Isotretinoin (accutane) while on cycle


New Member
Accutane is the only thing that works for me, post cycle. I am prone to getting bad acne when on cycle. Fine when off cycle.

Anyone have experience staying on isotretinoin (accutane) WHILE on cycle to PREVENT acne in the first place?
I apologize for butting in without the specific experience you asked about. Considering it immediately drops sebum production yes, it will prevent acne (to whatever degree, dose dependent). However, 1 to 2 months in you can expect a temporary flare up (the purge) before it quickly clears again. If you're following a low dose protocol. you may get no flare, or a very light one (I cleared, then got tiny pimples in unusual spots for a couple of weeks).
I apologize for butting in without the specific experience you asked about. Considering it immediately drops sebum production yes, it will prevent acne (to whatever degree, dose dependent). However, 1 to 2 months in you can expect a temporary flare up (the purge) before it quickly clears again. If you're following a low dose protocol. you may get no flare, or a very light one (I cleared, then got tiny pimples in unusual spots for a couple of weeks).
Your input is appreciated, regardless of having the experience or not. Why would we expect a purge 1 to 2 months in if it is working and preventing acne in the first place? Isn't there nothing to "clear again" if it works at preventing any acne in the first place (while on cycle)?
Your input is appreciated, regardless of having the experience or not. Why would we expect a purge 1 to 2 months in if it is working and preventing acne in the first place? Isn't there nothing to "clear again" if it works at preventing any acne in the first place (while on cycle)?

Isotretinoin is intended to permanently cure acne by changing the cells lining the pores that have hair follicles (active or not) which produce the fatty compounds that are broken down by specialized bacteria that result in the skin oils we need.

Acne is the result of too much of this oil, and the bacteria getting out of control.

The first effect is that oil production is immediately reduced, so you see a relatively fast clearing of acne (or prevention if it wasn't there).

The next effect is the cells that regulate this process change at the genetic level, being "corrected" so they're no longer likely to create the conditions that lead to acne. While going through this transformation, their ability to regulate bacteria is temporarily reduced, and the bacteria can go wild causing a temporary breakout inaccurately but commonly called "the purge".

A low dose avoids this because the cells transform more slowly, and by the time they're unable to regulate bacteria your skin has been dried out long enough there's not much for the bacteria to feed on, so their population stays lower.

At least, that's the current theory, scientists haven't been able to prove exactly why isotretinoin cures acne.

The good news is if you're not prone to acne outside of a cycle, there's a good chance you can cure it with enough cumulative exposure to isotretinoin. If you haven't bought it already, get the gelcaps from India pharma, not ugl dry tabs.
Thank you for the in depth explanation!

If I understand correctly, if you do not have acne pre-cycle and are on a low dose of isotretinoin, you can expect it to prevent acne on cycle (no breakout "purge" either).
Thank you for the in depth explanation!

If I understand correctly, if you do not have acne pre-cycle and are on a low dose of isotretinoin, you can expect it to prevent acne on cycle (no breakout "purge" either).

That should be the case, yes. Like I said, I got it a little, barely visible, in areas I never got acne in my life. Consider starting asap, pre-cycle if possible, on 10mg once or twice a day.
That should be the case, yes. Like I said, I got it a little, barely visible, in areas I never got acne in my life. Consider starting asap, pre-cycle if possible, on 10mg once or twice a day.
Thanks again, this has been very insightful for me and I'm sure for others as well, now and in the future.
If you haven't bought it already, get the gelcaps from India pharma, not ugl dry tabs.

Any tips on how I can find a good India pharma source that ships to Canada? I'm searching through posts and posts and not finding any specific one. I'm not sure if it's my forum searching skills that need some work or what lol.
Any tips on how I can find a good India pharma source that ships to Canada? I'm searching through posts and posts and not finding any specific one. I'm not sure if it's my forum searching skills that need some work or what lol.

Ask in the PCT24x7 thread in steroid underground.

If he doesn't, ask in the PCT.Zone thread.

If neither do mention it in here and I'll help find an alternative.
I've got two shoulder replacements, so I'm a little prone to bacne even on TRT a TRT dose. I run 5 mg either once or twice a day, depending on what I see when I shower, and it's made a world of difference.

What's funny is that, even when I started at that low of a level, I dealt with a mini purge. I had a band of millimeter-sized bumps on my forehead and breastplate that would, if tortured, produce sebum. They went away within a week or two, the skin peeled, and now all of my skin looks better.

Even at 10 mg a day, I have to be more careful with my lips drying out, so I have no idea how folks cope at 80-120 mg a day. Teenage girls are fucking soldiers, I'm finding out.
I've got two shoulder replacements, so I'm a little prone to bacne even on TRT a TRT dose. I run 5 mg either once or twice a day, depending on what I see when I shower, and it's made a world of difference.

