Is this legit watson?

I think the spacing on the bottle is a huge issue. How would the spacing get randomly screwed up on the labels unless there has been some alteration to the design? Plus, this isn't a restaurant where an employee can have the messed up burger. If Watson let that happen, I'm going to go work for Watson. Expect a lot of bottles labeled Tetoterone Cypionate coming through.
Absolutely. If someone here shows me watson from a pharmacy and I see a source selling the same but with any difference in the label, I'm out.
I think the spacing on the bottle is a huge issue. How would the spacing get randomly screwed up on the labels unless there has been some alteration to the design? Plus, this isn't a restaurant where an employee can have the messed up burger. If Watson let that happen, I'm going to go work for Watson. Expect a lot of bottles labeled Tetoterone Cypionate coming through.
I'm referring to damn near every WEB BASED UGL that has attempted to sell AAS on Meso

Surely there have been sources who have tried to sell or are selling/have sold/whatever on meso who are strictly resellers and do not have a lab, therefore are not UGLs?
Absolutely. If someone here shows me watson from a pharmacy and I see a source selling the same but with any difference in the label, I'm out.

What label difference are you referring to? I got a vial of Watson from DS and compared to my pharma Watson and didn't see any difference at all. Did you see a difference between labels from DS' Watson and Watson from a US pharmacy?
Surely there have been sources who have tried to sell or are selling/have sold/whatever on meso who are strictly resellers and do not have a lab, therefore are not UGLs?

Really! Well IF there is even ONE I'd love to enlightened, bc to my knowledge ALL have rightfully been accused of scamming Meso members, IME!

Thus IMO none can be trusted or are trustworthy! Simply put their reputation precedes them.
What label difference are you referring to? I got a vial of Watson from DS and compared to my pharma Watson and didn't see any difference at all. Did you see a difference between labels from DS' Watson and Watson from a US pharmacy?
The label "differences" are from dnpchemist. He says that the way he gets his Watson Cyp is when the vials don't pass QC in the end when the labels are misprinted. Which IMO is ridiculous, because a pharmaceutical company would not scrap an entire product after everything else passes QC just because of a misprinted label... Instead they would reprint a label. I don't know if his product is legit or not, but that story doesn't make sense
Really! Well IF there is even ONE I'd love to enlightened, bc to my knowledge ALL have rightfully been accused of scamming Meso members, IME!

Thus IMO none can be trusted or are trustworthy! Simply put their reputation precedes them.

The post was about the difference between UGL and sources who are not UGL. In other words they don't make anything, just resell.

I didn't say anything about scammers in the post you quoted.

I see now that there is currently a source here who claims to be a euro pharmacist. Hut he is not offering anabolics I guess. Since he has no lab, members are asking him to post pics of his products.

DS has a website with pics already. But people are atoll saying his Watson has to be fake.
"Source intro thread - hi I'm a source."
"Fuck you! You're a scammer! Show us your Autoclave!"

Haha. Funny but oversimplified.

The typical intro goes like this:

"hey, I'm a source. I don't have any references but the locals guys that are running my gear confirm it is fire. I'm doing you a huge favor by offering my gear to you so I don't want to hear from any naysayers and I won't answer any questions from guys that haven't tried my gear before. Here's a price list and ordering instructions. You're welcome"

The typical reception goes like this:

"Fuck you, you arrogant cocksucker. You came to Meso because you're a start-up lab that can't afford a real source board and chances are your quality reflects that fact. You're not selling gear here until you prove you're not a scammer and a bathtub brewer (for Brutus). You can start by proving your gear is legit, the conditions under which it's made, lab tests, etc."

At this point, the source stands there looking like they just got caught jerking off. They can't give a valid reason for why someone should take a chance on them because there isn't one. Some sources will make a stand and come back with something lame like:

"If you guys just try my gear and have it tested, you'll see that it's the best gear ever in the history of ugls. I want you guys to test my gear so I'm willing to give some vets free gear to test and then you'll see how unbelievably lucky you are that I chose Meso over ProMuscle"
Maybe a few guys will roll the dice and place an order. They report that it was well packaged and shipped in a timely fashion, and that it has very pretty labels and they're even on straight. But even though it will be a while before the lab test results come back, this is good enough for noobs and the orders start coming in. By the time their orders arrive, the first test results start coming back showing Test E is severly underdosed, the Tren E was actually underdosed Deca, the gear is contaminated, and the orals are total bunk.

