Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

This exactly it says 30 days and then expires but dosing 10 000iu over 6 weeks is my protocol too. Not sure if it loses any efficacy after the 30 days and doctors and pharmacists don’t know either. It’s also expensive as fuck here my plan doesn’t cover it and it’s 190$ for 10 000iu

Hmmmm, I'll look into stocking hcg.
This exactly it says 30 days and then expires but dosing 10 000iu over 6 weeks is my protocol too. Not sure if it loses any efficacy after the 30 days and doctors and pharmacists don’t know either. It’s also expensive as fuck here my plan doesn’t cover it and it’s 190$ for 10 000iu
Pharmacist told me off the record if stored correctly in fridge with proper injection procedure it’s good for 10 weeks he wouldn’t be concerned at all. I’ve done it many times never had a issue last 7 years , I’m lucky mines covered 100% haha.
Does it control estrogen like primo aswell? If so I might switch your anavar prices are the best ive seen.
It does not. You should at least understand how the compound works before you start using them. Anavar will not increase estrogen either.

Like Jet said winny is a solid option. Primo is great but it needs to be run in high doses and for a long time to have any long term positive effect.

And yes, you should switch to Jet. He’s one of the best in Canada and his customer service can’t be beat.
Thanks for the feed back guys. I'm going to research winstrol my only concern would be that it wont be as forgiving as primo on my overall health. Im starting to realize that maybe I was meant for primobolan hahah. Just so darn expensive even with a really generous hookup like Jetty oh well could be worse. I dont think im going to find my magical cheap primo like compound, probably doesnt exist like unicorns lol
Thanks for the feed back guys. I'm going to research winstrol my only concern would be that it wont be as forgiving as primo on my overall health. Im starting to realize that maybe I was meant for primobolan hahah. Just so darn expensive even with a really generous hookup like Jetty oh well could be worse. I dont think im going to find my magical cheap primo like compound, probably doesnt exist like unicorns lol
The primo raws are very expensive. Jets price per mg can’t be beat. If you are running higher doses, his primo 200 is the best price per mg out there. You can also try equipoise aka poor man’s primo, but primo is the better choice.
The primo raws are very expensive. Jets price per mg can’t be beat. If you are running higher doses, his primo 200 is the best price per mg out there. You can also try equipoise aka poor man’s primo, but primo is the better choice.

IMHO bold+var is as close to primo as you can get.
Hmmmm, I'll look into stocking hcg.
It would go nicely with that bacteriostatic water vial you tossed in for me! Plus there seems to be a lot of concern with hcg shipments from India and Asia as far as denaturing the quality, or completely. I’ll be getting an hcg test added my next round of blood work to see if mines even working.
Thanks for the feed back guys. I'm going to research winstrol my only concern would be that it wont be as forgiving as primo on my overall health. Im starting to realize that maybe I was meant for primobolan hahah. Just so darn expensive even with a really generous hookup like Jetty oh well could be worse. I dont think im going to find my magical cheap primo like compound, probably doesnt exist like unicorns lol
Not an expert so take whatever I'm saying with a pinch of salt. As I've understood based on my research and listening to people light years more advanced than myself, the compound that has a downward pressure on estrogen is masteron. Primobolan is for the most part estrogen-neutral. There is a subsection of the population wherein in does seem to have an estrogen suppressing effect but that's not the norm.

As to the general idea that one needs to run primo at high doses long term, that's not entirely accurate IMHO. I mean, drugs work, and consequently, more drugs work better. But based on personal experience, even a dosage as low as 200 mg/week would work for general recoverability purposes. I was running an "enhanced TRT" course of 100 test e and 200 primo e and my recovery between workouts and nutrition partitioning was noticeably different than when I was running 100 mgs of test e alone.

The closest thing to primo is I believe masteron, from a health and side effects perspective that is. It's a DHT compound just like primo. However, if you're genetically predisposed to hair loss, the compound has been known to accelerate it. Not to mention it also messes with your lipids.

For your fat loss course , I'd personally suggest either primo or masteron. I believe I recall seeing a study where anavar apparently preferentially targets belly fat but I think it was just that one study and it was poorly done. Clen and GH are your best bet vis a vis fat loss compounds. DNP too but I'd personally NEVER recommend anyone try that. Mayyyybe if your literal livelihood was based on how you look and even then, I'm not sure it's worth it.

Hope I haven't rambled on too much and some of this info helps! Good luck!
Got pre cycle bloods done. Will post when I receive results. Started Mast P, Tren A, and Test P at 350mg/wk. May need to adjust doses. No PIP and thankfully I don’t react to MCT. Will update a few weeks in with bloods. I am a golden god. Thanks Jet! Back to the basics day 1! Let’s get it.51B6F6DD-523C-414C-8B6C-BF1194061B61.jpeg
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Got my second order in last week. Came fast. Luckily a box cutter made quick work of the entire roll of tape he surrounded it with. Excited to run tren for the first time this summer alongside var and some bold-cyp which was great last blast. I’m liking the tabs and smaller vials. Even my gf got something since she likes collecting business cards. Jets even threw in some free profina. Thanks brother