Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Wishing, hoping, or calling for violence, including threats of sexual violence, are prohibited.
Ok, im gonna be respectful hear and say a few things.

1. I know for a 100% fact that 1 of those guys is definitely not a shill, you wanna no how i lnow that? Because the lab he used previously was suggested by me and i had said they were a decent well established lab. He had issues with the lab that was due to lab quality , the lab did however correct the issue, and this memeber moved onto jets, so that leaves 1 guy from your 3 that's 100% not a shill, cant speak for the other 2 as iv not spoken to them privately.

2. Blood test?how many of the other labs threads have blood tests on them from members... not many and its barely done anymore, i know for a fact that one of these top labs threads the last labs posted were by me and that was last year. So like i said its not done often anymore, and thats because noithing can really be proven because you have to trust who posted it . Labs can be manipulated in so many ways its extremely hard to prove anything.

Not only that , you have to deal with people calling you a shill now because you posted lab work?so your a shill for trying a lab , your a shill for reviewing a lab, your a shill for re purchasing from the lab...list goes on, where do you win hear?

3. What does it matter if he is a one man lab? Maybe slow clap because he has accomplished allot hear, and as he closes close to 1 year on meso he hasn't disappointed. So why hate?

4. Why would you claim noithing but the best from jets products then all off a sudden turn on him in the open, and attack him? For zero reason and then claim its a circle jerk when u had no issues? And then claim your sending in blind samples.... guess what sir, Anything you say now isnt credible, its in the open that your attacking memebers and the lab so you don't even get the opportunity now to make a case.... guess what even if you did do blind samples, wouldn't the respectful thing to do would be go to the lab first?... wouldn't this be the respectful thing to do .

You did this very wrong and you've made your self look extremely bad hear. And you've only fortified jets lab hear on meso .

I look forward to your response.
Harley you’re the only one I respect here as you’ve helped me a lot of with current blood work.

Do you remember how many people used to post labs for Newport, Atlas, Syn, Trans pharma, Pareto. There were tons. This thread is like Dingdong jr’s. Jet used to be a member too back in the day. Now he just backs you to post a irrelevant review to keep his thread bumping. I should have believe @Fittrader and @3ml when they told me to say far away. Head over to another board Jet and see how long your grandmas basement lab lasts. Fucking Winnipeg. Shit hole of Canada right cuzzzzzin fokkkk.
Constantly being bumped by bullshit instead of meaningful posts. You don’t see any other reputable lab doing that. Fucking disgraceful. If I did my time in stony mountain I would make it my mission yo pay you a quick visit.
Wishing, hoping, or calling for violence, including threats of sexual violence, are prohibited.
I’m tired of people claiming no sides from 700-1400mg of legit Tren ace. That’s extremely unheard of even @Qbanfreak90 questioned it. I spoke to the guy who made the claim he had no sides and he questioning the legitimacy as well. Jets Tren A is copper yellow he can’t brew. He gather all his knowledge on here before he decided to be come a subpar lab. If he ends up in stony mountain I’ll catch another crime, transfer there and see how he truly gets down with Indian Posse.



All state no sides on Tren ace 700-1400mg with this one man Lab Operation, but it’s bumped everyday with shipping and anecdotal reviews. Funny thing is, no one ever gets blood tests or sends off blind samples. I will be sending blinds in myself to see how long this circle jerk lasts.
How can you state I’m a shill. There are people out there that suffer from some compounds more than others. Some shed hair some don’t. I didn’t shed? Does that make Jet not legit? My only side which I don’t consider being a side was waking up in the middle of the night 2-3 times and some excess sweating and shortness of breath? Does this make his product not legit? Since when does color of tren determine it’s legit or not? If you were educated the heat from being boiled is what determines how dark the solution gets.

I’ve used another reputable labs tren ace for 4 weeks. And saw no results. Period. Harley can talk to you about this.

To be honest I had my doubts about Jet in the beginning, in my eyes. Sometimes I’d rather deal with the smaller guy whose got the right focus and service . Than just be a number to some big lab.

