Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

What exactly do you mean?
Like what part?

The part about Cherokee not understanding that everyone knows sources get raws cheap from overseas and we pay what we feel is reasonable so we don't have to brew or deal with any of this type of shit as long as said sources test raws and finished batches (as I said before I am not from Canada, but from what I can tell you sir are a solid choice)?

Or the part about me not being able to tear myself away
After getting out bid on the auction, I placed another order. The result was another successful delivery in record time courtesy of Mr. Jets. At the fear of sounding repetitive….there was ridiculously prompt email reply’s and tracking info first thing in the morning as promised.
And the packaging, next level. The most secure and well packaged shipment I’ve ever seen.
Now, I have 2 wishes for Xmas.
1. That Mr. Jets can keep this pace up as he gets more popular and as the list expands, cause it’s looking impressive.
2. People stop feeding the bloody trolls.

Take care this holiday season you guys.
Mr. Jets! YES it's catching on hah
Agreed, click on profile pic hit ignore. You can't see anything they post or even if they post.

Merry Xmas bro
Like what part?

The part about Cherokee not understanding that everyone knows sources get raws cheap from overseas and we pay what we feel is reasonable so we don't have to brew or deal with any of this type of shit as long as said sources test raws and finished batches (as I said before I am not from Canada, but from what I can tell you sir are a solid choice)?

Or the part about me not being able to tear myself away

You cleared that right up and thank you :)
Jet, can you look into Blends? Pareto has TM101 (100mast p, 100 tren ace per ml), and like Syn Blends like 50tprop, 50 tren Ace, 50 Mast p. Not sure if these sell along and if it makes sense for your strategy, but if there's demand, please look into it. Thanks!
Like what part?

The part about Cherokee not understanding that everyone knows sources get raws cheap from overseas and we pay what we feel is reasonable so we don't have to brew or deal with any of this type of shit as long as said sources test raws and
It's not about the raws. It's about...

1) Companies that don't accept credit cards offer ZERO protection
2) You can get the same items cheaper from Asia with the protection of your credit card.
3) The instability of one man small operations.

finished batches (as I said before I am not from Canada, but from what I can tell you sir are a solid choice)?
This guy even got some from China and tested them! Look for the lab results! He proved the Asian products are good.
Or the part about me not being able to tear myself away
It's not about the raws. It's about...

1) Companies that don't accept credit cards offer ZERO protection
2) You can get the same items cheaper from Asia with the protection of your credit card.
3) The instability of one man small operations.

This guy even got some from China and tested them! Look for the lab results! He proved the Asian products are good.
1) your buying illegal drugs online, no payment is protected, but okay, you wanna feel ignorant bliss buy using your credit card then buy crypto with it or go someplace and stfu about it, your the only one who cares.
2)again, your buying illegal drugs online and having them imported, nothing about this is safe, that's why we go to labs like jets that do it for us
3)we know asian raws are legit, because not only does jet test the raws, but his end users test the cooked batches (what a novel concept guys!)
Jet, can you look into Blends? Pareto has TM101 (100mast p, 100 tren ace per ml), and like Syn Blends like 50tprop, 50 tren Ace, 50 Mast p. Not sure if these sell along and if it makes sense for your strategy, but if there's demand, please look into it. Thanks!

Yes blends are most definitely planned for near future and I've mentioned this some pages back, but I do forget to list everything at limes lol. I will be making a test-ace/tren-ace blend as well as a test-ace/tren-ace/mast-p blend most likely later February or March.

Thank you :)
K brother I know you like to joke around, but some of your jokes come off as serious and I don't need everyone emailing me looking to buy gaming consoles so please use the emojis to convey when kidding or just say so.

Thank you :)
I forgot to use "analytical critical thinking abilities" :oops: kindly accept my apologizes . Removed the whole post and pic

oh and emojis ;)
1) your buying illegal drugs online, no payment is protected, but okay, you wanna
I run a business. I'm very familiar with merchant accounts. All you have to do is say you did not get the product, or it was not as advertised. Credit card company gives you your $ back, and takes it from the merchant. Credit card protection is very strong and covered by federal law.

Everything I buy, I buy with a credit card (not a debit) because of the strong protection if gives the consumer.

Now.. send $500 via crypto, and see what happens when you don't get your product.

It's also fairly complicated to accept credit cards. So that alone shows some size/stability to a company.

feel ignorant bliss buy using your credit card then buy crypto with it or go someplace and stfu about it, your the only one who cares.
2)again, your buying illegal drugs online and having them imported, nothing about this is safe, that's why we go to labs like jets that do it for us
Everyone is testing and posting the results from the large asian players everyday.

3)we know asian raws are legit, because not only does jet test the raws, but his end users test the cooked batches (what a novel concept guys!)
And this is not directed at him, this applies to all the smaller dealers.

I've also been around enough, to know the danger/instability of dealing with a one man operation. Car accident, sickness, arrest. You name it, and your $ is gone. Exit Scam.. Gone.

Once again, Im not referring to Jet directly.. this applies to many dealers.
Blah blah price, blah blah blah credit card, blah blah blah blah credit card, blah blah freshness, blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah china, blah blah blah, blah protection blah blah, blaaaaahhhh.

Name that tune?

(Hint: It's been way over played to the point that everyone hates it)
After getting out bid on the auction, I placed another order. The result was another successful delivery in record time courtesy of Mr. Jets. At the fear of sounding repetitive….there was ridiculously prompt email reply’s and tracking info first thing in the morning as promised.
And the packaging, next level. The most secure and well packaged shipment I’ve ever seen.
Now, I have 2 wishes for Xmas.
1. That Mr. Jets can keep this pace up as he gets more popular and as the list expands, cause it’s looking impressive.
2. People stop feeding the bloody trolls.

Take care this holiday season you guys.
Whatever dude... Unless you paid with credit card I don't want to hear about it ok?
Ok I'm going to respectfully ask that everyone put this troll on ignore once and for all and to not reply to him in my thread anymore as I'd like to get back on track and not have information I post lost between pages of banter.

Please and thank you :)

See the quote above?

1) your buying illegal drugs online, no payment is protected, but okay, you wanna feel ignorant bliss buy using your credit card then buy crypto with it or go someplace and stfu about it, your the only one who cares.
2)again, your buying illegal drugs online and having them imported, nothing about this is safe, that's why we go to labs like jets that do it for us
3)we know asian raws are legit, because not only does jet test the raws, but his end users test the cooked batches (what a novel concept guys!)

Yeah, we all heard your point like the 150th time you said this. So stop cluttering this thread and go preach about the wisdom of using CC to buy AAS in another thread.

Guess not. Read it again!
New special guys,

For the rest of December all orders will receive a free oral of choice and orders over $200 will also receive free shipping. Orals to choose from are Superdrol, Dianabol and Stanolone.

Minimum order= $100

Thank you :)
New special guys,

For the rest of December all orders will receive a free oral of choice and orders over $200 will also receive free shipping. Orals to choose from are Superdrol, Dianabol and Stanolone.

Minimum order= $100

Thank you :)
Free shipping? Other companies have no min order, and free shipping, without the inflated prices! EVERYDAY! So no rush.

This is called marketing games, and dealers assume customers are dumb, so they manipulate them like this, hoping they have not shopped around yet.

And did I mention... when you use a credit card, it gives you 100% protection. Beware of companies that don't take Credit Cards.