Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

I wrote that review because you asked me to after my order. If you think I’m CDNguy you’re about as bright as the tip of my cock. That guy lives across the country from me. I merely posted this in response to people claiming no sides at copious amounts of Tren A which baffled me. I didn’t have minor effects running Mast P 400mg Test P 400mg Tren A 400mg with not much benefit, but when I noticed many people saying those high doses of Tren didn’t even touch them made me question a few things, I’m sure others wondered as why. That’s why I started this post since no one seemed to care or hard the balls to state something. @WannaBeBIG what were your experiences with Tren A at 700mg/wk. I figured I should let people know about this high Tren doses with little effects.
I have no idea the backstory of whats going on here and why I was tagged but I had a great experience with tren A at ramping-up doses to end up at 100mg/day for a little over a month. My bodily changes were a direct reflection of the work I put in, which due to a back injury was not gym related for the most part. I took my cocktail to prevent muscle wasting and the tren to take advantage of nutrient partitioning while in an extreme long term caloric deficit. Tren is not a wonder drug. I have nothing but good things to say about @Jet Labs and will continue to be a customer as long as he’s in business. I have spent and stocked up on many of his products and continue to be impressed with especially his testosterone products. I do not and have not had bad things to say about this lab. For bloods I’ve seen my levels for trt while on jet test250 to be entirely in line with pharma levels for me so I trust him. He’s a stand up guy and I suspect there has been some anger but I suspect it would be misplaced
I think I'm a little late to the party but I do have a couple of doubts. The member who apparently once loved Jets gear but doesn't anymore seems to insist on blood work as being the standard to judge the gears potency. I could see how that's acceptable for something like testosterone or even boldenone but what blood marker exactly is one supposed to refer to when on tren to determine its efficacy? The only thing I can think of is prolactin but even that too is kinda iffy. So then what? As I understand it the ONLY way to truly know the authenticity and the dosage of the gear is by testing the gear itself. Everything else is just "feelz" and as such, highly subjective. I really don't understand the absolute rage aforementioned member has towards jets. You'd think Jets killed his puppy or something with the way he's been threatening violence.

On the flip side, if jets actually privately asked the member for a review perhaps that could be taken as bad form. It's a stretch I know but I could see how it could potentially be construed that way. On my part, I've been a customer of his since he started selling primo and thus far he has NEVER asked me for a review. Whatever blood work and/or reviews I've posted are purely out of my own free will and done only so that the other members have a reference point based on the type of gear I'm taking.

Anyway, I know it's wishful thinking but I do hope this is the last we'll see of the trolls. I'm guessing some of the competitors out there are wary of the fact that he's giving out quality gear for comparatively lower rates than the other, more established labs we have in Canada and that in turn is leading to the vicious trolls and constant attacks. Infact, as far as I know (which isn't much I'll be the first to admit), he's also the only Canadian lab that does custom brewing as well.
I appreciate all the kind words and just for the record I do not beg or trade gear for positive reviews lol. It's no secret that I have good freebies, but so do other labs and I enjoy taking good care of my customers and I absolutely will not apologize for that now or ever and on occasion when I'm emailed a stellar review I 100% ask that customer if it's not too much trouble if they could share their experience and opinions in my thread, BUT I also ask everyone to post up honest reviews one way or the other!

Thank you and good day everyone :)
I appreciate all the kind words and just for the record I do not beg or trade gear for positive reviews lol. It's no secret that I have good freebies, but so do other labs and I enjoy taking good care of my customers and I absolutely will not apologize for that now or ever and on occasion when I'm emailed a stellar review I 100% ask that customer if it's not too much trouble if they could share their experience and opinions in my thread, BUT I also ask everyone to post up honest reviews one way or the other!

Thank you and good day everyone :)
Just purchased for the first time from him, Like I have told him, I’ve seen a couple of bad reviews of 2 forums, which happens to be related, but beside that, you can’t fake 183 pages on here, well that would an insane amount of time if so. Everything as of now from what I’ve read is true, fast response to my email, ordered on monday night to have it delivered by thursday morning in QC, I found that quite fast. As for the quality, I can’t really tell, but from what I have read it seems good. I know a first post member seems sketchy, but I always used an intermediate to buy gear and was tired of paying 80-100 a vials of probably cheap gear, and after reading a lot, I decided to give jet labs a try, as of now I am an happy customer.
Just purchased for the first time from him, Like I have told him, I’ve seen a couple of bad reviews of 2 forums, which happens to be related, but beside that, you can’t fake 183 pages on here, well that would an insane amount of time if so. Everything as of now from what I’ve read is true, fast response to my email, ordered on monday night to have it delivered by thursday morning in QC, I found that quite fast. As for the quality, I can’t really tell, but from what I have read it seems good. I know a first post member seems sketchy, but I always used an intermediate to buy gear and was tired of paying 80-100 a vials of probably cheap gear, and after reading a lot, I decided to give jet labs a try, as of now I am an happy customer.
You won't be disappointed, his cialis, anavar, dbol and drol and mast are definitely legit, the viagra seems to take a bit.longer to kick in than pharma but that may have had a lot to do with my estrogen being at 258 at the time

