Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Jet I tried the tren ace, I pinned 100mg and had to end it at that 1st pin. That stuff is wicked strong, im in love. But I don't want to turn into that "guy" ya know? LOL. This was my first time ever using tren by the way so maybe that was too much and it scared me off.
Lower your dose man. Try 50mg EOD or 25mg ED to start.

Your experience so far might have a little placebo effect mixed in.
Jet I tried the tren ace, I pinned 100mg and had to end it at that 1st pin. That stuff is wicked strong, im in love. But I don't want to turn into that "guy" ya know? LOL. This was my first time ever using tren by the way so maybe that was too much and it scared me off.
Off 1 pin? Shit start lower than that especially first time user. I am running tren first time and running 0.3ml or 30mg ED. Low yes but works and lets you see how you reapond, work up from there
Stuffs too strong for me. Thanks for the opinions guys. Its just gunna sit in the drawer for now. Might try it in the future with something along the lines of what was recommended here. Get it dialed in. That was not a review as such, more of reaction to how strong it was. I noticed something was going on 8 hours in my heart started going thump. But just brushed it off. At the 16 hour mark all my muscles got really round and full I could tell just by the shape of my bicep, by the 36 hour mark my libido doubled and I was already pissed off at everything. I decided to end it at that. It lasted untill maybe late day 4 then it was gone pretty much.
Stuffs too strong for me. Thanks for the opinions guys. Its just gunna sit in the drawer for now. Might try it in the future with something along the lines of what was recommended here. Get it dialed in. That was not a review as such, more of reaction to how strong it was. I noticed something was going on 8 hours in my heart started going thump. But just brushed it off. At the 16 hour mark all my muscles got really round and full I could tell just by the shape of my bicep, by the 36 hour mark my libido doubled and I was already pissed off at everything. I decided to end it at that. It lasted untill maybe late day 4 then it was gone pretty much.

You're probably better off running mast or primo instead of the tren especially if it had your heart thumping.
Another seamless transaction and order with Jets. Package arrived safe, sound and quickly.

Since the October 2021 launch I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with Jet Labs. Quality products, posted lab testing and fast friendly service.

I ran my standard 15 week course of 750mg/week TestE with a 6 week 60mg/day TBol kicker at the end. And 10mls of Tren Base mixed in for a few PWOs. Results were great. For reference, I’m 247lbs, damn near 50yrs old and been cycling off and on since the mid 90s. I know a great cycle when I’ve had one. And I had a great blast.

That above cycle ended about 6 weeks ago. For now I’ve jumped back on my prescribed TRT dose of 160mg/week, but I’ve added 200mg/week of Jets Primo-E and turned it into more of a cruise. And I’m running 4IUs of HGH daily as I have a elbow tendon repair surgery coming up in a few days and I’m all geared towards a fast recovery and keeping the hard earned muscle. If anyone out there wants to supercharge their base TRT dose…just add a small charge of PrimoE. It will be my go to TRT cruise routine moving forward… except for the 6-8 weeks before my yearly blood panel.
The PrimoE is gtg. If you’ve ever wanted to try Primo, here it is.

Jets had me sample his Tren Base, which I reviewed a few months back. 5 stars. It made me want to venture back into a TrenA cycle again in the future. Even though I promised myself years ago I wouldn’t. Damn you.

And Jets also had me test his TestE 500. I tend to like the higher dose formulas so there is less oil volume. In the end, Jets went with a T500 blend, but I had no issues with the TestE 500.

I don’t want to put Jets on the spot, but most of my orders had freebies mixed in. I don’t think any consumer should expect it, but it sure is a nice touch when it happens. My past freebie highlight reel included daily 5mg Cialis and 20mg Cialis. Crazy pumps and boners on command. Most recently some free Cardarine, which I’ve had excellent results from in the past and will be dipping into when cardio is my only option very shortly. And a few times Jets tossed in an extra pouch of the orals I’ve ordered. His prices are already low, the freebies make every order seem like a gift.

Jets is clearly a generous and talented owner/brewer. He has helped out several members in tight spots and has hosted spectacular auctions with donations to animal rescue. And responds quickly on the forum with answers and advice.

In Canada right now there are some stellar UG Labs and HGH providers, we know their names. And I’ve left positive reviews for them as well. I feel fortunate to have gotten in on the ground level with Jet Labs and plan on continuing the relationship. Looking forward to the expanding lineup.

