Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

And yet... And yet you repeatedly fail to answer the simple question, "Why do you not extend your magnanimity towards other lab threads on this very forum?" Many of those labs charge at least 20 CDN dollars more on most of their products. If you were consistent and genuine about your "concern" then you'd have done so by now, for no other reason but to shut us all up. But as of this post you haven't extended your "educational services" towards those threads. Conclusion? Paid shill/troll.

Oh and in case you think of using the excuse that this thread has more "engagement" with the members, if you'd notice for the past couple of pages it's just people calling you out on your bullshit mostly. Before your arrival the engagement on this thread and the other lab threads were roughly the same.
You can toss Ad Hom's all you want. I just state facts. And I won't insult readers thinking they are stupid. Most who attack me are other small dealers who don't want to hear the truth either. You can attack me, but you can't attack the facts.

1) You have no protection if you don't use a Credit Card for your purchase. Asian companies usually offer credit card ordering ability.
2) Many times larger Asian dealers will have fresher raws/products
3) It's documented this dealer bought from Asia and had tests done.
4) You can save thousands buying from the Asian companies.

Now.. you can debate my manliness, and my penis size all day, thats ok. But lets stick to the facts.

If you need something quick, buy domestic. If you want to save a dog, buy domestic. Maybe you could claim you are Christian Based... thats another good marketing trick, or offer discounts to veterans and first responders, and discounts to the elderly! Maybe that will make it worth paying 10X the market value.
You can toss Ad Hom's all you want. I just state facts. And I won't insult readers thinking they are stupid. Most who attack me are other small dealers who don't want to hear the truth either. You can attack me, but you can't attack the facts.

1) You have no protection if you don't use a Credit Card for your purchase. Asian companies usually offer credit card ordering ability.
2) Many times larger Asian dealers will have fresher raws/products
3) It's documented this dealer bought from Asia and had tests done.
4) You can save thousands buying from the Asian companies.

Now.. you can debate my manliness, and my penis size all day, thats ok. But lets stick to the facts.

If you need something quick, buy domestic. If you want to save a dog, buy domestic. Maybe you could claim you are Christian Based... thats another good marketing trick, or offer discounts to veterans and first responders, and discounts to the elderly! Maybe that will make it worth paying 10X the market value.
How many times can you keep saying the same thing? We get it ok.
You can toss Ad Hom's all you want. I just state facts. And I won't insult readers thinking they are stupid. Most who attack me are other small dealers who don't want to hear the truth either. You can attack me, but you can't attack the facts.
Don’t worry, your crusade already put my imaginary UGL out of business so you got a win there.

you state your opinions as facts, and then you state falsehoods as facts. So you literally try to insult us with every post you make because you think you’re smarter than everyone else. So that just makes you a liar
Don’t worry, your crusade already put my imaginary UGL out of business so you got a win there.

you state your opinions as facts, and then you state falsehoods as facts. So you literally try to insult us with every post you make because you think you’re smarter than everyone else. So that just makes you a liar

You can't fix stupid/ignorant brother :rolleyes:
How many times can you keep saying the same thing? We get it ok.
As many times as you can keep coming up with ad hominem attacks, and denying the obvious, that unless you need something quickly, you can save thousands of $'s, and get probably better products, with protection by buying direct from Asia, bypassing the middle man. Getting products from the same place he's been documented buying and then testing products from.

Im not stopping anyone from buying anything. But It seems you are worried I started some to think! Just like Church's, Governments, and every other authorities agency, they fear those who think for themselves and don't take orders.

The one asian company said they have 11 sales agents. What happens if the one man band operations get sick, arrested, die? You won't get your order.

And digging further, look at how long Jet Labs has been doing business.

Personally I would not order from a company thats only a year old, without any type of protection, such as credit card, that would protect me if I did not get the products or they went out of business. Thats just my comfort level, yours may be different. I wish him the best of luck, but.. call me strange, but I like to reduce risks as much as possible.
Also who I buy raws from is nobody's business and ALL products I produce are made in house and tablets will be made in house as well to assure highest quality!

Thank you :)
Also who I buy raws from is nobody's business and ALL products I produce are made in house and tablets will be made in house as well to assure highest quality!

Thank you :)
Its not consumers business? Don't you think they deserve to know the purity and origin? If I were to pay 10X the price of a product I can get elsewhere, I would think I would be given full info about the ingredients, and where they come from!

But.. at least you have stated in your own words.. you feel its ok to hide info. And it seems you hate me, for doing just the opposite, giving knowledge to people.

But.. the key word here is "business" you are not anyones friend, you don't care about dogs. It's all a business. Well, it can work the other way also, we are not your friends (consumers) we want the best deal we can get. And if giving consumers knowledge about how businesses run (I've made millions reselling others products and bullshitting also) offends you I'm sorry. I guess if I was profiting off of educating consumers, or if I had a motive, I would donate to some charity like you do, for PR purposes. :)

Well, it's already documented you have purchased from an asian company on here and had their products tested. And thats great. But it makes you a hypocrite , wanting people to spend their $ locally, but you do the opposite.

