Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

So why don't you post in other sources threads?

Oh right, you're on a paid smear campaign against this source. Otherwise you'd be posting this shit in the larger labs threads making claims how they could be cheaper since they're more established.
Not smearing anyone. Just stating facts about price. I have not heard anyone claim they got ripped off by him. He's a good dealer as far as I'm concerned. But is his products worth the price padding? Thats for the market to decide.
Not smearing anyone. Just stating facts about price. I have not heard anyone claim they got ripped off by him. He's a good dealer as far as I'm concerned. But is his products worth the price padding? Thats for the market to decide.
So why don't you make that argument in other sources threads?

Also, do you know how dumb you sound saying that a source who's only a few months old is using raws he purchased in bulk 5 years ago for the purpose of distribution?

Yes, its for the market to decide, and since he's the cheapest domestic source on this board. Let's leave it to the market to decide. You've had your say, I'm sure you've earned every dollar you were paid to come here by now. So let's let the market do the talking shall we?
So why don't you make that argument in other sources threads?
This all started from a simple post, and people keep replying!

Most people read all the messages all over the board, not just one specific thread.

Also, do you know how dumb you sound saying that a source who's only a few months old is using raws he purchased in bulk 5 years ago for the purpose of distribution?
Im not saying they are 5 years old. I'm saying they could be, and thats a more common problem with dealers vs the main suppliers. And that could even happen with the main suppliers. Just less common.
Yes, its for the market to decide, and since he's the cheapest domestic source on this board. Let's leave it to the market to decide. You've had your say, I'm sure you've earned every dollar you were paid to come here by now. So let's let the market do the talking shall we?
The range of prices on identical items in this industry is extreme. I see it no different than Amazon. Tons of people with the same product, private labeling the same item, and some want triple the price, and others are at rock bottom. Well.. I always try to get the lowest price. Call me Stupid! Opps you already said I am! My Bad!
Not smearing anyone. Just stating facts about price. I have not heard anyone claim they got ripped off by him. He's a good dealer as far as I'm concerned. But is his products worth the price padding? Thats for the market to decide.
Taking into account the high prices of ALL.. CANADIAN labs/sources.

It is kind of suspect, that you would choose the (CANADIAN) lab/source that has the lowest prices and the most test results, to rant about overpriced gear and "price padding"..
Where do you think the raws came from? Most probably China. Which is no big deal, everyone has their raws tested ( usually). Ask him to prove where they came from if you are concerned. Lets say they came from Canada.. well where did the Canadian source get them? I've manufactured stuff before, some legal chemicals, and to be truthful, you never know where the suppliers get their ingredients/parts. And it can vary from one run to another.

The point is, there is a lot of unknowns with domestic dealers. How long they have had their raws, where they got them, etc.

As long as the purity test out, thats all that matters. The rest revolves around price. Sure, sometimes there is a need to buy locally for the speed.

Many times when someone can't beat a competitors price, they resort to scare tactics.

Not ONCE have I heard this dealer state why his is better than anyone else's who might have a lower price.

As I have said, the marketplace will determine who survives and fails. Not my views or yours.

Anyone can edit a PDF also :) Instead of attacking me, become competitive and lower your prices below the competition! Look out for the consumer, instead of taking the hundreds of $'s of profits from inflated prices and giving a Nickel here or there, trying to pretend you are a good Samaritan. Thats a mob tactic, give out gifts to cover your dirty tracks.
Do you live in Canada?
Not smearing anyone. Just stating facts about price. I have not heard anyone claim they got ripped off by him. He's a good dealer as far as I'm concerned. But is his products worth the price padding? Thats for the market to decide.
You like to sound smart, but clearly you aren’t. Obviously the price is worth it or else he wouldn’t be moving as much stuff as he is, nor would he have this much traffic in his thread. Not everyone is trying to pinch every single penny and get a $7 vial of test direct from china.

the market (AKA the consumers) are speaking with their money and lots of satisfied customers have come through this thread.

To be clear, I’m not Canadian and I cannot buy from him.
Where do you think the raws came from? Most probably China. Which is no big deal, everyone has their raws tested ( usually). Ask him to prove where they came from if you are concerned. Lets say they came from Canada.. well where did the Canadian source get them? I've manufactured stuff before, some legal chemicals, and to be truthful, you never know where the suppliers get their ingredients/parts. And it can vary from one run to another.