For my yearly blood test in September, I’m going to run Jets Labs TestE at 160mg/week and I’ll compare it to my history of tests on the prescribed pharmacy Delatestryl at 160mg and post the results here. I’m not worried. But it will confirm that Jets is dosed on spec, like his labs state, even for a base TRT dose.

Keep up the good work Jets. And thank you.
I’m replying to my own review post so that it’s moved up to the current page. When I originally posted it, it remained invisible for a period of time and was flagged to be reviewed by a moderator. I’ve never had that happen. It then appeared, but not with on the current page.
Anyways. Here it is.
How can 1mL of Tren Ace give you all the sides 8hrs later. I have been running Jet’s Tren A 60mg/day for a week now and have just begun to feel it. Which is typical for me with Tren Ace about 1-2 weeks to notice effects.
Stuffs too strong for me. Thanks for the opinions guys. Its just gunna sit in the drawer for now. Might try it in the future with something along the lines of what was recommended here. Get it dialed in. That was not a review as such, more of reaction to how strong it was. I noticed something was going on 8 hours in my heart started going thump. But just brushed it off. At the 16 hour mark all my muscles got really round and full I could tell just by the shape of my bicep, by the 36 hour mark my libido doubled and I was already pissed off at everything. I decided to end it at that. It lasted untill maybe late day 4 then it was gone pretty much.
In my opinion, first you took too much for your first time.
2nd its likely 90% nerves , and the adrenaline/cortisol etc increase you got from trying something new and likelybeing a bit scared which is fine, no different then going to the doctors and your blood pressure goes to 150/90 and your like wtf but in actual fact its mostly your nerves etc that cause that increase, cause when you left home it was 120/ 80 lol

When you get super nervous or scared from something it can impact your entire body. Everything likely was messed up from nerves.

This again is my opinion, next time try a smaller dosage , hell start with 5mg a day or 10mg a day ease into it.

also no one knows your medical history, or your current state of healht or blood markers.
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Tren is a powerful compound. Last time I ran it six years ago I had a bad reaction to 700mg/wk and quit after a month or so.

This time I started at 30mg ED and went up 10mg per day on a weekly basis. I’m up to 90mg ED into several weeks already with next to zero sides. The key is ramping to find your personal sweet spot

I’m very happy with Jet’s Tren
Tren is a powerful compound. Last time I ran it six years ago I had a bad reaction to 700mg/wk and quit after a month or so.

This time I started at 30mg ED and went up 10mg per day on a weekly basis. I’m up to 90mg ED into several weeks already with next to zero sides. The key is ramping to find your personal sweet spot

I’m very happy with Jet’s Tren
After my Anavar cycle ends im going to give my cholesterol a month to rebound and im going to try 15mg tren a day. I loved the strength of it I was just an idiot about it.
In my opinion, first you took too much for your first time.
2nd its likely 90% nerves , and the adrenaline/cortisol etc increase you got from trying something new and likelybeing a bit scared which is fine, no different then going to the doctors and your blood pressure goes to 150/90 and your like wtf but in actual fact its mostly your nerves etc that cause that increase, cause when you left home it was 120/ 80 lol

When you get super nervous or scared from something it can impact your entire body. Everything likely was messed up from nerves.

This again is my opinion, next time try a smaller dosage , hell start with 5mg a day or 10mg a day ease into it.

also no one knows your medical history, or your current state of healht or blood markers.
If I'm being honest brother I was not nervous at all. I was actually excited. The heart thumping thing lasted form the 8 hour mark post pin for about 4 hours. It was only a temporary thing. It wasnt like this persistent heart problem thing.
After my Anavar cycle ends im going to give my cholesterol a month to rebound and im going to try 15mg tren a day. I loved the strength of it I was just an idiot about it.
It’s one of those compounds that will surprise you. Thankfully it sounds like you chose the Tren Ace so it cleared out of your system quickly. Next time there’s no harm in starting really low even 10 or 20mg ED. I would definitely keep to ED pinning so that you don’t get unnecessary spikes

You might need longer than a month for lipids to return to baseline after an Anavar run but life is a marathon not a sprint so there’s no rush. Focus on health first and foremost and you’ll be much happier in the long run

Just my $0.02
It’s one of those compounds that will surprise you. Thankfully it sounds like you chose the Tren Ace so it cleared out of your system quickly. Next time there’s no harm in starting really low even 10 or 20mg ED. I would definitely keep to ED pinning so that you don’t get unnecessary spikes

You might need longer than a month for lipids to return to baseline after an Anavar run but life is a marathon not a sprint so there’s no rush. Focus on health first and foremost and you’ll be much happier in the long run

Just my $0.02
Thanks brother.