Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

You sent the email 9 hours ago in the middle of the night on a weekend and it was replied to 2 hours ago.

Hi sorry my bad

PS: @Millard how long does it take to get access to the vendor board? I have only access to three boards which is not where I can post my vendor ad. I’ve gotten my stuff tested, let me know what the remaining requirements are.
Like putting people and their families into a woodchipper, right?
No. Those people are banned too. I don't recall the specifics of what you did that warranted your ban but it involved the minor children of another member:

There was no misinterpretation, deliberate, accidental or otherwise. You were banned for the reasons listed. Your refusal or inability to accept culpability is astounding.

Members are rarely banned on MESO. But I have very little tolerance for any who uses personal information about one's minor children, especially that which is private or otherwise not publicly known, in an attempt to intimidate another member. You not only threatened but actually carried through with this unacceptable behavior.

Again, your attempts to rationalize or justify this behavior by maintaining that you did nothing wrong is stunning.

I find this type of behavior far more offensive than the typical internet tough guy threats. That type of bullshit, while unacceptable, is inevitably inconsequential but the very act of bringing another member's minor children into the conversation in an attempt at intimidation and/or implied threat has implicit consequences.

I believe that I have made myself abundantly clear.

Now do you get it?
No. Those people are banned too.
So you have banned Brutus for the woodchipper thing a couple years ago already?

All the recent events must have been my hallucination then!
Hallucinations are like the movie classic of gaslighting.

What's next, you have anorexic Christian Bale up your sleeve?

I don't recall the specifics of what you did that warranted your ban but it involved the minor children of another member.
Maybe try quoting me, instead of intentionally blurring your own made up lies and gaslighting to suit your then and now narrative.

I know you can't, I pointed that out in private messages when we talked about the ban (that never ever happened) and you refused to acknowledge it then as well, yet again suggesting I shut up and just move on, because it didn't suit your narrative and I chose not to push it further.

Anyway, why not make it clear here in the public. I am sure public discourse, especially in my own thread for the sake of transparency is nothing that you would mind and breaks no rules of this site.

Do you claim that I have used private or otherwise not publicly known information to threathen anybody - an highly illegal act?

That's a yes or no question.

I don't see any reasonable reason to hesitate answering that. Do you?
I hope you're not starting to feel annoyed, @Millard, I certainly wouldn't want this to be as annoying as having to face provable lies, gaslighting and libel while having a discussion with a very hostile adversary in the position of power.

It is very commendable that you have managed to produce so many paragraphs condemning my behaviour, while absolutely refusing to adress the insults and the above I'm facing. The way you tiptoe around calling out anybody but me...

You so far managed to quote the rule broken on one of the posts dryly and acknowledge when you have been extremely obviously wrong. Well, once, out of all the times.

I'm sure refusing to accept being called a pedophile, have rape of my wife being talked and brutal violence against me being insinuated is nothing more than a failure of "my professionalism" and me being upset about it and calling it out is nothing but me being a disgusting whiner and I should just accept it as I own a lucrative business.

Nothing like highly convenient timing of user privilege change on top of that too, to really show me. Next I'm going to read how I'm asking for all of that. Guess I better rest, before I go on another break out of my own volition, despite breaking no rules or laws.


Have a Merry Christmas.
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So you have banned Brutus for the woodchipper thing a couple years ago already?
There was a time early on when MESO was literally uncensored when it came to what members could say about sources of products/service with the exception of direct threats of physical harm.

The scope of the restrictions has evolved since then from:

Direct threats of physical harm being prohibited


Threatening, inciting, glorifying, encouraging, promoting, implying, wishing, imagining, fantasizing about violence or harm (including sexual violence against family members of forum users) being prohibited.

Anyone who engaged in such behavior is penalized. Of course, as the sole moderator on this forum, I have always relied upon and requested the assistance of the community to report the behavior by clicking on the "report" link underneath the specific post in question.

I generally don't retroactive ban anyone for anything that have happened on the forum years ago. But if there was an instance of such violence that happened any time within the past 24 months, please report the relevant post so that the offending members can be penalized.

The only way action can be taken is if you alert me to the specific post in question.

It should be abundantly clear by now to everyone that I will ban any member, no matter who they are, if they violate the rules related to violence.
Maybe try quoting me, instead of intentionally blurring your own made up lies and gaslighting to suit your then and now narrative.
There is no narrative other than members are banned for violating the aforementioned rules when the specific instances are reported. If I am unaware of the specific instances, I can not take action. No one receives special treatment.