The point is, there is a lot of unknowns with domestic dealers. How long they have had their raws, where they got them, etc.

As long as the purity test out, thats all that matters. The rest revolves around price. Sure, sometimes there is a need to buy locally for the speed.

Many times when someone can't beat a competitors price, they resort to scare tactics.

Not ONCE have I heard this dealer state why his is better than anyone else's who might have a lower price.

As I have said, the marketplace will determine who survives and fails. Not my views or yours.

Anyone can edit a PDF also :) Instead of attacking me, become competitive and lower your prices below the competition! Look out for the consumer, instead of taking the hundreds of $'s of profits from inflated prices and giving a Nickel here or there, trying to pretend you are a good Samaritan. Thats a mob tactic, give out gifts to cover your dirty tracks.
You're just on here gargling jets nuts right to the uvula aren't you?
Taking into account the high prices of ALL.. CANADIAN labs/sources.

It is kind of suspect, that you would choose the (CANADIAN) lab/source that has the lowest prices and the most test results, to rant about overpriced gear and "price padding"..
Everyone reads all these threads. It was just coincidental some remark I replied to was in this thread.

Like I said.. this is a global market, just like when I buy something on Amazon, if two products or many are comparable, I hit the "Sort by Price" and I go with the lowest one. If you need something quicker, buy it locally.
There are a lot of different aspects to consider when purchasing anything.

I'm in sales. I look at sales, auctions, as gimmicks. I see everything from the business angle. You don't see these larger Chinese companies doing that, they have one low price all the time. I get offended when someone tries to use a marketing technique on me. I don't give a shit about some dog shelter, I would rather put the $200 in my pocket and spend it as I please. I don't need others deciding what they will do with money. I get annoyed at checkout locations in stores when they ask "Do you want to donate". It's like government taking my $ and deciding what they should do with it.
You like to sound smart, but clearly you aren’t. Obviously the price is worth it or else he wouldn’t be moving as much stuff as he is, nor would he have this much traffic in
A lot of the asian dealers are now just coming to light. Sales has more to do with marketing than worth. Grabbing someones attention first is all thats needed many times.

his thread. Not everyone is trying to pinch every single penny and get a $7 vial of test direct from china.
It's not just price. I assume there is a good chance the raws in it are fresher. I can put by credit card. And it's a sizable operation, that makes me a little more comfortable. Larger companies are not trying to save every little dime.
The Chinese companies are registered on Alibaba, they have been vetted to an extent through alibaba. And.. from my experience, asians tend to do a better job than Canadians or Americans.
the market (AKA the consumers) are speaking with their money and lots of satisfied customers have come through this thread.
I have nothing against this guy. But.. since you ask, what does he have to offer that a company that sells the same raws in a product for $7 doesn't? I've yet to hear one thing, except speed. And he does not offer some of the potential perks of the Chinese companies. When I say him, really it's all domestic "labs".

To be clear, I’m not Canadian and I cannot buy from him.
The only people I feel who don't like what I have to say, are probably other little labs who are getting killed by the competition (Asians). China has taken over almost every sector of our economy, this is just another one. Accept it!
I have nothing against this guy. But.. since you ask, what does he have to offer that a company that sells the same raws in a product for $7 doesn't? I've yet to hear one thing, except speed. And he does not offer some of the potential perks of the Chinese companies. When I say him, really it's all domestic "labs".

The only people I feel who don't like what I have to say, are probably other little labs who are getting killed by the competition (Asians). China has taken over almost every sector of our economy, this is just another one. Accept it!
Name one “little lab” that you are referring to. Even if I was a little lab (which I’m not) what does your ineptitude have to do with my supposed sales? Not a damn thing. That’s really just a terrible reason you make up in your own mind to justify why people call you out for being ridiculous, because you just can’t understand that you’re wrong and that you’re alienating everyone. I don’t care who you buy from but there’s no reason to go thread to thread telling people how to set their prices.

cut the shit and quit acting like you’re smarter than everyone else. Contribute something real to the forum instead of just bitching about prices.

