Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

The first confirmation is forever timestamped on the blockchain, thus publicly available through myriad of resources.
Absolutely, I completely understand. I delved into extensive API documentation from various sources, including Blockchair and other explorers. Interestingly, Blockchair not only provides transaction details but also showcases the USD value at the time of the transaction. This feature appears to be a helpful indicator of the first confirmation on the blockchain.
Absolutely, I completely understand. I delved into extensive API documentation from various sources, including Blockchair and other explorers. Interestingly, Blockchair not only provides transaction details but also showcases the USD value at the time of the transaction. This feature appears to be a helpful indicator of the first confirmation on the blockchain.
Indeed, most blockchain explorers offer that or similar capability.

Hi Janoshik,

I've sent you many samples before. All snail mail untracked usps. All worked out but it took weeks to be delivered. I'd like to try ups or FedEx this time around, do you know approximately how much your other customers pay for USA to janoshik office via private carrier?

Happy holidays Janoshik
Hi Janoshik,

I've sent you many samples before. All snail mail untracked usps. All worked out but it took weeks to be delivered. I'd like to try ups or FedEx this time around, do you know approximately how much your other customers pay for USA to janoshik office via private carrier?

Happy holidays Janoshik

UPS from the USA through pirateship.com is around 50 USD as far as I know.

Cheers and happy holidays!

UPS from the USA through pirateship.com is around 50 USD as far as I know.

Cheers and happy holidays!
One more quick question.

When I ship usps you always said small as possible bubble mailer.

With ups can it be a bubble mailer? Or does it have to be a ups brand envelope?
Stupid question..

I'm not going to get to ups within about a week. Is it OK to order and pay for the tests now then send it out in a week?
Before proceeding to insult and gaslight me, @Millard also took my member privileges, so asking me questions outside of this thread is not quite going to work, unfortunately, @ThiccManJack.

Follistatnin can be tested no problem.

so asking me questions outside of this thread is not quite going to work, unfortunately, @ThiccManJack.
Not true. Members can ask any questions about analytical testing services anywhere in the "Analytical Testing" subforum. And providers of those services can answer those very questions in any thread in the subforum. And guess what, members can also ask those questions in other subforums and vendors can still answer them in the Analytical Testing subforum. Wow.
Not true. Members can ask any questions about analytical testing services anywhere in the "Analytical Testing" subforum. And providers of those services can answer those very questions in any thread in the subforum. And guess what, members can also ask those questions in other subforums and vendors can still answer them in this subforum. Wow.
Much wow, very sass.
proceeding to insult and gaslight me, @Millard
Wow, dude.

This is me insulting and gaslighting @janoshik:

Just a few observations here that I think are difficult to dispute about @janoshik

The analytical services offered by @janoshik have transformed the online AAS/PED-related harm reduction space for the better. Rapid, convenient, affordable, and widespread analysis by anyone who asked was largely a pipe dream before @janoshik. This is now possible.

As a result of this, he has arguably done more for AAS-related harm reduction than any other entity in the past 7 years.

The fact that he is profiting tremendously off of the community does not change that in the least. He identified a strong demand for important services where few viable options existed and was savvy and resourceful enough to find a legal way to offer them to the community.

I have no problem seeing such success rewarded financially. Altruism isn't necessary to improve harm reduction when his financial self-interest is close aligned with the harm reduction interests of the community.

Credit where credit is due.

AFAIK, there have only been 4 legal analytical testing labs over this period that could offer these services to the community.

I liked SIMEC early on but they have always been prohibitively expensive, had limited payment options, and eventually introduced several barriers that thwarted widespread adoption.

Lab4Tox and Chemtox were alternatives that are still used. However, limiting payment options to bank transfers is always going to be a problem in the AAS community.

This leaves @janoshik with a virtual monopoly. He satisfies and improves the shortcomings of the other three labs precisely because he caters to the AAS community (unlike the others).

Of course, I offer a criticism of his lack of professionalism and particularly the disrespect and hostility he shows towards me again and again. And more of the same now.
Wow, dude.

