Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

Contribute??? You mean like your false made up results given to Mands for his GH??? You mean contribute like that?

Fuck outta here scammer. You provide false information for the purpose of disinforming the board at your will to control the flow of things. It's a shame that others can't see it.
I have to admit. This disappoints me.

If you want to be about truth, be about truth. Be about intelligently focusing on the subject at hand and dismantling any integrity flaws systematically.

Reading all these vitriolic posts… it is counterproductive. They just sway people against your narrative. I never understood the name calling, and digging at another individuals most sensitive places from behind the cover of a computer screen.

There is no honor in that.

That is what happens when people stop caring about shedding light and truth on a subject and simply lash out because they are angry, immature and incapable of communicating at another productive angle.

It’s like trying to have a political discussion and convince family members on FaceBook that they should stop representing/believing in one party or the other.

Does ANYONE know a person that has read a FB post and suddenly gone “My GOD… I had it all wrong!” Neither do I.

So these back and forth insults, railings, rants, and seething commentaries are purely counterproductive lashing out.

Lord that makes me tired, and I have been in some of the worst conflicts our modern world has ever seen.

Can we just agree to disagree?

If you believe Jano is a fraud, great. You have more than documented the concern. Anyone who reads this thread will dig deeper if they are inclined.

I personally, believe there is more than sufficient evidence to support the legitimacy of the business.

Let’s move on to other constructive challenges. This horse has been beat to death.
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I know this might be a dumb question..

I cap my raws using only raws, a MG spoon, and gel capsules.

I would like to know how accurate these MG scoops are. If I send you a capsule that’s mostly empty with only a measured amount of raw, You can still tell me how many MG per capsule?

I’ll be sending anadrol, anavar, and aromasin.
I know this might be a dumb question..

I cap my raws using only raws, a MG spoon, and gel capsules.

I would like to know how accurate these MG scoops are. If I send you a capsule that’s mostly empty with only a measured amount of raw, You can still tell me how many MG per capsule?

I’ll be sending anadrol, anavar, and aromasin.
Just get a scale its simple. A 30$ scale, put the spoon on, dont tare it, then put raw in spoon and then do the subtraction after. It will be more accurate then starting at 0.00
Just get a scale its simple. A 30$ scale, put the spoon on, dont tare it, then put raw in spoon and then do the subtraction after. It will be more accurate then starting at 0.00
Bad advice!!! Trying to measure mgs with a $30 scale is very stupid. I have a $500 scale and it still has a variance. Its smaller than a $30scale but its still there.
I read jano address this guy somewhere earlier or yesterday.
Bad advice!!! Trying to measure mgs with a $30 scale is very stupid. I have a $500 scale and it still has a variance. Its smaller than a $30scale but its still there.
I read jano address this guy somewhere earlier or yesterday.
This works for me amazingly i wouldnt use for arimadex, but for anadrol as long as your taking the same dose everyday. And if i have a dollar thats a gram and it shows a gram exact, where is the variance?
The biggest thing is that I've never seen a $30 scale that measured to the 0.001 gram. Gas station scales usually do 0.1. Even if ir did 0.01, it's still not accurate enough to do 1mg.


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