Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

And again I didn't reference any of those. I spoke toward raw freshness. You have no idea if they're using raws they produced 20 years ago. Since they produce in such great volume they'd likely have a stockpile and would pull from the oldest stock.

Bitcoin fees are literally 1-2%. Less than the interest charged to your CC.

Bitcoin is beyond easy and should be for a multi millionaire such as yourself. Not sure why you're so concerned with fees considering you're so loaded. I'm but a humble rail roader who makes in the low 6 digits yet those fees don't even register to me they're so minimal.

I'm not concerned about protection as I'm not doing anything illegal by purchasing domestically.

The credit card protects you if you don't get your product, if its not as advertised, if the company does an exit scam, etc. So, I'm fully protected when I buy from the companies that take credit cards. Your non credit card supplier could get busted, anything can happen.

So, I can get products at 1/5 th the cost, with 100% protection.

Seems simple to me!

Again you deflected. Why aren't you in other sources threads who charge up to 100% more than jets? Answer this and this alone
The credit card protects you if you don't get your product, if its not as advertised, if the company does an exit scam, etc. So, I'm fully protected when I buy from the companies that take credit cards. Your non credit card supplier could get busted, anything can happen.

So, I can get products at 1/5 th the cost, with 100% protection.

Seems simple to me!
Again deflected. Why aren't you in a single other sources thread. I said answer that and that alone. You are incapable of giving a single believable answer for it. Youre literally a paid shill here to smear the least expensive source here. Or you have a vendetta. Otherwise you'd be in other sources threads.

Yes you know so much Mr 1 cycle.
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Just wanted to point out that other source is in US dollars as far as I know so it's actually 9-10 dollars per vile depending on the exchange rate since we live in Canada.

Also, from what I have seen 95% of sources overseas charge $35-45 US dollars for shipping.

Just wanted to point out that other source is in US dollars as far as I know so it's actually 9-10 dollars per vile depending on the exchange rate since we live in Canada.

Also, from what I have seen 95% of sources overseas charge $35-45 US dollars for shipping.
Some do, some don't. One place even ships for free on small orders!
Again deflected. Why aren't you in a single other sources thread. I said answer that and that alone. You are incapable of giving a single believable answer for it. Youre
All I can tell you is to look at some of the asian sites, full protection with credit card, some NO shipping, and way lower prices. You can believe it or go into denial. I'm not claiming im Jesus and can walk on water. Just saying there are a lot lower priced products, offered with full security with a credit card out there. I could get a bag of raws and put a post on here and make myself a dealer overnight. Takes a lot more work, and some financial stability to be able to accept credit cards.

literally a paid shill here to smear the least expensive source here. Or you have a vendetta. Otherwise you'd be in other sources threads.
No Vendetta, this guy seems ok, although things can change fast. You never know when these one man operations will quit, etc. I applaud him and hope he keeps offering good service for those who want to pay extra to order domestic.
Yes you know so much Mr 1 cycle.
You are the shill, not wanting others to be educated so they can make their own mind up. You are upset because there are way better deals out there. If there wasn't, you would not be upset.
All I can tell you is to look at some of the asian sites, full protection with credit card, some NO shipping, and way lower prices. You can believe it or go into denial. I'm not claiming im Jesus and can walk on water. Just saying there are a lot lower priced products, offered with full security with a credit card out there. I could get a bag of raws and put a post on here and make myself a dealer overnight. Takes a lot more work, and some financial stability to be able to accept credit cards.

No Vendetta, this guy seems ok, although things can change fast. You never know when these one man operations will quit, etc. I applaud him and hope he keeps offering good service for those who want to pay extra to order domestic.

You are the shill, not wanting others to be educated so they can make their own mind up. You are upset because there are way better deals out there. If there wasn't, you would not be upset.
Again deflecting. Why are you not doing this in any of the other sources threads on THIS board. I didn't think that clarification was needed, but honestly I shouldn't be surprised.

Answer that and that alone.

And ya, I will defend a source who has treated me well, shows professionalism and produces quality products. I also choose to keep my dollars in Canada. Anyone on this board is aware of international sources. You're not educating anyone we choose domestic because I want my stuff in under a week and don't want to import, as do most of us.

Man, I'm not pissed. Just astonished how thick your skull is, I thought Neanderthals were extinct up until now
Again deflecting. Why are you not doing this in any of the other sources threads on THIS board. I didn't think that clarification was needed, but honestly I shouldn't be surprised.

Answer that and that alone.