And this basement lab you claim… every lab is a fucking basement lab. You know jack shit is where everything is being made. Unless a you make it yourself or are buying pharma grade.

I should mentioned I’ve used Pareto, syn and jet labs and always been good to go.

And if you want to know what I’ve used from Jet labs.. var,winny, test and tren ace.
All were perfect results.
Imagine threatening someone on a forum over the most ridiculous thing.

Jesus Christ dude. I hope you're bitching in every sources thread on the same things. Yet you don't.

I haven't used Jet, figured I might on the next blast but Fuck, you and 3ml might have issues that I'm not sucking some other labs dick.

Another lab pops up on here a few months ago with prices at par with bigger proven labs and you're there letting them know you'll try their shit bumping their thread like a fucking fan boy.

You're a fucking hypocrite.

And if any other source sees you coming unhinged like a psycho on a competitor, they would be doing themselves a favor of not servicing you.

Gtfo with your threats and grow the fuck up.
You goofs are worse the. Dingdongs dick riders. Prove me wrong with your blood work or keeping writing these punk ass reviews Jet begs you too write after to place an order. There’s a reason you don’t see reputable labs bumping their threads like this skinner. Hey Jet see you in Stoney Mountain or Sask Pen big dog. Make sure you end in Max. Will youre little fan boys have your back then!?
Harley you’re the only one I respect here as you’ve helped me a lot of with current blood work.

Do you remember how many people used to post labs for Newport, Atlas, Syn, Trans pharma, Pareto. There were tons. This thread is like Dingdong jr’s. Jet used to be a member too back in the day. Now he just backs you to post a irrelevant review to keep his thread bumping. I should have believe @Fittrader and @3ml when they told me to say far away. Head over to another board Jet and see how long your grandmas basement lab lasts. Fucking Winnipeg. Shit hole of Canada right cuzzzzzin fokkkk.
Constantly being bumped by bullshit instead of meaningful posts. You don’t see any other reputable lab doing that. Fucking disgraceful. If I did my time in stony mountain I would make it my mission yo pay you a quick visit.

I do not control what others post/say and I can't force people to do blood work, but I 100% stand by my products and lab tests will show just how wrong you are!

I’m tired of people claiming no sides from 700-1400mg of legit Tren ace. That’s extremely unheard of even @Qbanfreak90 questioned it. I spoke to the guy who made the claim he had no sides and he questioning the legitimacy as well. Jets Tren A is copper yellow he can’t brew. He gather all his knowledge on here before he decided to be come a subpar lab. If he ends up in stony mountain I’ll catch another crime, transfer there and see how he truly gets down with Indian Posse.

Finished tren color depends on freshness of raws and amount of heat used when brewing and fresh raws will produce lighter colored tren and less heat is required when brewing with MCT oil. Old tren raws that have been sitting for month or even years will be very oxidized and turn a dark amber/orange color and the end product even if brewed with no heat will turn out amber as well. All that aside testing will back me up so I have nothing to worry about where as your dumb ass gives my anavar praise then you turn around and slam my products like you have half a fucking clue lol.

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I also find it funny how other labs produce tren of various shades(even damn near black)and nobody says jack shit except "DAT B FIRE YO, but somehow I alone can be judged by the color and it's totally acceptable :rolleyes:

Run along now little kp300/Cdnguy :)
I do not control what others post/say and I can't force people to do blood work, but I 100% stand by my products and lab tests will show just how wrong you are!

Finished tren color depends on freshness of raws and amount of heat used when brewing and fresh raws will produce lighter colored tren and less heat is required when brewing with MCT oil. Old tren raws that have been sitting for month or even years will be very oxidized and turn a dark amber/orange color and the end product even if brewed with no heat will turn out amber as well. All that aside testing will back me up so I have nothing to worry about where as your dumb ass gives my anavar praise then you turn around and slam my products like you have half a fucking clue lol.

