Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)


Ok new auction ends next Friday at midnight EST and up for grabs we have the following items:
2x Test-e
5x Profina
1x Test-500
1x Primo-e 200
100-20mg Cialis
100-50mg Viagra
100-20mg Winstrol
100-20mg Clomid
100-10mg Superdrol
1x Jet Labs tumbler mug(Will ship when they arrive)
Bidding starts at $150 and minimum increments of $25 required, also part of proceeds will be donated to an animal rescue/sanctuary.

Thank you everyone :)
A little update on my experience with jet labs, from customer service, to progress, and current cycle progress.

I started off by doing my first real blast with jets test E 250. I started around 260lbs, very soft and I was using 400mg a week pinning ed. I have yet to have any real issues with PIP or anything along the lines, although I wasn't injecting a lot during this time. I ran the cycle for 20 weeks.

Beginning of cycle:IMG_20211118_203726119_HDR.jpgIMG_20211118_210116439.jpgIMG_20211118_210109264_HDR.jpg
like I said, started off pretty soft. Weight here was 260

After about 14 weeks of recomping this is the transformation pic

After this point I just continued trying to grow without letting my bf% get too put of hand, I also added anavar @80mg a day for 8 weeks to capitalize on strength gains while still putting food down. Weight 255

20 weeks: end of cycle
At this point I took 2 weeks off to gage how I was feeling, and decided to pull the trigger on a summer shredding cycle.
Current stack is 500mg test E, 400mg primo, and 400mg bold cyp every week. Also taking 15mg of cardarine and 60mg ralox trying to shrink gyno (taking for 10 days then dropping to 20mg. Have been noticing some decent shrinkage there)
250 in these pics.

Current look after a week if this cut stack:
Overall I have been very happy with results, ease of ordering and shipping times. Shipping always comes within about 3 days if you order early in the week. Packaging is always secure and jet tends to be very accommodating to individual needs. Price doesn't sting at all either for the level of service you receive.

240lbs at time of last pics


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Now it's time to reveal what all the hard work has created, my favorite part :)
A little update on my experience with jet labs, from customer service, to progress, and current cycle progress.

I started off by doing my first real blast with jets test E 250. I started around 260lbs, very soft and I was using 400mg a week pinning ed. I have yet to have any real issues with PIP or anything along the lines, although I wasn't injecting a lot during this time. I ran the cycle for 20 weeks.

Beginning of cycle:View attachment 166248View attachment 166249View attachment 166250
like I said, started off pretty soft. Weight here was 260

After about 14 weeks of recomping this is the transformation pic

View attachment 166251
After this point I just continued trying to grow without letting my bf% get too put of hand, I also added anavar @80mg a day for 8 weeks to capitalize on strength gains while still putting food down. Weight 255

20 weeks: end of cycle
View attachment 166253View attachment 166254View attachment 166255
At this point I took 2 weeks off to gage how I was feeling, and decided to pull the trigger on a summer shredding cycle.
Current stack is 500mg test E, 400mg primo, and 400mg bold cyp every week. Also taking 15mg of cardarine and 60mg ralox trying to shrink gyno (taking for 10 days then dropping to 20mg. Have been noticing some decent shrinkage there)
250 in these pics.

Current look after a week if this cut stack:
View attachment 166256View attachment 166257
Overall I have been very happy with results, ease of ordering and shipping times. Shipping always comes within about 3 days if you order early in the week. Packaging is always secure and jet tends to be very accommodating to individual needs. Price doesn't sting at all either for the level of service you receive.

240lbs at time of last pics
Nice work man. Looking solid.
Nice work man. Looking solid.
Thanks brother. It's a far cry from where I was when I started, thankfully. Between covid closing gyms and personal events at the beginning of this cycle, I was the most out of shape I have been in quite some time. Feeling more like my old self now.
Thanks brother. It's a far cry from where I was when I started, thankfully. Between covid closing gyms and personal events at the beginning of this cycle, I was the most out of shape I have been in quite some time. Feeling more like my old self now.
I bought an 44lb stiff bar barbell and 450 pounds of iron for my home. Maybe you should invest in something like that in case the lock downs comeback. After summer. Without a powerrack atleast you can do heavy deadlifts. Get the power rack later.
I bought an 44lb stiff bar barbell and 450 pounds of iron for my home. Maybe you should invest in something like that in case the lock downs comeback. After summer. Without a powerrack atleast you can do heavy deadlifts. Get the power rack later.
Luckily i managed to score a workout space with a rack bench and barbell + some dumbbells just in case some dumb shit happens again
Jet I tried the tren ace, I pinned 100mg and had to end it at that 1st pin. That stuff is wicked strong, im in love. But I don't want to turn into that "guy" ya know? LOL. This was my first time ever using tren by the way so maybe that was too much and it scared me off.
Is this your first time using steroids dude? Zesus piss it's self wouldn't be saturated in your blood after one pin let alone an acetate ester. Not saying that their tren isn't strong and is on my radar but post like these make a lab seem less credible.
Ah, only thing keeping me dedicated to my current lab is their Merti inject. Honestly all the tudca in the world can't seem to protect my liver from oral metri

Interesting. Do you have lab work showing this or is it just going by feelz? If metribolone inject is more preferable I'll produce both then.
Interesting. Do you have lab work showing this or is it just going by feelz? If metribolone inject is more preferable I'll produce both then.
Just going by feel. I felt better on 20 mg sdrol with no liver support than I did on 1mg Oral metri with 500mcg tudca. I would be interested in hearing other people's opinions on this though as it seems to be one of the lesser talked about orals.

