Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Lol suck my dick bro. He asked who wants to try it and I tried it and let the boys know how It went. If it was shit I’d let the fellows know cuz we all share the common goal of getting massive and shredded. That’s what the site is for fag. I even paid full price for my mug. So shut the fuck up, we all see through your bull shit. Never been an advocate of the ignore list but you’re such a fuckin nerd I’m gonna have to toss you on there. We all see through your Bull shit. Have a good life brother, may you one day get big and shredded like us.
I bet his hand and fingers are muscular as hell, with all the keyboard warrioring he does.
I got some jets primo 200mg and tren A. Will use shortly and give feedback.

Been with syn for years and love them, but I am a huge primo fan and 200mg/ml is great
Lol suck my dick bro. He asked who wants to try it and I tried it and let the boys know how It went. If it was shit I’d let the fellows know cuz we all share the common goal of getting massive and shredded. That’s what the site is for fag. I even paid full price for my mug. So shut the fuck up, we all see through your bull shit. Never been an advocate of the ignore list but you’re such a fuckin nerd I’m gonna have to toss you on there. We all see through your Bull shit. Have a good life brother, may you one day get big and shredded like us.
"Massive and shredded" but needs the ignore button LMAO you're a bitch, face it little shill.
tried .75 of the tren base late evening last night without mixing. Pip isn’t too bad at all. Had terrible sleep. Classic tren. so pooched this morning at work gonna dummy so many coffees.

One question I have is what’s the difference between a tren suspension and a tren base in oil? Besides the fact it’s in oil. They look completely different so I’m curious
tried .75 of the tren base late evening last night without mixing. Pip isn’t too bad at all. Had terrible sleep. Classic tren. so pooched this morning at work gonna dummy so many coffees.

One question I have is what’s the difference between a tren suspension and a tren base in oil? Besides the fact it’s in oil. They look completely different so I’m curious

One is a solution and the other a suspension and the solution has a longer shelf life and should be smoother.
Ok fellas who's interested in injectable oral suspensions again like,

Anadrol 50mg/ml
Anavar 50mg/ml
Methyltrienolone 1mg/ml
Winstrol 50mg/ml
Just tried out the .8 cc of tren no base preworkout and definitely felt the intensity and felt like I could keep at 70-80% strength throughout the whole workout. Had some PIP but the effects are similar to when I was on tren ace 50mg ED.

Been using his EQ and primo during my cut and still maintaining roundness and pumps despite low carbs. Jet is good to go.
Ok fellas who's interested in injectable oral suspensions again like,

Anadrol 50mg/ml
Anavar 50mg/ml
Methyltrienolone 1mg/ml
Winstrol 50mg/ml
How are the effects of injectable methyltrienolone compared to tren base Def interested in the anadrol anavar and winstrol
Yo bro's need your help. I took adex .25 e/d for about a week str8 on 175mg test E a week. I have low interest in watching porn or women in general, and I know what some of you will say to troll me no im not gay. Not much trouble getting it up but my climax is lacluster although it has gotten a little better as i have not taking any arimidex for 5 days or so. Mt energy level is fine no joint popping or pains anywhere, no dry eyes or ittchy scalp, mood is amazing etc etc. Only issue is the sex drive? Any suggestion? or insight? Take it easy on me im not a seasoned vet when it comes to this stuff. Thanks!
Probably would have been better to start your own thread not clutter up Jets unless you're asking Jet
Yo bro's need your help. I took adex .25 e/d for about a week str8 on 175mg test E a week. I have low interest in watching porn or women in general, and I know what some of you will say to troll me no im not gay. Not much trouble getting it up but my climax is lacluster although it has gotten a little better as i have not taking any arimidex for 5 days or so. Mt energy level is fine no joint popping or pains anywhere, no dry eyes or ittchy scalp, mood is amazing etc etc. Only issue is the sex drive? Any suggestion? or insight? Take it easy on me im not a seasoned vet when it comes to this stuff. Thanks!

That's a lot of adex for such a small amount of test so my guess is you're dealing with crashed estrogen. Perhaps @Harley00 has some insight on this?