Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Ran 500 Test E/300 Mast E/300 NPP my last blast and had a similar issue, which is what it most likely is. Came down with a flu for 2-3 days and was gtg after that, bloods were fine as well. Again though, it's entirely subjective and not to be that guy, but isn't it kind of contradictory to virtue signal while you were cranking 1200mg Test/900mg EQ/600mg Primo per week at one point? Lol ;)
I now know what the issue is.. Did a COVID test just to be sure, and sure enough it's just my luck to catch this shit right as I'm about to peak... Oh well, right back to it once I recover.
I have had nothing but highly positive experiences with jet and his products, incredibly high quality gear and oil that i would run over any other lab (and ive tried a bunch) communication is great and shipping is fast.
Of course it is! I'm still waiting for tracking 4 days later, you must be part of the circle Jerk and get preferred shipping.
@Nodes very first post on Meso was bloodwork from Jets gear ! Lmao Who the fuck just shows up to a new fourm and immediately posts bloods? JET SHILLS that's who. This whole thread is a fraud most are shill accounts.
This one, this guy above is the competition or paid by the competition, they hate that jet sells gear for fair prices and isn’t ripping people off like them
Oh I know who he is, it's just sometimes fun to see if you can get him to respond rather than cower away. It's an unfortunate affliction he lives with, being such a cunt
I'm trying to prove a point read the posts it's always the same shit package landed in 2 days with some goodies.
It's not the waiting I couldn't care less how fast it gets here I just think most of the posts are bullshit that's my opinion
I'm trying to prove a point read the posts it's always the same shit package landed in 2 days with some goodies.
It's not the waiting I couldn't care less how fast it gets here I just think most of the posts are bullshit that's my opinion
it really wasn't directed at you specifically it was just in general
I'm trying to prove a point read the posts it's always the same shit package landed in 2 days with some goodies.
It's not the waiting I couldn't care less how fast it gets here I just think most of the posts are bullshit that's my opinion
Mine have always been 4+ days just depends on where you live and Canada post