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I also find it funny how other labs produce tren of various shades(even damn near black)and nobody says jack shit except "DAT B FIRE YO, but somehow I alone can be judged by the color and it's totally acceptable :rolleyes:

Run along now little kp300/Cdnguy :)
I wrote that review because you asked me to after my order. If you think I’m CDNguy you’re about as bright as the tip of my cock. That guy lives across the country from me. I merely posted this in response to people claiming no sides at copious amounts of Tren A which baffled me. I didn’t have minor effects running Mast P 400mg Test P 400mg Tren A 400mg with not much benefit, but when I noticed many people saying those high doses of Tren didn’t even touch them made me question a few things, I’m sure others wondered as why. That’s why I started this post since no one seemed to care or hard the balls to state something. @WannaBeBIG what were your experiences with Tren A at 700mg/wk. I figured I should let people know about this high Tren doses with little effects.
You goofs are worse the. Dingdongs dick riders. Prove me wrong with your blood work or keeping writing these punk ass reviews Jet begs you too write after to place an order. There’s a reason you don’t see reputable labs bumping their threads like this skinner. Hey Jet see you in Stoney Mountain or Sask Pen big dog. Make sure you end in Max. Will youre little fan boys have your back then!?

Unlike you I have no desire to talk shit or play dirty so I'm going to put you on ignore just like I did with your other handle(s) and you and whoever else you're in cahoots with can do all the scheming you want, but it won't bear any fruit :)
I wrote that review because you asked me to after my order. If you think I’m CDNguy you’re about as bright as the tip of my cock. That guy lives across the country from me. I merely posted this in response to people claiming no sides at copious amounts of Tren A which baffled me. I didn’t have minor effects running Mast P 400mg Test P 400mg Tren A 400mg with not much benefit, but when I noticed many people saying those high doses of Tren didn’t even touch them made me question a few things, I’m sure others wondered as why. That’s why I started this post since no one seemed to care or hard the balls to state something. @WannaBeBIG what were your experiences with Tren A at 700mg/wk. I figured I should let people know about this high Tren doses with little effects.

Why does it baffle you that some people are unicorns? It baffles you so much that you need to bash a lab?

Some people look at test and grow bitch tits cause they’re high aromatizers and some don’t. Is that jets problem too?

Get out.
You goofs are worse the. Dingdongs dick riders. Prove me wrong with your blood work or keeping writing these punk ass reviews Jet begs you too write after to place an order. There’s a reason you don’t see reputable labs bumping their threads like this skinner. Hey Jet see you in Stoney Mountain or Sask Pen big dog. Make sure you end in Max. Will youre little fan boys have your back then!?
Where's your blood work bud? You drop a review, no bloods or blind samples and then bitch at others about it. Or are you just another clown?

Dime a dozen on MESO. Comes for 6 months, bitches how shitty it is, continues to bitch and complain and then will disappear.

Either post your bloods and blind sample or fuck off.

What fucking immaculated loser comes on a forum threatening people? Sure don't like a source, argue with them, but what kind of unhinged fuck puffs their chest threatening violence? Continue being a deadbeat and catch another charge bud. Steroids are not for the mentally unstable get some counseling.

Again, never tried Jet or really give a fuck about sources, but damn dude really? You this fucking butthurt?
Harley you’re the only one I respect here as you’ve helped me a lot of with current blood work.

Do you remember how many people used to post labs for Newport, Atlas, Syn, Trans pharma, Pareto. There were tons. This thread is like Dingdong jr’s. Jet used to be a member too back in the day. Now he just backs you to post a irrelevant review to keep his thread bumping. I should have believe @Fittrader and @3ml when they told me to say far away. Head over to another board Jet and see how long your grandmas basement lab lasts. Fucking Winnipeg. Shit hole of Canada right cuzzzzzin fokkkk.
Constantly being bumped by bullshit instead of meaningful posts. You don’t see any other reputable lab doing that. Fucking disgraceful. If I did my time in stony mountain I would make it my mission yo pay you a quick visit.
So we agree that blood work isnt done often anymore like i mentioned up top, will move on from that then thats covered, as we agree.

