Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Already got my auction stuff in the mail. Quickest time I’ve seen wow. Most likely gonna send a test out on an injectable to Jano next pay. Deciding on Deca 300 or Tren 200. Any suggestions
Would be interested in the deca in general it's notorious for testing low BC of garbage inconsistent raws. Not that Id worried in the first place but I feel like that one would be worthwhile to test
I’m with you brother. I’m nervous to do a chest shot. Pretty much anywhere I can reach I’ve tried but pecs

See for me it's bicep pokes that always made me cringe and to be 100% honest the few times In my youth I hit biceps I needed liquid courage lol.

Remembering the inch and a half needle sliding into that muscle makes me gag still to this day no lie :oops:
See for me it's bicep pokes that always made me cringe and to be 100% honest the few times In my youth I hit biceps I needed liquid courage lol.

Remembering the inch and a half needle sliding into that muscle makes me gag still to this day no lie :oops:
You sick bastard lol. I would do traps or quads all day. Rule of thumb is further down the limb the more complicated the injection
You sick bastard lol. I would do traps or quads all day. Rule of thumb is further down the limb the more complicated the injection

Did 2mls of vet grade winstrol in calf way back in the 90s and jeebus joseph I couldn't walk properly for over a month and was positive my leg would need to be amputated ha ha.

Good times :p:oops::rolleyes:
I love pec shots....

If I had to do quad shots on the other hand, I’d probably quit lifting and take up tennis! ;)
I mastered those but I only use one quadrant. Too high and I'll bleed like a stuck pig. Too low and I'm limping. I rotate delts, ventri glutes, ( I cannot reach my actual ass to save my life ) quads, traps and lats) I hit a nerve when I tried my man titty.... got ptsd lol.
I mastered those but I only use one quadrant. Too high and I'll bleed like a stuck pig. Too low and I'm limping. I rotate delts, ventri glutes, ( I cannot reach my actual ass to save my life ) quads, traps and lats) I hit a nerve when I tried my man titty.... got ptsd lol.
My quads are too vascular... I pinned once quick in a girls bathroom. Trying to be low key while we were getting ready to go out on a date.

Hit a nerve.... leg started shaking like crazy, needle flew out and blood squirted EVERYWHERE... all over her white towels, white bath mat, etc.

I just bounced... needless to say we didn’t get married... LOL

Pecs just go 1 inch above your nipples and push. I find them easier to do when seated then looking in the mirror, that is kind of sketchy. I have tattoos so it’s like bullseyes for me I know where to aim.
Did 2mls of vet grade winstrol in calf way back in the 90s and jeebus joseph I couldn't walk properly for over a month and was positive my leg would need to be amputated ha ha.

Good times :p:oops::rolleyes:

I’ve done some dumb stuff in my hey day... but damn winny in your calf! You have bigger kahonas then me! Haha
See for me it's bicep pokes that always made me cringe and to be 100% honest the few times In my youth I hit biceps I needed liquid courage lol.

Remembering the inch and a half needle sliding into that muscle makes me gag still to this day no lie :oops:
In my first tren runs I would use 1/2” insulin needles into the biceps exclusively