Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

This worm is still trolling this hard on every thread lol you must truly hate your life.

The irony is that whilst this wannabe “Meso hero” regularly pops into Jets & Stan’s thread to snipe, we have an actual proven (& self admitted) scammer active on Meso that’s backed up by an army of alt accounts, shills & fanboys & this waste of space is nowhere to be seen in their thread.

Please give a round of applause for CDNGuy lads!
I’ve never tried anadrol before
I’ve been using Jet’s Dbol and I love it but the estrogen sides hit me hard so I’m thinking of switching to anadrol this run for similar effects but less estrogen
I’m not a huge fan of dbol for the same reason. Estrogen is difficult to control and I turn into a crying water buffalo if I cycle it. It’s nice on a cruise to throw it in once and a while for heavy leg day or whatever. That’s just my experience tho! Anadrol is far superior imo when it comes to strengths and gains. And I get zero bloat on it. Throw ten in the mix and you have a serious recipe for growth!
You were calm as fuck and 0 sides at 700mg of tren ace….
Rolling into my second week of profina/anadrol . Went a little tren crazy the first week and pinned 2 cc almost every day lol. Now I’ll settle to 1.5cc eod, and continue 60mg anadrol pwo. Love this cycle, highly recommend it to experienced guys. No pip with the profina, and I pined a ton last week! And the anadrol is great pwo.
Just came off a 20week blast of tren ace from JET at 750mg/wk touching 1050mg for a couple weeks. Man was it ever smooth. No sides, no high BP. Awesome products. Test was at 250mg

Going to cruise for a bit
Then do a primo 1000mg blast with GH and either winny, var or superdrol. Undecided right now. Keeping test at 300-500mg

Keep it up Jet! A+ service as always bro!

All state no sides on Tren ace 700-1400mg with this one man Lab Operation, but it’s bumped everyday with shipping and anecdotal reviews. Funny thing is, no one ever gets blood tests or sends off blind samples. I will be sending blinds in myself to see how long this circle jerk lasts.



All state no sides on Tren ace 700-1400mg with this one man Lab Operation, but it’s bumped everyday with shipping and anecdotal reviews. Funny thing is, no one ever gets blood tests or sends off blind samples. I will be sending blinds in myself to see how long this circle jerk lasts.

Well this is very unexpected as I had no idea you had any issues with me or my products and your post sounds very kp300ish which is rather odd!

That being said I welcome all testing and of course will reimburse :)

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All state no sides on Tren ace 700-1400mg with this one man Lab Operation, but it’s bumped everyday with shipping and anecdotal reviews. Funny thing is, no one ever gets blood tests or sends off blind samples. I will be sending blinds in myself to see how long this circle jerk lasts.
Logged in with the wrong account there KP?
Logged in with the wrong account there KP?

Seriously though that's what it sounds like right and broski seems to think that everyone should always experience horrible sides from tren which isn't the case especially for experienced tren users.



All state no sides on Tren ace 700-1400mg with this one man Lab Operation, but it’s bumped everyday with shipping and anecdotal reviews. Funny thing is, no one ever gets blood tests or sends off blind samples. I will be sending blinds in myself to see how long this circle jerk lasts.
Ok, im gonna be respectful hear and say a few things.

1. I know for a 100% fact that 1 of those guys is definitely not a shill, you wanna no how i lnow that? Because the lab he used previously was suggested by me and i had said they were a decent well established lab. He had issues with the lab that was due to lab quality , the lab did however correct the issue, and this memeber moved onto jets, so that leaves 1 guy from your 3 that's 100% not a shill, cant speak for the other 2 as iv not spoken to them privately.

2. Blood test?how many of the other labs threads have blood tests on them from members... not many and its barely done anymore, i know for a fact that one of these top labs threads the last labs posted were by me and that was last year. So like i said its not done often anymore, and thats because noithing can really be proven because you have to trust who posted it . Labs can be manipulated in so many ways its extremely hard to prove anything.

Not only that , you have to deal with people calling you a shill now because you posted lab work?so your a shill for trying a lab , your a shill for reviewing a lab, your a shill for re purchasing from the lab...list goes on, where do you win hear?

3. What does it matter if he is a one man lab? Maybe slow clap because he has accomplished allot hear, and as he closes close to 1 year on meso he hasn't disappointed. So why hate?

4. Why would you claim noithing but the best from jets products then all off a sudden turn on him in the open, and attack him? For zero reason and then claim its a circle jerk when u had no issues? And then claim your sending in blind samples.... guess what sir, Anything you say now isnt credible, its in the open that your attacking memebers and the lab so you don't even get the opportunity now to make a case.... guess what even if you did do blind samples, wouldn't the respectful thing to do would be go to the lab first?... wouldn't this be the respectful thing to do .