One thing that i hate is liberalism, and boards that hide shit or dictate what can or cant be said, and boards that protect scumbag labs that deal meth and threaten members and boards that protect labs that make infectious gear , So your more then welcome to give your opinions and i have no problem with that, however just no that the way you present yourself with those opinions is how others will judge you for your stay on the board. My stays are relatively short elsewhere because i like to be honest and not take shit, so i don't discredit you for your opinions, because im the guy that doesn't mind giving mine.

That being said, im very confused, let me tell you why, and lets see if you can help me out, you tried jets, you came on hear and prasied the quality twice, plus today you said you've tried alot of tren and had no sides no issues so will have to agree on this because you said it, so unless you were lying when you said it , which im sure if you were then again your credibility of anything you say has been lost am i right? You didnt lie before is that correct?

But my main questions are why so angry out of the blue? Why the hatred and the threats? And why bring fittrader and 3ml in on this? Personally iv never had issues with fittrader and this is news to me that he has had issues with jet labs iv not seen him discuss this anywhere iv always found him to be a good guy, maybe he will chime in on this with his opinions?
Next is you bring @3ml in on this, i can tell you one thing for sure about 3ml is he will be as honest as he can be. And id be willing to bet he doesn't wanna be dragged in on this thread anymore especially over something as ridiculous as this because your conderdicting yourself so much that 3ml wouldn't wanna be attached to that, and i also would strongly guess he has zero issues with jets gear quality, as a matter of fact the lab he may favor was one of the original labs to run alot of hlpc testing on there products when they first came out like jets has done hear so why would he hate on jet for quality.

So the issues he may have with jets is of his personal opinion of the way the lab runs his thread and his business, which is his opinion and he is allowed to have it, but why tag him in hopes he will defend you on what your saying?we all already no 3ml opinions, and he is allowed to have them.

Ok so next, you want jets on another board? Well its not going to happen because the boards and labs don't want him there, not because the quality , but lets take a guess its the price comparison, its too strong of competition for the other labs , and of course thats whats causing all this conflict everywhere, so for that , you likely wont see him there, but i can assure you its not because he is a bathtub brewer that brews in his grandmas basement, i mean he could fuck i dunno, but do you know some of these labs on those boards? Some of those labs are as dirty as the 2 dollor hooker at the corner of dairy queen.

This is the place he has to bump his threads and promote his sales, there is noithing wrong with what he is doing. He has lower grade packaging and he isnt as fancy as the other labs and that helps control cost and keep the price down, he also likely doesn't have 1 million dollars in raws and products all ready to go like the other labs, so again keeps prices low , im not sure why its so hard for you guys to see this.

Furthermore thnx to meso and other forums we no how much raws cost for the most part right?

So ill ask this?who is ripping who off the labs charging 50 times the price or the small one lab guy that charges a price we can actually afford in this fucked up liberal society we live now.
I have been using @Jet Labs tren On and off pretty much since he released his first batch.

I am a seasoned tren user and I haven’t had to get up to running 700mg per week of the stuff. The tren ace is definitely potent and strong stuff.

Sides I have experienced: extreme strength increases, anger/irritability, wanting to hump EVERY girl I see, trensomnia, being able to add muscle while losing fat, slight increase in BP, increased vascularity etc. I could go on.

Currently running his PROFINA mix at 5 ML a week split into 3 doses. Also one cc a week of his test 500.

No PIP from either... I do mix the test 500 and PROFINA in the same syringe once a week.

Started this little cycle on July 17, and in less than a month people at the gym are constantly commenting on how fast my physique has been changing.

Now I have been spot on with my training and diet and have been doing cardio everyday... so I am busting my butt. But @Jet Labs stuff... especially his TREN is something I will happily use for as long as I continue to train enhanced.

Not only does @Jet Labs have the BEST customer service on the board. He constantly goes above and beyond what is required or what every other source I have dealt with does. He’s got some of my favourite products and some of the best tags across the board.

