Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Only concern is if I go too heavy on Guage with Ed dosing regiment it would tear up the stopper pretty savagely don't you think? My test E 250 in mct only takes maybe 30 seconds to draw... I do have some 25g leur lock I could try though

Put vials half way into hot water for a few minutes, dry off then wipe tops and draw out with insulin syringe like it's water. Easy as that :)
Put vials half way into hot water for a few minutes, dry off then wipe tops and draw out with insulin syringe like it's water. Easy as that :)
That's my typical order of operations. It's looking like my package should get here tomorrow as well so that's some beautiful turn around considering I ordered on like Wednesday I believe. After some time I'll make a post and talk about how my first experience with these new compounds on a real blast is like, probably after a month of being on, aside from the initial first injection report
Only concern is if I go too heavy on Guage with Ed dosing regiment it would tear up the stopper pretty savagely don't you think? My test E 250 in mct only takes maybe 30 seconds to draw... I do have some 25g leur lock I could try though
I use slins at 1ml and takes under a min to load.
I also combine compounds in 1 slin.

Even though mct is thinner then gso i still use a small space heater to heat, whem using large amounts, flys in a 27g slin no problem

Sorry ill edit this, i use 30g slins , used to use 27g but Amazon has 30g for cheap. So no problem loading a full ml quickly when heated.
I use slins at 1ml and takes under a min to load.
I also combine compounds in 1 slin.

Even though mct is thinner then gso i still use a small space heater to heat, whem using large amounts, flys in a 27g slin no problem

Sorry ill edit this, i use 30g slins , used to use 27g but Amazon has 30g for cheap. So no problem loading a full ml quickly when heated.
Awesome, this is basically what I will do then.
I’ve been cruising for 3 years and I just finished taking my first shot test p mast p tren a 3ml into the quad I’ve never had tren cough before but what the fuck I’m having a fit as I type this. Making me question all the other tren I’ve shot what the fuck
I’ve been cruising for 3 years and I just finished taking my first shot test p mast p tren a 3ml into the quad I’ve never had tren cough before but what the fuck I’m having a fit as I type this. Making me question all the other tren I’ve shot what the fuck

You nicked a vein and some tren went directly into your bloodstream, it happens to the best of us brother.
Just pinned .2cc bold cyp, .2cc primo and .25cc test E. Went smooth as butter. Very slight amount of PIP but this is by far my largest injection I've taken at one time. Going to take a small dose of ralox and see how that does with my nips.

Actually I'm going to hold off on ancillary until I know what this primo will do to my estrogen
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Ordered on Wednesday, arrived this morning. 10/10 on the service


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Only concern is if I go too heavy on Guage with Ed dosing regiment it would tear up the stopper pretty savagely don't you think? My test E 250 in mct only takes maybe 30 seconds to draw... I do have some 25g leur lock I could try though
Just did 14 weeks EOD with 20guage . Stoppers seemed perfectly fine.
Jumped on the spring special. Jet’s always a pleasure to deal with. With all my gear I draw with a 25g into a 1mL syringe just slip tip no leur lock as they come with a 27g 5/8” on them already so I swap to that to inject everywhere. I don’t do dorsal glute as I can’t contort that way and would probably need a 1” to make sure it’s IM. Ventroglute, Vastus Lateralis, Delts, Lats are all good to go IM fuck you subq fatties.

PS - Glutamine is good for heartburn. Also proton pump inhibitors. I also take gaviscon for mild relief. Don’t lie down right after eating and try to keep head elevated. GERD and heartburn are no joke. Get a scope done if you continuously suffer from the aforementioned as you may have stomach ulcers. Requiring antibiotics and PPI’s.
Another seamless transaction and order with Jets. Package arrived safe, sound and quickly.

Since the October 2021 launch I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with Jet Labs. Quality products, posted lab testing and fast friendly service.

I ran my standard 15 week course of 750mg/week TestE with a 6 week 60mg/day TBol kicker at the end. And 10mls of Tren Base mixed in for a few PWOs. Results were great. For reference, I’m 247lbs, damn near 50yrs old and been cycling off and on since the mid 90s. I know a great cycle when I’ve had one. And I had a great blast.

That above cycle ended about 6 weeks ago. For now I’ve jumped back on my prescribed TRT dose of 160mg/week, but I’ve added 200mg/week of Jets Primo-E and turned it into more of a cruise. And I’m running 4IUs of HGH daily as I have a elbow tendon repair surgery coming up in a few days and I’m all geared towards a fast recovery and keeping the hard earned muscle. If anyone out there wants to supercharge their base TRT dose…just add a small charge of PrimoE. It will be my go to TRT cruise routine moving forward… except for the 6-8 weeks before my yearly blood panel.
The PrimoE is gtg. If you’ve ever wanted to try Primo, here it is.

Jets had me sample his Tren Base, which I reviewed a few months back. 5 stars. It made me want to venture back into a TrenA cycle again in the future. Even though I promised myself years ago I wouldn’t. Damn you.

And Jets also had me test his TestE 500. I tend to like the higher dose formulas so there is less oil volume. In the end, Jets went with a T500 blend, but I had no issues with the TestE 500.

I don’t want to put Jets on the spot, but most of my orders had freebies mixed in. I don’t think any consumer should expect it, but it sure is a nice touch when it happens. My past freebie highlight reel included daily 5mg Cialis and 20mg Cialis. Crazy pumps and boners on command. Most recently some free Cardarine, which I’ve had excellent results from in the past and will be dipping into when cardio is my only option very shortly. And a few times Jets tossed in an extra pouch of the orals I’ve ordered. His prices are already low, the freebies make every order seem like a gift.

Jets is clearly a generous and talented owner/brewer. He has helped out several members in tight spots and has hosted spectacular auctions with donations to animal rescue. And responds quickly on the forum with answers and advice.

In Canada right now there are some stellar UG Labs and HGH providers, we know their names. And I’ve left positive reviews for them as well. I feel fortunate to have gotten in on the ground level with Jet Labs and plan on continuing the relationship. Looking forward to the expanding lineup.

For my yearly blood test in September, I’m going to run Jets Labs TestE at 160mg/week and I’ll compare it to my history of tests on the prescribed pharmacy Delatestryl at 160mg and post the results here. I’m not worried. But it will confirm that Jets is dosed on spec, like his labs state, even for a base TRT dose.

Keep up the good work Jets. And thank you.
Jet I tried the tren ace, I pinned 100mg and had to end it at that 1st pin. That stuff is wicked strong, im in love. But I don't want to turn into that "guy" ya know? LOL. This was my first time ever using tren by the way so maybe that was too much and it scared me off.
Jet I tried the tren ace, I pinned 100mg and had to end it at that 1st pin. That stuff is wicked strong, im in love. But I don't want to turn into that "guy" ya know? LOL. This was my first time ever using tren by the way so maybe that was too much and it scared me off.

I don't understand how you can give a legitimate review after using just 1ml worth of product?:confused: