Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Really dissapointed in the tren a (one i used).

The PIP are absolutely horrible. I couldnt move for days, tried everything. All other labs i dont got that bad of a pip, idk what it is…

The pain is un fucking bearable :(
Really dissapointed in the tren a (one i used).

The PIP are absolutely horrible. I couldnt move for days, tried everything. All other labs i dont got that bad of a pip, idk what it is…

The pain is un fucking bearable :(
First 2 shot are pip and after its ok. I run tren ace jets..test e aburaihan 100/250 eod and 100 150mg anadrol Iran gained 0 pound after 6 week stable 225 i fat loss only, libido is not very good .. more vascu veine .. more straight
Really dissapointed in the tren a (one i used).

The PIP are absolutely horrible. I couldnt move for days, tried everything. All other labs i dont got that bad of a pip, idk what it is…

The pain is un fucking bearable :(

Well this is very unfortunate. Are you using any of my other products or just the tren-ace and have you used mct oil based gear before?

Shoot me an email please brother and I'll do my best to sort this out.

Thank you.
He apparently had 5 different substances in his system during autopsy.

I read it was 10 different substances, but then read it was 10 different substances found in his hotel room. He passed away in Bogata, Columbia and I highly doubt they've done a full autopsy yet.
I read it was 10 different substances, but then read it was 10 different substances found in his hotel room. He passed away in Bogata, Columbia and I highly doubt they've done a full autopsy yet.
This was just me perusing random shit posted on Instagram so i wouldn’t be shocked if what I read was wrong.
This was just me perusing random shit posted on Instagram so i wouldn’t be shocked if what I read was wrong.

From what I've read he was on a few different antidepressants and anxiety meds and when you mix those with a cocktail of recs, alcohol and uppers it's no bueno. This very well could have been a gluttonous relapse that was just too much for his system to handle. Either way the situation sucks balls!
Well this is very unfortunate. Are you using any of my other products or just the tren-ace and have you used mct oil based gear before?

Shoot me an email please brother and I'll do my best to sort this out.

Thank you.

You can make it up to him by sending me some Primo and Tren on the house. ;)
From what I've read he was on a few different antidepressants and anxiety meds and when you mix those with a cocktail of recs, alcohol and uppers it's no bueno. This very well could have been a gluttonous relapse that was just too much for his system to handle. Either way the situation sucks balls!

Was just a piss test not tox report yet so it's hard to say as 95% of the stuff they found could be prescribed at regular doses but on paper it looks like a fuck load. He was on a SNRI for depression, anxiety meds, opiates, I think weed, alcohol.

Really the only super sketch one is when people get comfortable mixing Benzos and Opiates that's a recipe for an OD. Benzos on their own (with no other downers) actually have an extremely high LD50. You could down a bottle of pills and just wake up with a few felonies. Soon as you add Opiates and or alcohol, respiratory distress city.

P.S. Give TRT Mix right meow.
Really dissapointed in the tren a (one i used).

The PIP are absolutely horrible. I couldnt move for days, tried everything. All other labs i dont got that bad of a pip, idk what it is…

The pain is un fucking bearable :(
That sucks bro!

I've been pinning Jet Tren A and have even been trying my less often pinned painful spots and haven't had an issue. Did biceps and calves this week with only slight tenderness. 0.5ml at a time so it's not a lot of volume of oil. Maybe that's why I am getting no PIP?
Really dissapointed in the tren a (one i used).

The PIP are absolutely horrible. I couldnt move for days, tried everything. All other labs i dont got that bad of a pip, idk what it is…

The pain is un fucking bearable :(
Is there any possibility that you might have pinned yourself wrong? I only ask because with jets I usually don't get any PIP or it measures a nominal 1 or 2 but this one time, I dunno what happened but I wasn't even able to move right. Just supremely painful left glute to the point where I couldn't do any lower body exercises at all. I will say that the high dose primo I bought off of him in Feb seems to have the SLIGHTEST bit more of a kick than the one I got from him the first time. But then again I've increased my dosage so that could also be a potential reason. Nothing a couple of advils can't fix though!