Is this possibly gyno?


New Member

I am not sure if this is gyno? I don't feel any mass, but I do feel sensitivity or pain when I press onto the nipple.

I have my E2 and Prolactin under control checked with blood work, but apparently it was out of range that is why this happened.

Thinking of going to the doctor to double check if it is actual gyno or not.


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What's your dosage u inject and take (oral and injectables)? How long? Where is your E2 and Prolactin level?

I am not sure if this is gyno? I don't feel any mass, but I do feel sensitivity or pain when I press onto the nipple.

I have my E2 and Prolactin under control checked with blood work, but apparently it was out of range that is why this happened.

Thinking of going to the doctor to double check if it is actual gyno or not.

Looks like gyno yes. However if you don't feel any solid lumps then you can still save it with a serm like raloxifene 30 - 60 mg's ed.

I am not sure if this is gyno? I don't feel any mass, but I do feel sensitivity or pain when I press onto the nipple.

I have my E2 and Prolactin under control checked with blood work, but apparently it was out of range that is why this happened.

Thinking of going to the doctor to double check if it is actual gyno or not.
Yes, it's gyno. How long have you had this? Did you chest look very different a long time ago?

You should try raloxifene at 120mg (60mg twice per day) for two to three weeks and then drop to 60mg daily for another two weeks. At that point, you'll have to make a decision whether to continue the raloxifene or not, but by then you should notice a reduction, and with continued raloxifene use, that reduction can continue for many months. But if you don't have a reduction in gyno, then the glands are likely too fibrotic and probably are going to stay there, and you should not waste your time with raloxifene l. You can also use Tamoxifen for this if that that's what you have.

But yes, you have gyno.
started taking gear at 5'9 165 lbs....

gear isnt a shortcut to replace proper diet and training. you likely started without doing the proper research and got gyno.
Yea it's gyno.

I'd do some nolvadex+letrozole asap, and Nuke that sh*t

Heard good things about raloxifene for it it, but I've never used it personally. I know nolva + letro will do the job though
Some advice I was given in the past about a tiny flare up. Nolvadex 40mg a day, letro 2.5 a day. Run that as long as possible until you feel like absolute shit and the odds are it will reduce in size.
My understanding is that meds to get your estrogen and prolactin in check would help long term, but the counteract and possibly reverse your immediate symptoms, you are going to need a SERM. Would probably take a long time to notice improvement from AI/blocker alone. Ralox works great for me with no noticeable side effects. SERMs will affect your bloodwork to some extent, so probably need to keep that in mind if your start one and your E stays high.
If his estrogen is out of range he def needs an AI as well. Nolva won't reduce his estrogen levels, that he said were out of range in the OP.

I did not say a serm will reduce e2 nor did I say that lowering e2 to normal levels isn't a good idea. I said: no need to crush estrogen (the letro dosages recommend by you and the other poster would accomplish just that).

Serm's bind pretty tightly to the breast ER's where they act as antagonists and preventing estradiols binding to the receptors. Thus, no reall need to crush estrogen, which is in all by it self a very unhealthy ordeal. Lower e2 to normal levels if high, and use a serm in an adequate those which will saturate breast tissue ER's. Crushing e2 and using a serm is an old school forum bro lore. Unnecessary and totally unhealthy.