Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

@Jet Labs will deca actually help the recovery? I’ve read a few things about that. I’m willing to try anything to get myself healed up as fast as possible. I’ll definitely take you up on your offer ! Your a great dude man. Not only with your gear, but a top shelf guy that cares about his costumers!
Deca helps heal bones
@Jet Labs will deca actually help the recovery? I’ve read a few things about that. I’m willing to try anything to get myself healed up as fast as possible. I’ll definitely take you up on your offer ! Your a great dude man. Not only with your gear, but a top shelf guy that cares about his costumers!
Look into bpc as well, was speaking to a practitioner not long ago who Said it was showing promise for promoting bone healing.

Hope you're managing dude
Thanks for all the kind words guys, means a lot. This morning I’m still really sore. Just breathing hurts ( ribs). I haven’t been able to really sleep much, but I just have to be patient. It’s driving me nuts already that I can’t be in the gym. And in my mind I feel like I’m loosing gains by the day. The mental part of this is worse than the physical pain. It’s going to be a long time before I can throw weight around again and I’m just going to have to deal with it. I wanna shout out @Jet Labs thank you for the care package. You are a standup guy!
Broken foot, 2 ribs, separated shoulder, and some bruises. I’m lucky it wasn’t worse.
I love this mentality, this is a winners mentality. This tells me that even though you’re fucked up, you’re thankful instead of feeling pity and sorrow, because honestly, what good would that do anyways?

Mindset is everything and with a winners mentality like that, I have no doubt you’ll come back better and stronger. It won’t be an easy road to recovery, but winners always find a way.
Thanks for all the kind words guys, means a lot. This morning I’m still really sore. Just breathing hurts ( ribs). I haven’t been able to really sleep much, but I just have to be patient. It’s driving me nuts already that I can’t be in the gym. And in my mind I feel like I’m loosing gains by the day. The mental part of this is worse than the physical pain. It’s going to be a long time before I can throw weight around again and I’m just going to have to deal with it. I wanna shout out @Jet Labs thank you for the care package. You are a standup guy!
When you go through something like this and are mentally strong, you can come back bigger and stronger if you take your time and do it right. This is speaking from experience. Take care brother and good luck with recovery.
Thanks for all the kind words guys, means a lot. This morning I’m still really sore. Just breathing hurts ( ribs). I haven’t been able to really sleep much, but I just have to be patient. It’s driving me nuts already that I can’t be in the gym. And in my mind I feel like I’m loosing gains by the day. The mental part of this is worse than the physical pain. It’s going to be a long time before I can throw weight around again and I’m just going to have to deal with it. I wanna shout out @Jet Labs thank you for the care package. You are a standup guy!
Heal up quick brother....I had a wreck about 10yrs back. No seat belt and put the engine of my truck in the cab with me. Chest hit the steering wheel and ended up with flail chest (4 or more ribs broken off front and back) took me 2yrs or more to be able to sleep laying down and they rebroke constantly with a cough or wrong movement. Just getnthe rest you need, heal up and then when the times right you will be back in the gym with a vegence.
Thanks for all the kind words guys, means a lot. This morning I’m still really sore. Just breathing hurts ( ribs). I haven’t been able to really sleep much, but I just have to be patient. It’s driving me nuts already that I can’t be in the gym. And in my mind I feel like I’m loosing gains by the day. The mental part of this is worse than the physical pain. It’s going to be a long time before I can throw weight around again and I’m just going to have to deal with it. I wanna shout out @Jet Labs thank you for the care package. You are a standup guy!
My brother in iron, there was a study done, the name of which escapes me, which compared 4 groups of people if I recall correctly. No exercise with placebo, exercise with placebo, no exercise with testosterone and exercise with testosterone. Guess what? The guys who were on gear and did NO exercise gained more lean mass than the ones that were not on gear and exercised. So trust me, if you're on gear you're not losing that much lean mass. Also, muscle memory is absolutely a thing which means that you'll regain whatever little you lost super quick once you start training again. Best of luck with your recovery and don't forget to load up on the bpc157 and tb500. And GH too if budget allows it.
Dapoxetine/Priligy will be added to the list sometime soon as well :)
A dapoxetine+sildenafil+tadalafil combo in a 30/30/30 mg dosage would be perfect for a marathon horizontal tango session! Add some caber or bromocriptine to the mix and you'd be ready to go for Round 2-*insert number of choice* in minutes as opposed to an hour or more ;););)
A dapoxetine+sildenafil+tadalafil combo in a 30/30/30 mg dosage would be perfect for a marathon horizontal tango session! Add some caber or bromocriptine to the mix and you'd be ready to go for Round 2-*insert number of choice* in minutes as opposed to an hour or more ;););)

From what I've read Dapoxetine shouldn't be combined with Cialis or Viagra as it can lower blood pressure, but this is something I'll need to research more. However a Cialis/Viagra combo is for sure going to happen :)

Also no caber or bromo, but prami soon.
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Priligy at 60 mg is perfect for me but sometimes it gives me an upset stomach.

I have some blisters that combine Cialis and Priligy in one pill although its not something you should be doing often.
Priligy at 60 mg is perfect for me but sometimes it gives me an upset stomach.

I have some blisters that combine Cialis and Priligy in one pill although its not something you should be doing often.

Would you be kind enough to post a photo?