Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Once again benefits of ordering from China
1) Credit Card Protection
2) Fresher products ( They turn products around more)
3) 1/5 the price

4) Constant low price, no sales gimmicks.

Negatives of dealing with domestic companies
1) They charge Shipping

2) Additional fee's for Bitcoin
3) Bitcoin is a pain
4) Greater potential raws used will be older because dealer doing less volume.

5) NO PROTECTION with bitcoin
And again I didn't reference any of those. I spoke toward raw freshness. You have no idea if they're using raws they produced 20 years ago. Since they produce in such great volume they'd likely have a stockpile and would pull from the oldest stock.

Bitcoin fees are literally 1-2%. Less than the interest charged to your CC.

Bitcoin is beyond easy and should be for a multi millionaire such as yourself. Not sure why you're so concerned with fees considering you're so loaded. I'm but a humble rail roader who makes in the low 6 digits yet those fees don't even register to me they're so minimal.

I'm not concerned about protection as I'm not doing anything illegal by purchasing domestically.

Again you deflected. Why aren't you in other sources threads who charge up to 100% more than jets? Answer this and this alone
Cherokee dude, thanks so much for your persistence! You have opened my eyes! I will be placing an order over AliExpress for lots of gear. I also found some sources in India, so will be ordering lots of gear from them. I wont get caught will I?
@JetLabs, forwarded your pricelist to some friends, they will be placing orders soon. p.s. kickass job on the Anadrol suspension bro, ridiculous pumps!

Along with all the new items rolling out in January I'll be switching all orals to pressed tabs in brand new, sexier packaging.

The following oral tabs will be available within a few weeks time,

Anavar 25mg
Anadrol 25mg
Winstrol 25mg
Nolvadex 20mg
Cialis 20mg
Aromasin 12.5mg

Thank you :)
View attachment 157756

Along with all the new items rolling out in January I'll be switching all orals to pressed tabs in brand new, sexier packaging.

The following oral tabs will be available within a few weeks time,

Anavar 25mg
Anadrol 25mg
Winstrol 25mg
Nolvadex 20mg
Cialis 20mg
Aromasin 12.5mg

Thank you :)
How easy do you think the tabs will be to split with a pill splitter? Cialis in particular, i’ve had some of my own prescriptions be a pain with those.
View attachment 157756

Along with all the new items rolling out in January I'll be switching all orals to pressed tabs in brand new, sexier packaging.

The following oral tabs will be available within a few weeks time,

Anavar 25mg
Anadrol 25mg
Winstrol 25mg
Nolvadex 20mg
Cialis 20mg
Aromasin 12.5mg

Thank you :)
Damnit wish this came out sooner. I just got the dbol and have a dosing dilemma due to the caps. I'll just grab some cialis and var when they drop haha. Glad you made the switch, though.

I'm taking 20mg dbol ED so im only dosing it pre workout until I up it to 40. Is there any solution to halving the dose from caps?
Damnit wish this came out sooner. I just got the dbol and have a dosing dilemma due to the caps. I'll just grab some cialis and var when they drop haha. Glad you made the switch, though.

I'm taking 20mg dbol ED so im only dosing it pre workout until I up it to 40. Is there any solution to halving the dose from caps?

I don't understand? You purchased 20mg caps and now you want 10mg?

And dbol tabs won't be ready till February or later and only those items posted will be ready in January :)
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Picked up my package today. Fuck you and your tape but everything looks good! I was impatient so I pinned 3ml of test tren and mast into my shoulder because my longer glute needles aren't here yet :D I can already tell I'm going to regret this decision tomorrow but that's obviously my fault not the gear.
Got me a starter package from Jet.

Shipping was super fast. Package was mailed within a few hours of the payment and arrived within two business days. Also, the dude is pro at packing!! You would need a pair of scissors to get thru all that tape and bubble warp lol!
Communication is great, I mean the guy replies back to emails in literally like 20-30 mins!
Iam old school and mostly have CIM or WU payment setup with other labs, he also guided me with setting up crypto payment account.
Overall, a very good experience. I will most probably pin test & deca next month, since I already have a couple of vials open.
Will post an update on that later.


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Picked up my package today. Fuck you and your tape but everything looks good! I was impatient so I pinned 3ml of test tren and mast into my shoulder because my longer glute needles aren't here yet :D I can already tell I'm going to regret this decision tomorrow but that's obviously my fault not the gear.
I threw in 3mls of Phenylprop, you won't be alone tomorrow
Cherokee dude, thanks so much for your persistence! You have opened my eyes! I will be placing an order over AliExpress for lots of gear. I also found some sources in India, so will be ordering lots of gear from them. I wont get caught will I?
@JetLabs, forwarded your pricelist to some friends, they will be placing orders soon. p.s. kickass job on the Anadrol suspension bro, ridiculous pumps!
For the sake of science I thought I'd just sample the Abomb suspension. 2x 0.75ml shots. I was unable to get to the gym, I lacked the will power. Hopefully she didn't transmit me Covid. The stuff is kick ass :p
Haha it's all worth it. Is that npp?
Of course it is. Day one you jam in everything. Overly efficient frontloading. maybe repeat once more, then proceed as planned.

Mr. Jet carries Test PhenylProp, it's my preferred ester. Short but not to short. I grabbed some NPP, that I only use at small doses purely for some joint relief.

Keep us posted on the Tren/Mast. Can't go wrong with that.
Got me a starter package from Jet.

Shipping was super fast. Package was mailed within a few hours of the payment and arrived within two business days. Also, the dude is pro at packing!! You would need a pair of scissors to get thru all that tape and bubble warp lol!
Communication is great, I mean the guy replies back to emails in literally like 20-30 mins!
Iam old school and mostly have CIM or WU payment setup with other labs, he also guided me with setting up crypto payment account.
Overall, a very good experience. I will most probably pin test & deca next month, since I already have a couple of vials open.
Will post an update on that later.
I thought the thank you card was a nice touch. Felt appreciated.

Agreed superb packing. I got frustrated so I did a controlled burn instead of cutting and tearing into it.

I ordered some diamond cutters to deal with my next order.