What's funny is that, even when I started at that low of a level, I dealt with a mini purge. I had a band of millimeter-sized bumps on my forehead and breastplate that would, if tortured, produce sebum. They went away within a week or two, the skin peeled, and now all of my skin looks better.

Even at 10 mg a day, I have to be more careful with my lips drying out, so I have no idea how folks cope at 80-120 mg a day. Teenage girls are fucking soldiers, I'm finding out.

When you titrate up slowly, and split into two doses a day, the sides can usually be minimized. Lips are always the worst, so buy lip balm in bulk.
When you titrate up slowly, and split into two doses a day, the sides can usually be minimized. Lips are always the worst, so buy lip balm in bulk.
I've been on it and using it for quite a while now and titrate up when I cycle. 20 bid is as high as I've ever needed to go. I'm a sawbones (almost purely research) for my day gig, so I'm not sure if it's rx or not, but 5% lidocaine vitamin E cream is a game changer. I'm sure it can be made at home if it's rx only.
I've been on it and using it for quite a while now and titrate up when I cycle. 20 bid is as high as I've ever needed to go. I'm a sawbones (almost purely research) for my day gig, so I'm not sure if it's rx or not, but 5% lidocaine vitamin E cream is a game changer. I'm sure it can be made at home if it's rx only.

I'd be cautious about continuous use beyond 6 months without a break. There is some evidence it interferes with Vit D, potentially causing bone loss.

That was why they try to shove in as much as possible with high doses in 6 months, take a year break, and do another round if necessary to reach permanent cure with the really bad acne cases.
Ask in the PCT24x7 thread in steroid underground.

If he doesn't, ask in the PCT.Zone thread.

If neither do mention it in here and I'll help find an alternative.
Reached out, and apparently too many issues with Canada customs. I guess I will have to source locally. I've read before that raw powder dry tabs (what UGLs sell) can last for several months before starting to degrade. Accurate?
Reached out, and apparently too many issues with Canada customs. I guess I will have to source locally. I've read before that raw powder dry tabs (what UGLs sell) can last for several months before starting to degrade. Accurate?

Yeah, as long as it comes straight out the factory into your hands, vs sitting on a shelf for 2 years.

It's too much of a commitment to screw around with dry tabs or powder, and the pharmacodynamics mean it probably isn't going to be absorbed properly. It's a difficult drug to absorb, and btw, you must have each dose with a meal, preferably high fat, or 80% can just pass straight through without absorption.

Medzsquare ships to Canada, and is solid. Use the coupon code that's all over their site to get 20% and try to hit the $199 for free shipping, which makes the prices more palatable. Not the easiest site to navigate so search for Accufine.

Prices drop a lot with quantity, so figure out what makes the most sense for you, but I wouldn't buy less than 6000mg total. The recommended cumulative dose over 6 months for a traditional course treating severe acne is 125mg/kg.

I was going for half that with low dose, but the sides have been easy enough I ordered more and am just going for the full amount as cheap insurance for one course and done.
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Yeah doesn't take much, I run 20 mg pharma every 3 days when on the bike, maybe every other day if I get even a little breakout. Start it a week before and run through pct. I think e2 or other hormones levels play a part in acne, cause even after test has completely left the system, I still breakouts (without isotret)
Low dose accutane/roaccutane once or twice per year fixes all my issues when it comes to acne.

20mg for 2-3 weeks is all I need. It's very effective. People overestimate how much they need by reading about dosages on the internet for severe acne patients.
Low dose accutane/roaccutane once or twice per year fixes all my issues when it comes to acne.

20mg for 2-3 weeks is all I need. It's very effective. People overestimate how much they need by reading about dosages on the internet for severe acne patients.
Do you do this 2-3 week cycle during a breakout?

I get bacne for months after a cycle which appears to now be under control with Tret but it's quite a hassle to apply to my whole torso each night.
Do you do this 2-3 week cycle during a breakout?

I get bacne for months after a cycle which appears to now be under control with Tret but it's quite a hassle to apply to my whole torso each night.

Just go for an Accutane cycle and be done with it for good. That's the point of isotretinoin....a permanent fix.
Do you do this 2-3 week cycle during a breakout?

I get bacne for months after a cycle which appears to now be under control with Tret but it's quite a hassle to apply to my whole torso each night.
Usually yes, when it bothers me too much. Usually it's twice per year. So I cycle like once or twice and then cruise for the rest of the year. Gonna make it to once a year for health reasons soon.