Keep up the great work! @Jet Labs
So we agree that blood work isnt done often anymore like i mentioned up top, will move on from that then thats covered, as we agree.

One thing that i hate is liberalism, and boards that hide shit or dictate what can or cant be said, and boards that protect scumbag labs that deal meth and threaten members and boards that protect labs that make infectious gear , So your more then welcome to give your opinions and i have no problem with that, however just no that the way you present yourself with those opinions is how others will judge you for your stay on the board. My stays are relatively short elsewhere because i like to be honest and not take shit, so i don't discredit you for your opinions, because im the guy that doesn't mind giving mine.

That being said, im very confused, let me tell you why, and lets see if you can help me out, you tried jets, you came on hear and prasied the quality twice, plus today you said you've tried alot of tren and had no sides no issues so will have to agree on this because you said it, so unless you were lying when you said it , which im sure if you were then again your credibility of anything you say has been lost am i right? You didnt lie before is that correct?

But my main questions are why so angry out of the blue? Why the hatred and the threats? And why bring fittrader and 3ml in on this? Personally iv never had issues with fittrader and this is news to me that he has had issues with jet labs iv not seen him discuss this anywhere iv always found him to be a good guy, maybe he will chime in on this with his opinions?
Next is you bring @3ml in on this, i can tell you one thing for sure about 3ml is he will be as honest as he can be. And id be willing to bet he doesn't wanna be dragged in on this thread anymore especially over something as ridiculous as this because your conderdicting yourself so much that 3ml wouldn't wanna be attached to that, and i also would strongly guess he has zero issues with jets gear quality, as a matter of fact the lab he may favor was one of the original labs to run alot of hlpc testing on there products when they first came out like jets has done hear so why would he hate on jet for quality.

So the issues he may have with jets is of his personal opinion of the way the lab runs his thread and his business, which is his opinion and he is allowed to have it, but why tag him in hopes he will defend you on what your saying?we all already no 3ml opinions, and he is allowed to have them.

Ok so next, you want jets on another board? Well its not going to happen because the boards and labs don't want him there, not because the quality , but lets take a guess its the price comparison, its too strong of competition for the other labs , and of course thats whats causing all this conflict everywhere, so for that , you likely wont see him there, but i can assure you its not because he is a bathtub brewer that brews in his grandmas basement, i mean he could fuck i dunno, but do you know some of these labs on those boards? Some of those labs are as dirty as the 2 dollor hooker at the corner of dairy queen.

This is the place he has to bump his threads and promote his sales, there is noithing wrong with what he is doing. He has lower grade packaging and he isnt as fancy as the other labs and that helps control cost and keep the price down, he also likely doesn't have 1 million dollars in raws and products all ready to go like the other labs, so again keeps prices low , im not sure why its so hard for you guys to see this.

Furthermore thnx to meso and other forums we no how much raws cost for the most part right?

So ill ask this?who is ripping who off the labs charging 50 times the price or the small one lab guy that charges a price we can actually afford in this fucked up liberal society we live now.
Fuck my tits!
I barley have had time for the boards last several months. I really don’t even understand wtf is going on, nor will I read through it all. Thanks though I guess @Harley00. Carry on fellas I’m chilling at the lake and not gonna engage in whatever the hell is happening here.
Fuck my tits!
I barley have had time for the boards last several months. I really don’t even understand wtf is going on, nor will I read through it all. Thanks though I guess @Harley00. Carry on fellas I’m chilling at the lake and not gonna engage in whatever the hell is happening here.
Lol i knew you were busy lol and wouldn't even wanna get involved enjoy the lake lol
he isnt as fancy as the other labs and that helps control cost and keep the price down
I can't speak for everyone but I'd rather pay half the price for test cyp then pay double for jet-osterone cypionate or boeing-oldenone. The RND costs for making lab puns heavily influences the prices and at the end of the day like @Harley00 said we know the cost of the raws so if you want to pay the crazy markup go for it it's your money