I have no doubt that your temporary ban was deserved for the reasons I stated contemporaneously 5 years ago or so. I do not recall the specifics of what you did nor did I keep a record of your quotes, screenshots, etc.

Anyway, why not make it clear here in the public. I am sure public discourse, especially in my own thread for the sake of transparency is nothing that you would mind and breaks no rules of this site.

Do you claim that I have used private or otherwise not publicly known information to threathen anybody - an highly illegal act?
It is a strawman argument to saying your temporary ban five years ago was due a "highly illegal act".

As I've stated, I don't recall the specifics of your ban. So the following example is just a hypothetical about how legally bringing up a member's minor child could be interpreted as a threat...

If a source casually tells a member who criticizes them that they know the member has a 10-year old daughter or is aware of their wife's name, there is nothing illegal about that. Given that this is not public knowledge, it can be perceived as an implied threat. At the very least, it will likely have a chilling effect on what that member says about the source in the future. This is why I find invoking family members highly objectionable in these circumstances.

So, it can be legal and highly objectionable and ban-worthy.

I'm sure refusing to accept being called a pedophile, have rape of my wife being talked and brutal violence against me being insinuated is nothing more than a failure of "my professionalism" and me being upset about it and calling it out is nothing but me being a disgusting whiner and I should just accept it as I own a lucrative business.
No, not at all. Once you reported the specific post describing the sexual assault of your wife, the member was banned.

I am not faulting you for being upset. You should be and with good reason.

The only thing I am faulting you with is the unnecessary hostility and antagonism towards me for what other members are saying about you.

As I've already said, and I guess needs repeating, any references to violence or harm to you or yours by other members is unacceptable.

All you need to do is report them as I've repeated described and the necessary action will be taken.
Hi sorry my bad

PS: @Millard how long does it take to get access to the vendor board? I have only access to three boards which is not where I can post my vendor ad. I’ve gotten my stuff tested, let me know what the remaining requirements are.
This will be processed shortly. As you know, it is mandatory on MESO for all new vendors to post analytical testing results for any products they offer conducted by community-recognized testing facilities like @janoshik. This is the minimum requirement for harm reduction on MESO.

Given what's being said recently in this thread, I know it may seem weird to you and others that I've created a subforum specifically highlighting analytical testing results as well as a photo gallery doing the same, I'm praising the enormous impact that @janoshik has had on the community, and I'm recommending @janoshik as a way to meet new requirements for participating on MESO.

Yeah, it's weird for me too.
I have no doubt that your temporary ban was deserved for the reasons I stated contemporaneously 5 years ago or so. I do not recall the specifics of what you did nor did I keep a record of your quotes, screenshots, etc.

It is a strawman argument to saying your temporary ban five years ago was due a "highly illegal act".

As I've stated, I don't recall the specifics of your ban. So the following example is just a hypothetical about how legally bringing up a member's minor child could be interpreted as a threat...

If a source casually tells a member who criticizes them that they know the member has a 10-year old daughter or is aware of their wife's name, there is nothing illegal about that. Given that this is not public knowledge, it can be perceived as an implied threat. At the very least, it will likely have a chilling effect on what that member says about the source in the future. This is why I find invoking family members highly objectionable in these circumstances.
There's no need for screenshots with Meso not deleting most posts and archive.org being around, thankfully, but Millard, all due respect, we're all seeing the progression.

1. You were never ever banned.
2. If you ever took a break it was from your own volition, why would you lie about being banned? (deleted post)
3. Well, you WERE banned, but (edit) it was because you were threatening people's kids.
4. Well, maybe you were not doing that but you were most likely using private or otherwise not public information to sound intimidating

Now, I can keep on pushing and it will continue with:

5. Well, maybe you were not using not public or private information, but... etc etc.

Bonus point number 6 would be checking out who invoked family members in the pertained discussion first and what consequences were suffered by such party.

Now how would the above be classified if not gaslighting?
I'm genuinely curious what's that if not a textbook definition of that and libel combined.

If all those are genuine mistakes, you have to admit they are somehow pilling up, aren't they?

Now this is just one progressing topic that's the easiest to sum up.
There was a time early on when MESO was literally uncensored when it came to what members could say about sources of products/service with the exception of direct threats of physical harm.

The scope of the restrictions has evolved since then
I can still put Brutus' woodchipper fantasies on a timeline long after I was banned for perceived offenses, so I assume it was not early enough.

How many more chances is he going to be getting?

