Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Just received my second order.

i dont even know what to say other then 100/100.
Delivery came the next day.
Got extras which i cant say thank you enough for @Jet Labs
Communication was fast and payment was easy.

Best source i ever had.
Israel sucks, Canada rules ! LOL
Pharma Asin/Adex is expensive af in Canada, has anyone found Jet's to be pretty comparable?
I've only busted into my Raloxifene so far but it's destroying my gyno, so take that as you will. I have some asin I plan to use after this gyno shrinking attempt
***June Promotion***

Every order placed in the month of June will receive 1x 50mg Viagra free.
Thank you :)
Nice. Usually my go to product when check out the legitimacy of a lab. Takes about an hour to verify if it's real or not and nobody is going out of their way to make legit viagra to sell bunk test.
Got a chance to try out Jet’s tren base yesterday. I added in a .5cc with 1.5 cc of his NPP and 1cc test e about 45 mins pre workout. Was fucking tossing weights around like it was nobodies business. U definitely feel a huge strength gain in an aggressive way. It was great. I’m already pretty vascular but Got an absolutely scary pump. No “real” pip today. It was a big pin so obvi I can feel I pinned there but it doesn’t hurt.

Gonna try it without mixing next to see how the pip is

Also I know it doesn’t matter at all but the gold jet labs sticker on the vial with the sexy classic color of the tren looks so fuckin dope. Makes my mouth water
Got a chance to try out Jet’s tren base yesterday. I added in a .5cc with 1.5 cc of his NPP and 1cc test e about 45 mins pre workout. Was fucking tossing weights around like it was nobodies business. U definitely feel a huge strength gain in an aggressive way. It was great. I’m already pretty vascular but Got an absolutely scary pump. No “real” pip today. It was a big pin so obvi I can feel I pinned there but it doesn’t hurt.

Gonna try it without mixing next to see how the pip is

Also I know it doesn’t matter at all but the gold jet labs sticker on the vial with the sexy classic color of the tren looks so fuckin dope. Makes my mouth water

Thank you for the revue.
Got a chance to try out Jet’s tren base yesterday. I added in a .5cc with 1.5 cc of his NPP and 1cc test e about 45 mins pre workout. Was fucking tossing weights around like it was nobodies business. U definitely feel a huge strength gain in an aggressive way. It was great. I’m already pretty vascular but Got an absolutely scary pump. No “real” pip today. It was a big pin so obvi I can feel I pinned there but it doesn’t hurt.

Gonna try it without mixing next to see how the pip is

Also I know it doesn’t matter at all but the gold jet labs sticker on the vial with the sexy classic color of the tren looks so fuckin dope. Makes my mouth water
We get it shill, you will swallow Jets cock every chance you get.
We get it shill, you will swallow Jets cock every chance you get.

Lol suck my dick bro. He asked who wants to try it and I tried it and let the boys know how It went. If it was shit I’d let the fellows know cuz we all share the common goal of getting massive and shredded. That’s what the site is for fag. I even paid full price for my mug. So shut the fuck up, we all see through your bull shit. Never been an advocate of the ignore list but you’re such a fuckin nerd I’m gonna have to toss you on there. We all see through your Bull shit. Have a good life brother, may you one day get big and shredded like us.
Lol suck my dick bro. He asked who wants to try it and I tried it and let the boys know how It went. If it was shit I’d let the fellows know cuz we all share the common goal of getting massive and shredded. That’s what the site is for fag. I even paid full price for my mug. So shut the fuck up, we all see through your bull shit. Never been an advocate of the ignore list but you’re such a fuckin nerd I’m gonna have to toss you on there. We all see through your Bull shit. Have a good life brother, may you one day get big and shredded like us.
Little Tren Base before you typed this eh lol.

Be carful, KP might just take you up on the dic sucking.
We get it shill, you will swallow Jets cock every chance you get.
. The fact you escalate it to "Cock swallowing" so quickly really just shows what kind of content your mind, or the lack there of, gravitates towards inside that empty skull of yours. Its 2022 you don't need to be so deep in the closet. I know trolls like dark places so maybe your case is the exception and you can just stay in it. As the mere site of you would cause overwhelming disgust.