But as a consumer, who is also a businessman, Im not going to close my eyes and deny pointing out facts to inform consumers. I have nothing against you. Don't get upset at me, for just stating my views, which im sure many can use to their own benefit.

I'm really not here to smear you, but you were the one who originally opened up your trap, and entered into a debate. That tends to make me question your intelligence and business wisdom, and your longevity. Get angry at yourself for making a poor decision by enticing my attention. :)
Well since gyms in bc are closed I'll be dropping down to a cruise, maybe I'll try a little var suspension before hitting the hills for a bit of a performance boost. The one thing I'd truly love Is cardarine. That's the only way I can somewhat keep up with my gf.
@Cherokee I dont get your MO to continue to post here. You made your point and probably time to move on. For the record I have never used Jets... its just getting way too repetitive.

Now the other labs thread your in keep at them. Jets seems to be doing things quite well regardless of your opinion on the topic. The other lab is a shit show and needs to be continually reminded of that.
Well since gyms in bc are closed I'll be dropping down to a cruise, maybe I'll try a little var suspension before hitting the hills for a bit of a performance boost. The one thing I'd truly love Is cardarine. That's the only way I can somewhat keep up with my gf.
Take a shot of the Abomb suspension, clear both your schedules for the next 24 hours

A bit pricey and hard to find, these got me through the lockdowns. Although I was HRT only.

Lockdown mental wellbeing.jpg
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As many times as you can keep coming up with ad hominem attacks, and denying the obvious, that unless you need something quickly, you can save thousands of $'s, and get probably better products, with protection by buying direct from Asia, bypassing the middle man. Getting products from the same place he's been documented buying and then testing products from.

Im not stopping anyone from buying anything. But It seems you are worried I started some to think! Just like Church's, Governments, and every other authorities agency, they fear those who think for themselves and don't take orders.

The one asian company said they have 11 sales agents. What happens if the one man band operations get sick, arrested, die? You won't get your order.

And digging further, look at how long Jet Labs has been doing business.

Personally I would not order from a company thats only a year old, without any type of protection, such as credit card, that would protect me if I did not get the products or they went out of business. Thats just my comfort level, yours may be different. I wish him the best of luck, but.. call me strange, but I like to reduce risks as much as possible.
Whatever your agenda is budd, I humbly request that you stop posting repeats of your comments re pricing and sourcing, as this topic has been discussed in much detail in other threads. Most of us here actually want to discuss the gear, as we have already done the research on sourcing/pricing and made a conscious decision to purchase this labs gear. Its really frustrating to look through so many comments for one that is related to gear, and it's defeating your purpose too; you almost sound desperate now, and that is not a good way to convince anyone :).
Whatever your agenda is budd, I humbly request that you stop posting repeats of
I'm not posting any names or prices. Just general ways the games are played.

your comments re pricing and sourcing, as this topic has been discussed in much
Wow.. you speak for everyone.. how about that! My guess is, you speak as a shill, or have other motives to not want consumers to be educated.
detail in other threads. Most of us here actually want to discuss the gear, as we have already done the research on sourcing/pricing and made a conscious decision to purchase this labs gear. Its really frustrating to look through so many comments for one that is related to gear, and it's defeating your purpose too; you almost sound desperate now, and that is not a good way to convince anyone :).
Once again.. you look like a shill, this thread mainly concerns this company, not how to do gear. Good try! Now we know he has helpers manipulating his marketing!
Hey goof. Clearly your some butt fucker from cjm. Nobody gives a fuck about whatever shit your spewing go spit your autistic bullshit on another thread. I’m going through 20 pages trying to find out when new products will be released without bugging jet and all I see is your repetitive garbage. Go cry on these other labs that charge 75 for test fuck out of here
The constant nagging , makes it feel like its that cndguy.... drug addict with noithing better to do but harass one lab.

Maybe we could offer him a red crayon, cndguy loved those.
Yeah, as I said to @MisterSuperGod, it could possibly be him, but dry and more mature. Lol, what a total waste of life that guy was. I honestly wonder if he OD’d.
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Hey goof. Clearly your some butt fucker from cjm. Nobody gives a fuck about whatever shit your spewing go spit your autistic bullshit on another thread. I’m going through 20 pages trying to find out when new products will be released without bugging jet and all I see is your repetitive garbage. Go cry on these other labs that charge 75 for test fuck out of here

Hey brother, these items should be ready by mid January :)

Primo-e 200
Mast-p 100
Tren-e 200
Aromasin 12.5 tabs
Anadrol 25 tabs
Anavar 25 tabs
Nolva 20 tabs
Cialis 20 tabs
Winstrol 25 tabs
Tren base(oil)
Test base(oil)
Winstrol suspension
Winstrol/tren susp/test susp blend

February items will be,

Test 500
Deca 500
Eq 500
Primo-e/Primo-ace blend
Tbol tabs
Dbol tabs
Raloxifene tabs

And possibly t3
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