Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Hey now, that’s my favorite flavor. Don’t give my shit away
Jet Labs is having a special on crayons this week.

10X the price you can buy them for elsewhere, but you'll get good customer service and guaranteed quality! You won't find that at Walmart!crayon-boy-mary-luce.jpg

Next week, auction for a whole box! And we'll donate $100 to a charity that we promise won't be able to receive bitcoin donations!
Ok I'm going to respectfully ask that everyone put this troll on ignore once and for all and to not reply to him in my thread anymore as I'd like to get back on track and not have information I post lost between pages of banter.

Please and thank you :)
Ok I'm going to respectfully ask that everyone put this troll on ignore once and for all and to not reply to him in my thread anymore as I'd like to get back on track and not have information I post lost between pages of banter.

Please and thank you :)
30 minutes ago, 1.5mls of Var suspension and 1.5mls of Drol suspension.

Obviously not my idea it was 100% Mr.Jets and he did not leave me with much a choice. 'Comply or order from China.'

P.S. I already did the ignore a few days ago at your request, what more do I have do man? :D
30 minutes ago, 1.5mls of Var suspension and 1.5mls of Drol suspension.

Obviously not my idea it was 100% Mr.Jets and he did not leave me with much a choice. 'Comply or order from China.'

P.S. I already did the ignore a few days ago at your request, what more do I have do man? :D

Comply or order from China lol :p

You're a madman you are!
Hey brother, these items should be ready by mid January :)

Primo-e 200
Mast-p 100
Tren-e 200
Aromasin 12.5 tabs
Anadrol 25 tabs
Anavar 25 tabs
Nolva 20 tabs
Cialis 20 tabs
Winstrol 25 tabs
Tren base(oil)
Test base(oil)
Winstrol suspension
Winstrol/tren susp/test susp blend

February items will be,

Test 500
Deca 500
Eq 500
Primo-e/Primo-ace blend
Tbol tabs
Dbol tabs
Raloxifene tabs

And possibly t3
Any possibility of a test-e/primo-e blend down the road?
Of course it is. Day one you jam in everything. Overly efficient frontloading. maybe repeat once more, then proceed as planned.

Mr. Jet carries Test PhenylProp, it's my preferred ester. Short but not to short. I grabbed some NPP, that I only use at small doses purely for some joint relief.

Keep us posted on the Tren/Mast. Can't go wrong with that.
That's why this forum is great I had no idea what that was. I will brother and hopefully it goes better then my first time on tren :mad:
Man I feel sorry for jet and his costumers. I'm not from Canada, but can't help myself with this shit show.
There is no shit show if you click and press ignore. There's about to be a shit show at my home. She says she wants to talk after. For christ sake just because I sent a text two days in a row. Mr.Jet is to blame with his ridiculous Abomb suspension.
After getting out bid on the auction, I placed another order. The result was another successful delivery in record time courtesy of Mr. Jets. At the fear of sounding repetitive….there was ridiculously prompt email reply’s and tracking info first thing in the morning as promised.
And the packaging, next level. The most secure and well packaged shipment I’ve ever seen.
Now, I have 2 wishes for Xmas.
1. That Mr. Jets can keep this pace up as he gets more popular and as the list expands, cause it’s looking impressive.
2. People stop feeding the bloody trolls.

Take care this holiday season you guys.