alters chime in supporting that post.
[QUOTE="ceo, post: 1188061, member: 24696"

You make it sound almost like he quit over some scandal or something. LOL! Oh the drama. We could all render guesses as to why he left suddenly for reasons out of his control, but I will refrain and let the man reserve the right to choose to tell people if he so wishes. Sounds like he doesn't want to get into details so I'll respect that and leave it up to him. None of my business anyway.
Wow. What a response from this one sentence from me: "Murph over at IMF used to rep for him and moved on. Maybe he can shed some light."

Where is the drama in that statement? Where did I say he left on bad terms? You seem very sensitive about the subject.[/QUOTE]

I suppose that was my bad for reading your reply in it's entirety, in context. When you say DS and dylan and Evo are all connected and dylan runs DS, then you say murf "moved on" and maybe he can "shed some light" - as if there is something hidden that he knew and that is why he "moved on."

That seemed to me that it was all merely you trying to stir up drama. How silly of me! You're right bro. I'm sure it was completely innocent and you didn't mean to imply anything was being hidden and needed to be brought to light.
My bad.
Wow. What a response from this one sentence from me: "Murph over at IMF used to rep for him and moved on. Maybe he can shed some light."

Where is the drama in that statement? Where did I say he left on bad terms? You seem very sensitive about the subject.

I suppose that was my bad for reading your reply in it's entirety, in context. When you say DS and dylan and Evo are all connected and dylan runs DS, then you say murf "moved on" and maybe he can "shed some light" - as if there is something hidden that he knew and that is why he "moved on."

By the way, If you're going to quote me, please use my actual wording. Not your dream up scenario.

That seemed to me that it was all merely you trying to stir up drama. How silly of me! You're right bro. I'm sure it was completely innocent and you didn't mean to imply anything was being hidden and needed to be brought to light.
My bad.[/QUOTE]
The thing about this site (MESO) CEO is we look out for each other. I simply supplied information that MAY be relevant. If I am wrong about anything I will be the first to apologize to Domestic Supply or anyone else if needed.

Most people on here will tell you I don't stir the shit.

Maybe if you and Domestic are so confident of his product, DS will send samples to Dr. Jim to analyze?

By the way if you're going to quote me, please use my actual words and sentences please.
I suppose that was my bad for reading your reply in it's entirety, in context. When you say DS and dylan and Evo are all connected and dylan runs DS, then you say murf "moved on" and maybe he can "shed some light" - as if there is something hidden that he knew and that is why he "moved on."

By the way, If you're going to quote me, please use my actual wording. Not your dream up scenario.

That seemed to me that it was all merely you trying to stir up drama. How silly of me! You're right bro. I'm sure it was completely innocent and you didn't mean to imply anything was being hidden and needed to be brought to light.
My bad.
The thing about this site (MESO) CEO is we look out for each other. I simply supplied information that MAY be relevant. If I am wrong about anything I will be the first to apologize to Domestic Supply or anyone else if needed.

Most people on here will tell you I don't stir the shit.

Maybe if you and Domestic are so confident of his product, DS will send samples to Dr. Jim to analyze?

By the way if you're going to quote me, please use my actual words and sentences please.[/QUOTE]
I did use your actual words. I quoted your entire post whereas you chose not to quote my entire post. But you are right and I am wrong. Whatever man. I'm done. Not worth arguing with you. I wish you the best.

I am sure you are a decent guy. You sound like you don't like the evo admin and you are certainly not alone in that. You probably are associating me with them as one of the pack. I've gotten that from people here. Couldn't be more wrong, but I probably won't convince you of that so I won't try. They did finally ban me a month or so ago for being a self-thinker instead of an obedient robot.

Hopefully more people will learn the truth about them and that place soon. But I assure you that DS has nothing to do with them other than he is a source who is on that board and sells on there. He doesn't pay to advertise there, and as far as I know no source does. You admitted you didn't know and it was something you saw posted somewhere or were told or whatever. A rumor basically...that you seem to have no problem repeating over and over.

Like I said, I won't convince you of anything, but if you spread lies, even unknowingly, I will tell the truth.
A rumor basically...that you seem to have no problem repeating over and over.

Like I said, I won't convince you of anything, but if you spread lies, even unknowingly, I will tell the truth.[/QUOTE]
Maybe if you and Domestic are so confident of his product, DS will send samples to Dr. Jim to analyze??????

I said this so-called rumor once.
Maybe if you and Domestic are so confident of his product, DS will send samples to Dr. Jim to analyze??????

