Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Keep buying this clowns underdosed gear.Jets can't and won't ever go on a Canadian board cuz he knows he will be ripped apart . lol
Keep buying this clowns underdosed gear.Jets can't and won't ever go on a Canadian board cuz he knows he will be ripped apart . lol
Go back to CB you fag, we know who you are.

Hey @Jet Labs you're really pissing off the competition haha they can't stand it. It means you're doing something right.
Go back to CB you fag, we know who you are.

Hey @Jet Labs you're really pissing off the competition haha they can't stand it. It means you're doing something right.

Well I can't control who posts what in my thread, but I myself choose to operate in a professional manner and I have no need for trash talking or fake accounts etc so I'll just keep on keeping on lol ;)
Lol I just dump my shoulder forwards a bit and reach over, maybe you need to do some mobility work? I also have kinda long arms so that helps
I could probably reach awkwardly over my shoulder to reach but I can’t wrap my head around contorting to reach behind my back to inject
Keep buying this clowns underdosed gear.Jets can't and won't ever go on a Canadian board cuz he knows he will be ripped apart . lol
Every Canadian board has its own back end agenda. Some push good gear, others push shit. Its just the way it is.
Why even bother with a forum like Canadian juice monsters. I swear I get more dumb whenever I check it out
CJM, CB, NM, NL, it’s all the same noise. You just have to filter the decent info from the pile of BS and don’t have an opinion when it comes to labs/brands.
Gentlemen, I'd prefer my thread to not have a "Us vs Them" theme so if you wish to discuss other forums could you do so in the Canadian Domestic Talk thread please and thank you.
Ok new auction ends next Friday at midnight EST and up for grabs we have the following items:

2x Test-e
5x Profina
1x Test-500
1x Primo-e 200
100-20mg Cialis
100-50mg Viagra
100-20mg Winstrol
100-20mg Clomid
100-10mg Superdrol
1x Jet Labs tumbler mug(Will ship when they arrive)

Bidding starts at $150 and minimum increments of $25 required, also part of proceeds will be donated to an animal rescue/sanctuary.

Thank you everyone :)