This is me insulting and gaslighting @janoshik:

Of course, I offer a criticism of his lack of professionalism and particularly the disrespect he shows towards me again and again. And more of the same now.
Please, do not insult my intelligence and try to gaslight me further.

I've been nothing but respectful towards you and I will not get into shit flinging contest with you.

I am not taking lightly you calling me whiner for insisting your own rules are enforced, you calling me disgusting for quoting the person you've tiptoed around, and you insinuating that because I have a lucrative business I ought to be perfectly okay with being called pedophile and maybe just shut up and move on et cetera.

Guess you've missed quoting those parts in your post above, but I don't mind.

We may even agree to disagree on how to clasify all that.
Not a fight worth getting into for me.

I see how your jimmies are and were rustled just for respectfully noting that it appears certain members are or were getting a favourable treatment - something you yourself had admitted to when you mentioned that they managed to pressure you into banning me years ago.

Now imagine how rustled your jimmies would be if I was an administration here and I permitted people calling you a pedophile (just an metaphor of course) if you managed to whine for paragraphs just for suggesting something you pretty much yourself managed to admit?

Just try to put yourself into my shoes, if that's even possible and tell me, how is that?

I honestly am just disappointed by the amount of gaslighting here and the lack of empathy from your side.
Please, do not insult my intelligence and try to gaslight me further.

I've been nothing but respectful towards you and I will not get into shit flinging contest with you.

I am not taking lightly you calling me whiner for insisting your own rules are enforced, you calling me disgusting for quoting the person you've tiptoed around, and you insinuating that because I have a lucrative business I ought to be perfectly okay with being called pedophile and maybe just shut up and move on et cetera.

Guess you've missed quoting those parts in your post above, but I don't mind.

We may even agree to disagree on how to clasify all that.
Not a fight worth getting into for me.

I see how your jimmies are and were rustled just for respectfully noting that it appears certain members are or were getting a favourable treatment - something you yourself had admitted to when you mentioned that they managed to pressure you into banning me years ago.

Now imagine how rustled your jimmies would be if I was an administration here and I permitted people calling you a pedophile (just an metaphor of course) if you managed to whine for paragraphs just for suggesting something you pretty much yourself managed to admit?

Just try to put yourself into my shoes, if that's even possible and tell me, how is that?

I honestly am just disappointed by the amount of gaslighting here and the lack of empathy from your side.

Your lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling.

First of all, let's clarify some things. You were never banned on this forum - ever. Several members pressured me to ban you. I did not. Those members received no special consideration.

No one gets special treatment. The issue that you complained about. About that. The member was banned for a month after you identified the specific rule violation. So yeah, rules are enforced.

As far as special treatment goes, YOU are the one asking for special treatment.

When it comes to vendors who profit off of this community, members are free to share their negative and positive feedback, even insult and harass over products/services. This is not censored. This has been the case for long since you ever showed up. You're just upset because you don't think it should apply to you.

That's fine. You can feel entitled to special treatment. That doesn't mean you will get it.
Your lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling.

First of all, let's clarify some things. You were never banned on this forum - ever. Several members pressured me to ban you. I did not.
You have to be kidding or projecting so hard it's bending reality for you.

I was banned from Meso for months if not a year or more.

I didn't think you can take the lies and gaslighting any further, but apparently, I was wrong.
No one gets special treatment.

As far as special treatment goes, YOU are the one asking for special treatment.

That's fine. You can feel entitled to special treatment. That doesn't mean you will get it.
OK, please, could you elaborate on why was the change of my member status was so conveniently timed with the time I started complaining about Brutus having pedophile fantasies on this forum?

Just a coincidence, right?
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OK, please, could you elaborate on why was the change of my member status was so conveniently timed with the time I started complaining about Brutus having pedophile fantasies on this forum?

Just a coincidence, right?
You are a vendor of products/services.

MESO doesn't censor criticism of vendors.

You wanted special privileges that MESO does not give vendors.

Your status was changed to make it clear that you are a vendor so there was no ambiguity.