Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

I've seen quite a few people drop a ton of body fat in a short period of time on a OMAD diet and a bit of daily cardio. It's a fantastic way to improve glucose levels as well!
I went from weighing 320/315ish at the time of my septoplasty in April last year to 270 now. Extended fasts alongside martial arts training and tons of mobility work will have me to a more ideal body fat by summer for sure. Dexa scan I had done last week confirmed where I thought I was at, that alongside a $400 bloodwork panel will give me a solid baseline to work from.
I went from weighing 320/315ish at the time of my septoplasty in April last year to 270 now. Extended fasts alongside martial arts training and tons of mobility work will have me to a more ideal body fat by summer for sure. Dexa scan I had done last week confirmed where I thought I was at, that alongside a $400 bloodwork panel will give me a solid baseline to work from.
Your nose weighed 45 lbs?
One meal a day? God, I would be hangry on that... have you tried it?

I've tried it and I implement it for periods throughout the year. You get use to it after a week or so and it's actually good for your health when compared to stuffing your face 24/7 like so many of us probably do.
I've never seen tren that dark. Is it a consequence of heating it too high?

I've read before tren is pretty heat sensitive but don't know more than that.
I've never seen tren that dark. Is it a consequence of heating it too high?

I've read before tren is pretty heat sensitive but don't know more than that.
Jets is an amateur and fucked that batch up. Anyone that believes all these new members are customers is laughable. It his shill army plain and simple.
I've never seen tren that dark. Is it a consequence of heating it too high?

I've read before tren is pretty heat sensitive but don't know more than that.

Amber colored tren is just as potent as lighter colored tren and what picture are you referring to cause the picture of tren base that's almost black is not my product lol.
Jets is an amateur and fucked that batch up. Anyone that believes all these new members are customers is laughable. It his shill army plain and simple.

Whoever is paying you to talk shit about jets gear isn't getting their money's worth... :rolleyes:


Only thing laughable here is you and your troll of a bf...
Jets is an amateur and fucked that batch up. Anyone that believes all these new members are customers is laughable. It his shill army plain and simple.
He at least contributes to the brewing group, and what do u do? Give hard data, otherwise….. yawn