The only thing I am faulting you with is the unnecessary hostility and antagonism towards me for what other members are saying about you.
So it was not you, who had called me disgusting for quoting Brutus, while I was calling him out on it and then was it not you who called me a whiner for pushing the issue, that ultimately lead to his ban?

Was it not you saying that I am to take literal libel and false accusations as I own a lucrative business?

Were you not, just in this very discussion (and before), falsely saying I have threathened people's kids?

Was it not you pushing the notion that my issue is with people noting my own shortcoming and business issues from more than half a decade ago, not with being called a pedophile and your rules being broken with token measures being taken?

Have you not written paragraphs upon paragraphs condemning me and me only?

Are you entirely sure it's Janoshik who started being hostile and antagonistic over here?

Honestly, I am wondering what I've done to deserve the hostility, antagonism and being treated like trash other than getting into conflicts with the 'vets,' especially as I have shown you nothing but honest respect before all this and tried hard to so do even afterwards.
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This will be processed shortly. As you know, it is mandatory on MESO for all new vendors to post analytical testing results for any products they offer conducted by community-recognized testing facilities like @janoshik. This is the minimum requirement for harm reduction on MESO.

Given what's being said recently in this thread, I know it may seem weird to you and others that I've created a subforum specifically highlighting analytical testing results as well as a photo gallery doing the same, I'm praising the enormous impact that @janoshik has had on the community, and I'm recommending @janoshik as a way to meet new requirements for participating on MESO.

Yeah, it's weird for me too.
And I am very appreciative of that and can do nothing more but to hold myself and my business to the highest professional, ethical and moral standard and you will always be invited and welcome guest to verify all that.

I am glad we can separate all that from the current public discourse and my refusal to accept libel.
Hmm, So Janoshik couldnt respond to serious accusations? But if not in that thread, how else would he respond?

The "P" word with no basis serves as nothing but slander of a very popular and helpful business, and slander is illegal, even in the country of Free speech... I dont see how slander counts as cristisism of a source with no evidence provided. In fact , it would have a negative impact on business if anything, which seems to have been allowed. No surprise Jano had a reaction.

Also, leaves a bad buzzword on the internet clear net forum, in which different departments could get involved from LE and allows them to paint whatever narritive they want. If you cared at all about any more unwanted eyes than you already have here, I would take that seriously.

So is it just no exceptions to the rules as written, with no real world application of grey areas like this? In that case any memeber can just slander all over the forum directed at any service or source with no reprucussions as it counts as "cristism" is that right ? Or does it fall under "implying" as it would be implying Jano participated in a serious offense, to which theres no evidence, which then would classify it as slander.
I may be new, but I’m not an idiot and this is the worst. Should I stay out of this? Probably, but my daddy always said I talk too much.

For the love of god, NO ONE CALLED JANO A PEDO. He clearly used an analogy and corrected himself. Twice

Original comment with tasteless analogy

2 explanations, that made sense to me:


But you know who did actually call someone a pedo? Jano. On several occasions.

Also during this thread he called members a junkie, dope fiend, regular fiend, and deviant.

The only one who got any special treatment was Jano. Because if calling someone a pedo or accusing them of “fantasies involving kids” isn’t bannable. I don’t know what is. (That is in no way criticism to @Millard , I was just using that example)

I have some things to say to you about using someone’s past problems with addictions against them like this, but I don’t want to get banned. Take your incoming 10 paragraph reply where you drag me through the mud and shove it. Idc what you have to say.
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If every action a person does follows them forever with no chance of redemption. Then i would think most everyone is a liar as they have most likely told a lie in their life and nothing they say can be believed. And a fair chance they are a thief as they may well have taken something that did not belong to them and can't be trusted and the list goes on. I draw my lines where i choose to and others will do the same. I don't ask others to follow my guidelines and it is safe to say i will not be following theirs. We all end up living in our own skin.
I think it's best for us to get the thread back on topic. I can see both @Millard and @janoshik's issues here, and random people chiming in, whether it be to defend one daddy or another, doesn't help with harm reduction. That being said, I'm glad to see a little discourse between them, it's healthy, and it serves as a time waster when ladyboys aren't readily available.
I think it's best for us to get the thread back on topic. I can see both @Millard and @janoshik's issues here, and random people chiming in, whether it be to defend one daddy or another, doesn't help with harm reduction. That being said, I'm glad to see a little discourse between them, it's healthy, and it serves as a time waster when ladyboys aren't readily available.
I agree. Let it rest.

Some insults hit a sore spot for a lot of us.

We are all entitled to have bad days. But let's move on