Go ask DS. It's not my business. I'm confident of the products he sells (he doesn't make any AAS in his kitchen, so it's not technically "his") from my usage and blood work. If you don't trust him or the products he provides that is fine with me. There are many sources to choose from and some are even good ones! :)
Go ask DS. It's not my business. I'm confident of the products he sells (he doesn't make any AAS in his kitchen, so it's not technically "his") from my usage and blood work. If you don't trust him or the products he provides that is fine with me. There are many sources to choose from and some are even good ones! :)

I think if some is going to hawk DS's products here on MESO it should be DS himself. Just like he does over at EVO and IMF and other places. I don't have anything against you or him. I really hope his products are good. From what I have read over at EVO and IMF, most the reviews are good. I am sure there are some hawks in the crowd that are posting these good reviews, but some are regular people also.
I think if some is going to hawk DS's products here on MESO it should be DS himself. Just like he does over at EVO and IMF and other places. I don't have anything against you or him. I really hope his products are good. From what I have read over at EVO and IMF, most the reviews are good. I am sure there are some hawks in the crowd that are posting these good reviews, but some are regular people also.

Does DS ever post here? I am new here. I always like to see how a source handles things that come up in an open discussion. This being a very non-bias board would be an even better place to read through some posts that would help me make a more informed decision.
Does DS ever post here? I am new here. I always like to see how a source handles things that come up in an open discussion. This being a very non-bias board would be an even better place to read through some posts that would help me make a more informed decision.

I haven't seen him here and that doesn't mean he has not. And I agree, I would like to see how DS would handle MESO. From what I read over at EVO and IMF he does a good job.
I think if some is going to hawk DS's products here on MESO it should be DS himself. Just like he does over at EVO and IMF and other places. I don't have anything against you or him. I really hope his products are good. From what I have read over at EVO and IMF, most the reviews are good. I am sure there are some hawks in the crowd that are posting these good reviews, but some are regular people also.

@RThoads I don't believe DS does post here. He doesn't post much on any board anymore.

I'm not sure I am "hawking" his gear here either, but whatever. You say I am so I'll agree rather than argue with you.I'll tell my opinion and my experience. It seems here if anyone has anything good to say about a source they are hawking or a rep or shill or whatever and are suspect at least and pretty much public enemy #1, and everyone has something against them.

I have known him for almost 15 years now. I talk to him in email and text quite often and consider him a friend of many years. I'm sure if you have a friend that runs a business you promote his business as well. I'm the type of person that likes a good deal so I tell people. I can tell you the best places around town to get a cheap lunch, Kids eat free on whichever nights at different restaurants. How to use discounts or coupons to get things for less. All that. I like quality, but I like saving money too. When it comes to gear I like to get the best quality I can for a decent price and I don't mind paying a bit more if I believe the quality is there. What a fucker I am! ;)

If most reviews are good then why are you still just hoping the gear is good? How many good reviews does it take? And I have seen very few negative reviews about him or the gear he sells. There's one at evo from an alter with zero posts, amongst about 30 positive reviews.

Makes no difference to me though. I hope you get good gear at a fair price wherever you go. I hope that for everyone. I have pointed out many scams and scammers over the years on these boards and I won't stop till I'm gone. In almost 15 years this guy has treated me well with good gear at fair prices so I will tell people about him. I wish I got a commission on every order! LOL! He likes me but I don't think I could talk him into that.
LOL! You are right. I'm sure you're doing a great one man show over there. ;)

And most users are probably cheering you on until the source tosses out the free gear.

More and more lately, its feeling like a one man show.

Oh yeah, the old free samples every time.

Recently some members essentially cheered on a source that openly threatened another source, after he lost his cool and then attempted to marginalize my efforts to inform others of the threats made. Good stuff. :rolleyes:
@RThoads I don't believe DS does post here. He doesn't post much on any board anymore.

I'm not sure I am "hawking" his gear here either, but whatever. You say I am so I'll agree rather than argue with you.I'll tell my opinion and my experience. It seems here if anyone has anything good to say about a source they are hawking or a rep or shill or whatever and are suspect at least and pretty much public enemy #1, and everyone has something against them.

If most reviews are good then why are you still just hoping the gear is good? How many good reviews does it take? And I have seen very few negative reviews about him or the gear he sells. There's one at evo from an alter with zero posts, amongst about 30 positive reviews.

When you it comes to reviews on boards such as EVO and IMF you know as while as I, all those reviews are not "real" customers. Some are speaking on the behave of the "sponsor." In which in turn they MAY get free gear or whatever in return. There are some shills in the crowd. Do I know if you do this for DS or if DS has people doing this. NO. And I am not accusing anyone. But proof is in the pudding, not some anonymous, faceless reviews on an AAS sponsored board. That is why I may be partially questioning the "good" of his product. That is where testing comes in.

All I am asking is for DS to represent himself here on MESO. He is often on IMF and Evo. Why not drop by here? I know the track record here at MESO is not good for just about anyone that has tried to sell their wares here with all the testing of blood levels, labmax and mass spec testing by DR. Jim. He may be able to pick up some very good "friends" in doing so. What ya think?