You did this very wrong and you've made your self look extremely bad hear. And you've only fortified jets lab hear on meso .

I look forward to your response.
Seriously though that's what it sounds like right and broski seems to think that everyone should always experience horrible sides from tren which isn't the case especially for experienced tren users.
Just odd as the accounts have total opposite views...but it is what it is. Bipolar Steroid Board Account Disorder...

The only sides I get from tren are occasional bouts of mild hypoglycemia and some extra sweating. That said, I have never gone up into those dose ranges lol.
Just odd as the accounts have total opposite views...but it is what it is. Bipolar Steroid Board Account Disorder...

The only sides I get from tren are occasional bouts of mild hypoglycemia and some extra sweating. That said, I have never gone up into those dose ranges lol.

I should oreder up some "Jet Labs Circle Jerk Fan Club" t-shirts and give out with orders ha ha ha :p



All state no sides on Tren ace 700-1400mg with this one man Lab Operation, but it’s bumped everyday with shipping and anecdotal reviews. Funny thing is, no one ever gets blood tests or sends off blind samples. I will be sending blinds in myself to see how long this circle jerk lasts.
Have you ever seen blind samples sent for even the biggest labs in canada? I haven’t



All state no sides on Tren ace 700-1400mg with this one man Lab Operation, but it’s bumped everyday with shipping and anecdotal reviews. Funny thing is, no one ever gets blood tests or sends off blind samples. I will be sending blinds in myself to see how long this circle jerk lasts.

Yea, these guys are shills because they posted that products that tested at 99% purity worked well for them. Lmao. Who is that guy anyway, been here for like 2 months and calling the OG juice heads shills. Congratulations sir, you made yourself look like a retard. Time for a new handle as you’ve just lost all credibility on your name

Key word here to take away: tested product
Yea, these guys are shills because they posted that products that tested at 99% purity worked well for them. Lmao. Who is that guy anyway, been here for like 2 months and calling the OG juice heads shills. Congratulations sir, you made yourself look like a retard. Time for a new handle as you’ve just lost all credibility on your name

Key word here to take away: tested product
I don’t want you to take this as me talking shit but I am admittedly a bit confused regarding your position on @janoshik. Is it a legitimate service or not? In Jano's thread I get the impression you don't think he's a legitimate service, but then here the results are valid?

Again, not trying to flame you, just trying to reconcile this. I think both Jet and Jano seem to do good work for the record
I don’t want you to take this as me talking shit but I am admittedly a bit confused regarding your position on @janoshik. Is it a legitimate service or not? In Jano's thread I get the impression you don't think he's a legitimate service, but then here the results are valid?

Again, not trying to flame you, just trying to reconcile this. I think both Jet and Jano seem to do good work for the record
This is my quote RE: Jano’s blind tests In the jano thread and where I stand:
His blind tests are legit, how else Could you fake that. There’s no way:

definitely will say tho the last few years now u can obviously tell jano knows his shit. He’s very educated in the subject and answers questions ppl have about the tests. Early on after his scam I thought he was a full on scam artist, but now a days I think he def has some kind of access to a lab. From what I’ve seen he always gets The blind testing on point and shit

I think He’s def doing some selective shit at least sometimes tho. It’s too easy. But Seems to me a large portion of his stuff is legit

Here is the page that includes said post:

You should’ve done better research before making an accusation like this when I clearly say in that posts that his blind tests are legit. Now you’ve clogged up Jet’s thread with dumb stuff that isn’t accurate nor what i said at all
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This is my quote RE: Jano’s blind tests In the jano thread and where I stand:

You should’ve done better research before making an accusation like this. Now you’ve clogged up Jet’s thread selling good gear with shit. Irresponsible man
You were never accused of anything, I made it very clear I just didn't understand your position. No need to take offense. Appreciate you sending me 4 PMs to explain how you feel on the subject. I'm sure @Jet Labs won't mind the bump but if he does he can let me know.
At this point I don’t see what issue anyone could have with JetLabs other than they get a boner for trolling sources like the old days when the scene was way more sketchy or they’re direct competition.
Everyone that’s on the forums has seen the man teaching people how to brew and making recipes and shit for many years. Why would u not trust someone like that to brew ur gear. (Not even mentioning the fact it’s tested 99% lol) And the raw game right now is in a really good place with some real quality suppliers.

That whole shit on sources era of meso years ago was a different time - and it was aimed at US pop up sources where the scene was a lot more sketchy. Ppl like KP and douche bag TrenFckTens or w.e just have boners from that time and prob don’t even use gear. Jets an OG gangster of the Canadian scene.

Guy’s been brewing gear since I was in fucking elementary school and I’m about to turn 30 lmao
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