The masteron e took my gyno away within 3 weeks, even while running a moderately high dose of testosterone, so I am happy with that as my nipples were getting pretty damn annoying

His openess about his products and willingness to allow customers to do testing for a rebate also shows he his passionate about his business and stands behind his products

I am also not exclusively running jets gear just the things that I have listed, and so far I have been pleased with the products and services I have recieved
Just purchased for the first time from him, Like I have told him, I’ve seen a couple of bad reviews of 2 forums, which happens to be related, but beside that, you can’t fake 183 pages on here, well that would an insane amount of time if so. Everything as of now from what I’ve read is true, fast response to my email, ordered on monday night to have it delivered by thursday morning in QC, I found that quite fast. As for the quality, I can’t really tell, but from what I have read it seems good. I know a first post member seems sketchy, but I always used an intermediate to buy gear and was tired of paying 80-100 a vials of probably cheap gear, and after reading a lot, I decided to give jet labs a try, as of now I am an happy customer.
Genuinely curious what the bad reviews were about... Quality? Authenticity? Like was there ever anything objective that was mentioned or were they all unhinged rants like we just witnessed here?
Genuinely curious what the bad reviews were about... Quality? Authenticity? Like was there ever anything objective that was mentioned or were they all unhinged rants like we just witnessed here?
Saying he was scamming people, but there was 8 replies, and each times they posted a website saying it’s more safe to buy there. After further reading, I came to the conclusion that is was a probably a scam to lure people into buying there gear as only 8 replies. You can fake a page or 2 of reviews, but I really can’t see how you can fake 183 pages on here. Well, like I said, I am an happy customer, and will use JL again for sure.
Just purchased for the first time from him, Like I have told him, I’ve seen a couple of bad reviews of 2 forums, which happens to be related, but beside that, you can’t fake 183 pages on here, well that would an insane amount of time if so. Everything as of now from what I’ve read is true, fast response to my email, ordered on monday night to have it delivered by thursday morning in QC, I found that quite fast. As for the quality, I can’t really tell, but from what I have read it seems good. I know a first post member seems sketchy, but I always used an intermediate to buy gear and was tired of paying 80-100 a vials of probably cheap gear, and after reading a lot, I decided to give jet labs a try, as of now I am an happy customer.

Anabolex, Evo or iSarms?

Every source that doesn't pay to be on those boards is labeled a scammer by a mod with a one post throw away account.

It's hard to believe they have any legit members.
The number is probably a lot lower than they lead readers to believe.
Saying he was scamming people, but there was 8 replies, and each times they posted a website saying it’s more safe to buy there. After further reading, I came to the conclusion that is was a probably a scam to lure people into buying there gear as only 8 replies. You can fake a page or 2 of reviews, but I really can’t see how you can fake 183 pages on here. Well, like I said, I am an happy customer, and will use JL again for sure.

Ohhh you're talking about scammerbolex lol. Yah that site is......well very obvious :rolleyes:
Genuinely curious what the bad reviews were about... Quality? Authenticity? Like was there ever anything objective that was mentioned or were they all unhinged rants like we just witnessed here?

They make it up as they go along. It depends on how creative the mod who's writing it feels. Have a look for yourself. Look at two different complaint threads and you'll see the clear and obvious pattern for why they write those fake review threads.
Anabolex, Evo or iSarms?

Every source that doesn't pay to be on those boards is labeled a scammer by a mod with a one post throw away account.

It's hard to believe they have any legit members.
The number is probably a lot lower than they lead readers to believe.
Im new to this, and I have not found any of those sites saying anything about Jet, I don’t if in allowed to name those source, but it was sketchy that they basically had no replies for such a « large » website claiming to be the safest place and having the best gear for domestic and int. Also, one member who posted a review claiming he was fake seems to be a mod over there, and redirect people on his website. The thing that got me laughing was that he ran with his money and never reply back, but when I email him before and after what I purchased he still reply pretty fast, and I had a tracking number to check. Story short, it was nothing but a big scam to lure people into buying by their site
A little review; I took like 400mg of test e for 2 months with no ai and definetly got some gyno started, so unfortunately I have faith the test is the real deal, additionally jets anavar and winny has pushed my hairline back like the great recession but also made my arms look like erect cocks, wins in my book. As far as the primo and boldenone I'm using currently, I can report I'm holding a lot less water than I typically would and vascularity steadily increases, I have been recomping at 240lbs steadily and can't complain about progress.
I have tried the viagra 50 mg, I used 75 mg as a first time, and I can assure you, I was hard af and my BP was pretty high that day and still had no problem.