So now, instead of just a couple of guys that gave this clown credibility but giving him a chance to prove himself, we have a guy whose honeymoon was ruined because his cock just hung there like a piece of wet spaghetti the whole because the Test E he was using was severly underdosed and the Tren E turned out to be Deca, and now his new bride thinks he doesn't love her so she's moved in with her parents; we have another guy that missed a graduation, birthday or some other important function because he's in the hospital recovering from the surgery that just drained 1500 ml of pure pus out of his infected ass because the gear was brewed in a bathtub; and we have whole bunch of other guys with fucked up cycles and wasted money because they were sold garbage. Meanwhile, the source has a few thousand bucks in his pocket and he's already started working on the new name and sales pitch that he'll use when he returns next week.

So the result of going through all this nonsense has been to confirm what everybody already knew in the first place: the source is selling - knowingly or unknowingly - dirty, garbage gear because they didn't know what their raws contained because they "trusted" their Chinese suppliers, and, since they're only doing this to make a quick buck and never actually cared about their customers, they couldn't be bothered with the expense of having it analyzed to see if it actually contained what the Chinese suppliers told them it contained.

In other words, the first response was not only the best response, it would have saved us from going through this exercise in futility:

"Fuck you! You're a scammer!"
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So where are the legit sources? Do they avoid meso or are they here? According to Dr. Jim, meso is running a 100% fail rate on its sources. Why is that? Can meso not attract good sources?
As long as Meso keeps attracting scammers like DS, there will always be a problem here.
So where are the legit sources? Do they avoid meso or are they here? According to Dr. Jim, meso is running a 100% fail rate on its sources. Why is that? Can meso not attract good sources?[/QUOT
So I must have missed something in these posts. DS is now a scammer?
Maybe that was a little harsh. But until a representative from Watson says Domestic Source is a authorized reseller, I think at best you are getting a UGL that labels their product as Watson. If in fact it is legitimate Watson, what steps do i need to take to get on their authorized reseller list?
Maybe that was a little harsh. But until a representative from Watson says Domestic Source is a authorized reseller, I think at best you are getting a UGL that labels their product as Watson. If in fact it is legitimate Watson, what steps do i need to take to get on their authorized reseller list?
I am confused man. Unless you have a DEA registration # your not legally selling or buying any AAS in the U.S. They are either diverted (like when you buy Rx Pills on the street)... Or there not. If there not, they would be knock offs, but without testing there is no way to call that either way.
I dunno. I mean in part I agree. It depends on the patience of the person. If I have a good product and I know it, but one place I am calling on to make sales keeps telling me it's shit and I'm a scammer and send them free product to test, and when it tests good, there will still be skeptics who say the test was bad or the method was bad or the person was paid, etc. I'd probably stop wasting my time and pick up and move on. I've never sourced, but I've done sales for a long time. If I were trying to sell something to a place like that I wouldn't waste much time, because I could be making more sales if I just moved on.
I see your point as well man. Either way the track record is not very good here whether UGL or reseller. I am going to need a new display case soon for my bunk/fake "human grade" gear collection. That's not to say the DS Watson isn't real, but people are rightfully skeptical. Then again... If I didn't think it existed some place I wouldn't keep buying it... So you never know. I am going to give some a shot and check it out.
I am confused man. Unless you have a DEA registration # your not legally selling or buying any AAS in the U.S. They are either diverted (like when you buy Rx Pills on the street)... Or there not. If there not, they would be knock offs, but without testing there is no way to call that either way.
Exactly! I don't see how a source can sell legitimate Watson in volume with all the controls in place. Even is someone is taking this out the back door, I just don't see how you could keep up with the orders. Maybe I'm wrong, but my street smarts and common sense says this does not add up.
It ma
I see your point as well man. Either way the track record is not very good here whether UGL or reseller. I am going to need a new display case soon for my bunk/fake "human grade" gear collection. That's not to say the DS Watson isn't real, but people are rightfully skeptical. Then again... If I didn't think it existed some place I wouldn't keep buying it... So you never know. I am going to give some a shot and check it out.
y be good stuff. I just don't see it coming off the same line you get at CVS or Walgreens.
We're really not trying to "attract" sources here, good or bad..
Them maybe that is why the good ones don't come here. Maybe they are respecting that meso doesn't want sources.
But it is confusing because most everyone here seems to want sources here. There is even a SCOC that sources should follow if they want to be here. Mixed messages.