Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

So I’ve placed 3 orders with Jet Labs and participated in one auction.

I have been running his Test E, Mast E, and Tren A and have been pleased.

I have ordered Arimidex, Test E, Mast E, Test phenylprop, Winstrol, Anadrol, Cialis, Anavar, Profina, and Primo.

Communication has been continually top notch with prompt responses to questions and order requests. I make sure to itemize and tabulate orders which I believe makes things easier for the lab in some small way.

Once an order goes out payment instructions are received very quickly and once payment is sent it’s been about 12-24hrs turn around time to getting a tracking number.

My last two orders came through the mail within 24hrs of the lab dropping it off. I very impressed with how quickly I get my orders.

This thread has shown me this lab is active in the boards, is open to new product ideas and seems genuinely interested in serving the community with quality products at a reasonable price.

I for one am a very happy customer and see myself continuing to suppprt this lab as it grows.

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Jesus Christ save some gear for the rest of us!!! Lol
Quick update..

Last year, I won the corn pop challenge(draw) that was run by @MisterSuperGod, but due to gym closures and some other challenges, I chose to not run a cycle back then.

I'm now a couple weeks into @Jet Labs Test E, Bold C and Dbol, and I have to agree with everyone when I say that this gear is indeed pip free. To early to add anything else, so I won't go there.

I will also say.. I placed an order late Saturday afternoon that had to travel over 2000km to get to me.. and somehow it still managed to arrive early this morning(Tues), that's gotta be some kind of record for a weekend order.

Thanks again to @Jet Labs.
Haven't been on in awhile but just wanted to say eveything went great with my tren cycle from Jet. I had a burng issue for a week but that's gone now and was caused by my body and not the gear. Going to place another order today unless any issues have popped up since I was last on here?
Haven't been on in awhile but just wanted to say eveything went great with my tren cycle from Jet. I had a burng issue for a week but that's gone now and was caused by my body and not the gear. Going to place another order today unless any issues have popped up since I was last on here?
There’s been no issues!
I think Jet is still sold out of Test E.
The Test C is 230mg/ml and is on sale.
Few pages back there is testing for the recent batches.
Well there goes that cycle for a bit. Was in a head on collision on my way home from work. Sitting in hospital waiting for X-rays, hopefully nothings broken. Where your seatbelts guys! That’s what saved my ass!9A869271-DC15-4DE6-8D0A-7D2970F38768.jpeg9A869271-DC15-4DE6-8D0A-7D2970F38768.jpeg
Well there goes that cycle for a bit. Was in a head on collision on my way home from work. Sitting in hospital waiting for X-rays, hopefully nothings broken. Where your seatbelts guys! That’s what saved my ass!View attachment 162219View attachment 162219
Holy smokes. Hope you are okay bro!

Update on the xrays? Did you experience any head trauma? I had a bad concussion from something similar a while back. Good luck with the recovery! @CDNGass
Broken foot, 2 ribs, separated shoulder, and some bruises. I’m lucky it wasn’t worse.

Rest up and recover brother and if you start up a healing/recovery protocol and want to include some deca let me know and I'll zip off a few to you on the house.
Just got another order in! Looks like Jet upgraded the packaging to be closer and closer to the Matryoshka Dolls!

Order took a little longer this time due to the package getting sent to another city for a couple days.

Jet made me a batch of bacteriostatic water since I can’t find any to go alongside my hcg, and tossed in a pouch of winny tabs alongside the order. I just started my self administered trt(plus) protocol yesterday, looking forward to seeing how this all works out for me over the next couple months.60723304-72B2-467D-8DFA-FC6E90527B8A.jpeg3ADE0F02-297D-4EE3-A64B-55E7E6915878.jpeg546005AC-16DA-42C3-8F09-7AD88292B50C.jpeg49AA91D2-20CA-4815-8CC5-EAC95EB2947C.jpeg
Rest up and recover brother and if you start up a healing/recovery protocol and want to include some deca let me know and I'll zip off a few to you on the house.
@Jet Labs will deca actually help the recovery? I’ve read a few things about that. I’m willing to try anything to get myself healed up as fast as possible. I’ll definitely take you up on your offer ! Your a great dude man. Not only with your gear, but a top shelf guy that cares about his costumers!
@Jet Labs will deca actually help the recovery? I’ve read a few things about that. I’m willing to try anything to get myself healed up as fast as possible. I’ll definitely take you up on your offer ! Your a great dude man. Not only with your gear, but a top shelf guy that cares about his costumers!

Shoot me an email brother.