Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Hello all, just want to update everyone on the new tab design I'll be using for now on and I also switched pouch bags to smaller, thinner matte white. Also new batch of primo-e 200 and test-e 250 will be available very soon as well as other items such as Telmisartin, Proviron, Sdrol tabs, Raloxifene, Cardarine, Pramipexole, Mk677, Letrozole, Helios and a few other items.

Thank you :)

Hello all, just want to update everyone on the new tab design I'll be using for now on and I also switched pouch bags to smaller, thinner matte white. Also new batch of primo-e 200 and test-e 250 will be available very soon as well as other items such as Telmisartin, Proviron, Sdrol tabs, Raloxifene, Cardarine, Pramipexole, Mk677, Letrozole, Helios and a few other items.

Thank you :)

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New tabs are looking good!
Hello all, just want to update everyone on the new tab design I'll be using for now on and I also switched pouch bags to smaller, thinner matte white. Also new batch of primo-e 200 and test-e 250 will be available very soon as well as other items such as Telmisartin, Proviron, Sdrol tabs, Raloxifene, Cardarine, Pramipexole, Mk677, Letrozole, Helios and a few other items.
What did you decide on for the helios blend man?
Degradation of hormone to some degree is totally plausible given sub optimal storage conditions, but if items are stored at room temp out of direct light they should be good for many, many years.

I'm also speaking of unopened vials of course!
What about open vials? How long might they be good for?

I've read that 28 days from the date you pop the top is the standard "expiry", but especially with the trend of guys using self-prescribed TRT in doses around 100mg/wk, I have to assume most are just bleeding the same vial until it goes dry over the course of however long it takes i.e., a vial of Test-C 250 being drawn from for 100+ days

Are there realistic risks that should deter people from that practise?
What about open vials? How long might they be good for?

I've read that 28 days from the date you pop the top is the standard "expiry", but especially with the trend of guys using self-prescribed TRT in doses around 100mg/wk, I have to assume most are just bleeding the same vial until it goes dry over the course of however long it takes i.e., a vial of Test-C 250 being drawn from for 100+ days

Are there realistic risks that should deter people from that practise?
If you’re drawing the compound with a sterile needle I don’t see the harm in just using the vial until it’s empty. In my 11 years of TRT and cycles I’ve never seen someone complain about an expiry on open vials. It’s really a non issue
What about open vials? How long might they be good for?

I've read that 28 days from the date you pop the top is the standard "expiry", but especially with the trend of guys using self-prescribed TRT in doses around 100mg/wk, I have to assume most are just bleeding the same vial until it goes dry over the course of however long it takes i.e., a vial of Test-C 250 being drawn from for 100+ days

Are there realistic risks that should deter people from that practise?

The whole 28 days thing is a health Canada rule for HCG , HGH etc mixed with bac water. With my HCG it’s 10,000 IU and I can fill it every 28 days as the expiring rule , where my test I can only fill it every 6 weeks.
What did you decide on for the helios blend man?
50mg Caffeine, 2.5mg Albuterol, 2.5mg Yohimbine.

What about open vials? How long might they be good for?

I've read that 28 days from the date you pop the top is the standard "expiry", but especially with the trend of guys using self-prescribed TRT in doses around 100mg/wk, I have to assume most are just bleeding the same vial until it goes dry over the course of however long it takes i.e., a vial of Test-C 250 being drawn from for 100+ days

Are there realistic risks that should deter people from that practise?

When it comes to AAS vials that have been drawn from as long as the pin is fresh and the stopper was wiped down with isopropyl first then there really isn't an issue with contents not staying sterile. I mean there's a plethora of guys including myself who've cracked open vials just before ending their cycles and leave the vials for 6-7 months or longer and have no problems when it's time to use them again and anyone who want's piece of mind can just buy a syringe filter and sterile vial instead of tossing the product.
50mg Caffeine, 2.5mg Albuterol, 2.5mg Yohimbine.

When it comes to AAS vials that have been drawn from as long as the pin is fresh and the stopper was wiped down with isopropyl first then there really isn't an issue with contents not staying sterile. I mean there's a plethora of guys including myself who've cracked open vials just before ending their cycles and leave the vials for 6-7 months or longer and have no problems when it's time to use them again and anyone who want's piece of mind can just buy a syringe filter and sterile vial instead of tossing the product.
That's reassuring.
Have you been tossing your vials after 28 days lol?
No, I haven't been on anything in years and I didn't consider safety at all back in those days

I once bought a bunch of vials of test from a random mechanic I was talking to at a Canadian Tire that handed them to me directly out of his filthy toolbox with his hands still greasy from fixing my muffler.
And the guy wasn't even jacked, so I had no business thinking the stuff would even work.
Turned out to be real, and I didn't get any infections from it, so that was alright.

I wouldnt turn down anything back then because it was too hard to find lol

Now i'm flirting with the idea of Test again, and just trying to absorb as much info as I can from this board and it's members and get up to date with what the community knows about using gear wisely
Now i'm flirting with the idea of Test again, and just trying to absorb as much info as I can from this board and it's members and get up to date with what the community knows about using gear wisely

Well you're definitely in the right place ;)
Not much of a review per se, more so an appreciation for access to exogenous hormones. I’ve been pinning 150mg Test E and 180mg Primo since the beginning of March.

Almost all of the higher end issues of my mental health disorders are completely gone, haven’t had any panic attacks or ptsd episodes. Haven’t touched any of my “as needed” meds since then either. This is the most I’ve felt like “myself” in years.

Having my doctor keep trying shove more and more meds down my throat that I don’t have insurance coverage for (and I’ve got good insurance) since he “doesn’t believe there are any benefits to TRT unless you’re castrated”, only to find this to work better than almost everything he’s had me try is frustrating to say the least.

Obviously I’m going to continue taking the meds I’m currently on, but this protocol has done more for me than anything else so far. Whether it’s placebo on top of my hormone levels being elevated, I don’t know, but this feels life changing so far.
The whole 28 days thing is a health Canada rule for HCG , HGH etc mixed with bac water. With my HCG it’s 10,000 IU and I can fill it every 28 days as the expiring rule , where my test I can only fill it every 6 weeks.
This exactly it says 30 days and then expires but dosing 10 000iu over 6 weeks is my protocol too. Not sure if it loses any efficacy after the 30 days and doctors and pharmacists don’t know either. It’s also expensive as fuck here my plan doesn’t cover it and it’s 190$ for 10 000iu