Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

The Test E 100/Primo 100 TRT combo? Or did you run them separately.
love the cruise blend 1:1 Test/Primo, sometimes i feel like i need more test like 1:1.5 ratio but thats easy to fix with adding some Test E to same syringe.
No pip, no issues, in general i tried the following from jet:

Dbol, Var, Test e, Test C, Primo, Mast P
Everything was top quality.
love the cruise blend 1:1 Test/Primo, sometimes i feel like i need more test like 1:1.5 ratio but thats easy to fix with adding some Test E to same syringe.
No pip, no issues, in general i tried the following from jet:

Dbol, Var, Test e, Test C, Primo, Mast P
Everything was top quality.
No doubt, I've been considering the cruise blend just to mitigate some aromatization, I had high e2 on 150mg Test E/week ffs and had to run aromasin once/week.

I've ran Test E, NPP, Bold Cyp, Anadrol, Cialis and everything was absolutely mint. The NPP made my joints feel bulletproof compared to other source's NPP in my previous blast, love the shit.
The cruise blend is very smooth. Ran it for 6 weeks as my TRT+ while I was in Canada to avoid flying with anything.
No doubt, I've been considering the cruise blend just to mitigate some aromatization, I had high e2 on 150mg Test E/week ffs and had to run aromasin once/week.

I've ran Test E, NPP, Bold Cyp, Anadrol, Cialis and everything was absolutely mint. The NPP made my joints feel bulletproof compared to other source's NPP in my previous blast, love the shit.
Totally blanked about the NPP and DECA , yes those are top notch, currently on 400Mg NPP
I had really bad pip from it (swelling, redness, hot). Every other product I’ve had zero issues tho
Mix it in small .2 to .3 ml shots with another compound like prop or deca whatever you or on it's own in small amounts with this or anything else that troubles your pip , I suggest I'm not a doctor Hey Jet rocks great lab good people!
Hey jet pharma brothers , I'm running Tbol 40 mg daily, good performance enhancement extra boost in the gym , nice feeling of well being as well, probably the cleanest oral I have used also I like jet cardarine good clean energy, jet superdol kicks my ass at 20 mg I blast occasionally once or twice a month , left Pareto long ago before there sudden sketchy dissolve , not my business. and have used jet experience exclusively since he hit the scene, really clean products and if you have a problem he straightens shit out fast and is very knowledgeable and actually cares about his customers, very knowledgeable about everything and has a great chemist lol Winny suspension and test suspension from Jet blew me away no pip or anything just awesome, his anadrol powerful as well, thankyou guys for all your. points and posts , moose head heading into the bush up into north Saskatchewan, gotta hunt down some wild game for proteins lol what are you jet brothers utilizing to combat insane meat prices, just retarded in a country so naturally bountiful. Wtf eh
Anyone have a good protocol with letro or any other good thing to use to reverse or shrink gyno?

I’ve met with a place to discuss surgery but he said mine wasnt anything to worry about, and I would risk having my nipples be indented in my chest if he removed the glands. I wouldn’t say I have a bad case, I just hate knowing the small glands are there and they tend to have flare ups causing my nips to be puffy, or sometimes a bit sore depending on what I’m taking and how much.
Anyone have a good protocol with letro or any other good thing to use to reverse or shrink gyno?

I’ve met with a place to discuss surgery but he said mine wasnt anything to worry about, and I would risk having my nipples be indented in my chest if he removed the glands. I wouldn’t say I have a bad case, I just hate knowing the small glands are there and they tend to have flare ups causing my nips to be puffy, or sometimes a bit sore depending on what I’m taking and how much.
A Raloxifene protocol would be better then trying to use letro.
Anyone have a good protocol with letro or any other good thing to use to reverse or shrink gyno?

I’ve met with a place to discuss surgery but he said mine wasnt anything to worry about, and I would risk having my nipples be indented in my chest if he removed the glands. I wouldn’t say I have a bad case, I just hate knowing the small glands are there and they tend to have flare ups causing my nips to be puffy, or sometimes a bit sore depending on what I’m taking and how much.
I used armosin myself, estrogen receptor issues aren't something I know gear that great about, I guess blood work and a endocrinologist opinion with these issues would help, professional doctors can be a good asset or liability, hard finding a good testosterone friendly doctor, good luck with everything brother
I used armosin myself, estrogen receptor issues aren't something I know gear that great about, I guess blood work and a endocrinologist opinion with these issues would help, professional doctors can be a good asset or liability, hard finding a good testosterone friendly doctor, good luck with everything brother
Thanks bro