And ya, I will defend a source who has treated me well, shows professionalism and produces quality products. I also choose to keep my dollars in Canada. Anyone on this board is aware of international sources. You're not educating anyone we choose domestic because I want my stuff in under a week and don't want to import, as do most of us.
I just don't think everyone has considered all the positives and negatives.

Potential fresher product, larger company, COMPLETE protection, and dramatically cheaper prices.

Whats your bitch with me? I'm just stating facts, and angles for people to think.
1) Price is cheaper
2) Safety using a credit card.

Im also saying there is a potential for a domestic supplier to have older raws, since it's just one more middle man/ shipping time, the raws have been involved in.

And your only reply is, I'm behind some type of conspiracy. What you really don't know is, I'm a member of the bilderberg group. I could destroy all of Canada's economy if I wished. I am the Illuminati I am lurking in the shadows and pulling the strings and levers of power!

Man, I'm not pissed. Just astonished how thick your skull is, I thought Neanderthals were extinct up until now
Not that it matters, but someone just posted that Jet Labs orders from qingdao! True? I have no idea.
I think it's time for everyone to put this trollglodyte on ignore as there's no reasoning or logic associated with losers like him and it's quite obvious he's had an agenda right from the beginning so there's no point giving him an audience any further imho.

Thank you everyone :)
I think it's time for everyone to put this trollglodyte on ignore as there's no reasoning or logic associated with losers like him and it's quite obvious he's had an agenda right from the beginning so there's no point giving him an audience any further imho.

Thank you everyone :)
Yes, obey your master.

Ohhh and guess what I just found, Jet Labs ordered from the Chinese sources, and had it tested! Everything tested good. If it's good enough for him! It's good enough for me!

And be sure to buy from him, so he can jack the price up 10X and pad his wallet, and donate a few pennies to save the puppy's :)

Hah... you have been defending a guy, who buys it from the same place you have been slamming!
I just don't think everyone has considered all the positives and negatives.

Potential fresher product, larger company, COMPLETE protection, and dramatically cheaper prices.

Whats your bitch with me? I'm just stating facts, and angles for people to think.
1) Price is cheaper
2) Safety using a credit card.

Im also saying there is a potential for a domestic supplier to have older raws, since it's just one more middle man/ shipping time, the raws have been involved in.

And your only reply is, I'm behind some type of conspiracy. What you really don't know is, I'm a member of the bilderberg group. I could destroy all of Canada's economy if I wished. I am the Illuminati I am lurking in the shadows and pulling the strings and levers of power!

Not that it matters, but someone just posted that Jet Labs orders from qingdao! True? I have no idea.
And again you didn't answer the one question I actually asked. Best of luck shill, rep, cdn, gohome or whatever you are.
I think it's time for everyone to put this trollglodyte on ignore as there's no reasoning or logic associated with losers like him and it's quite obvious he's had an agenda right from the beginning so there's no point giving him an audience any further imho.

Thank you everyone :)

Try as you may. They can't seem to help themselves. No wonder noobs don't want to read through threads.
Whoever he is I bet he lives in his mom's basement, doesn't pay rent or bills and tells everyone he has a "roommate" lol:rolleyes:

Still does not change the fact it's documented in other posts you have bought Chinese products and had them tested! And I'm assuming you are looking to get raws from the lowest price source (like any intelligent person would), but you want to play your customers for stupid, and tell them they should not buy from the same lowest price source you do, and buy from you to pad your wallet. :)

So, you don't want your customers finding out where you buy from!

And you say in one post ignore me, then 5 seconds later call me silly little names. I have not said one thing about you, or your products. Im just trying to educate consumers.
Still does not change the fact it's documented in other posts you have bought Chinese products and had them tested! And I'm assuming you are looking to get raws from the lowest price source (like any intelligent person would), but you want to play your customers for stupid, and tell them they should not buy from the same lowest price source you do, and buy from you to pad your wallet. :)

So, you don't want your customers finding out where you buy from!

And you say in one post ignore me, then 5 seconds later call me silly little names. I have not said one thing about you, or your products. Im just trying to educate consumers.
And yet... And yet you repeatedly fail to answer the simple question, "Why do you not extend your magnanimity towards other lab threads on this very forum?" Many of those labs charge at least 20 CDN dollars more on most of their products. If you were consistent and genuine about your "concern" then you'd have done so by now, for no other reason but to shut us all up. But as of this post you haven't extended your "educational services" towards those threads. Conclusion? Paid shill/troll.

Oh and in case you think of using the excuse that this thread has more "engagement" with the members, if you'd notice for the past couple of pages it's just people calling you out on your bullshit mostly. Before your arrival the engagement on this thread and the other lab threads were roughly the same.


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