What does (insert seller here) have to offer over a Chinese seller? They assume the responsibility of customs, better QC, and better pre and post sales service. QSC has proven to be very cunty when people call them out for having Shit products, whereas Jet has proven that is not how he prefers to handle his business.
Name one “little lab” that you are referring to. Even if I was a little lab (which I’m not)
There we have it, you are feeling the pinch from the "Discount Stores" and you are upset.

what does your ineptitude have to do with my supposed sales? Not a damn thing. That’s really just a terrible reason you make up in your own mind to justify why people call you out for being ridiculous, because you just can’t understand that
Well... don't sweat it then, I'm ridiculous.. no one will think about what I say, and buy from someone cheaper vs you.

you’re wrong and that you’re alienating everyone. I don’t care who you buy from but there’s no reason to go thread to thread telling people how to set their prices.
I'm not. I asked the price of an item another site claimed was in their list, and it wasn't. They told me the price, I said it was high. Hmmmmm You call that thread to thread? But.... lets stay on topic.. PRICE :)

cut the shit and quit acting like you’re smarter than everyone else. Contribute
I only claim my Penis is bigger. I don't claim I'm smarter.

something real to the forum instead of just bitching about prices.
Thats your prerogative, and yours is from a dealers standpoint. I wish someone would have pointed me in the right direction to order a product for $7 vs $70 thats identical.

What does (insert seller here) have to offer over a Chinese seller? They assume the responsibility of customs, better QC, and better pre and post sales service. QSC has
Customs.. OK. Better QC thats not a given. I say there is the potential for worse. Better Pre and Post sales? Has not been my experiece.
proven to be very cunty when people call them out for having Shit products, whereas Jet has proven that is not how he prefers to handle his business.
My first order was a pain in the ass, that I ordered from one of these respectable labs. I tried using western union from my house, instantly got blocked. Had to travel into town and send it that way. Had to pay a western union fee. Or I guess I could piss around with Bitcoin!

And... the big factor is... a credit card offers a consumer 100% protection. And we all know dealers come and go and do the exit scam. Once again, a credit card offers 100% protection. Repeat that 10X. And tell me what protection/recourse I have with someone I send bitcoins or a western union that doesn't even have an address listed. These Chinese companies do have a business location listed.

Call me Stupid :)

$7 or $70 won't make or break me. I've sent $200,000 blindly to china for my products before without any protection. But that is my logic behind my decisions. And I trust many others will use the same logic. I've had people ask me who I was talking about so they could buy from them, I don't even reply back, im not out here trying to make sales for , or hurt anyones business. Just sharing in the free flow of information.. and sometimes hot air.
There we have it, you are feeling the pinch from the "Discount Stores" and you are upset.

Well... don't sweat it then, I'm ridiculous.. no one will think about what I say, and buy from someone cheaper vs you.

I'm not. I asked the price of an item another site claimed was in their list, and it wasn't. They told me the price, I said it was high. Hmmmmm You call that thread to thread? But.... lets stay on topic.. PRICE :)

I only claim my Penis is bigger. I don't claim I'm smarter.

Thats your prerogative, and yours is from a dealers standpoint. I wish someone would have pointed me in the right direction to order a product for $7 vs $70 thats identical.

Customers.. OK. Better QC thats not a given. I say there is the potential for worse. Better Pre and Post sales? Has not been my experiece.

My first order was a pain in the ass, that I ordered from one of these respectable labs. I tried using western union from my house, instantly got blocked. Had to travel into town and send it that way. Had to pay a western union fee. Or I guess I could piss around with Bitcoin!

And... the big factor is... a credit card offers a consumer 100% protection. And we all know dealers come and go and do the exit scam. Once again, a credit card offers 100% protection. Repeat that 10X. And tell me what protection/recourse I have with someone I send bitcoins or a western union that doesn't even have an address listed. These Chinese companies do have a business location listed.

Call me Stupid :)

$7 or $70 won't make or break me. I've sent $200,000 blindly to china for my products before without any protection. But that is my logic behind my decisions. And I trust many others will use the same logic. I've had people ask me who I was talking about so they could buy from them, I don't even reply back, im not out here trying to make sales for , or hurt anyones business. Just sharing in the free flow of information.. and sometimes hot air.
Jesus Christ you’re even more of a tool than I thought. I forgot that everyone on here is a multi millionaire with a 15” cock but yet bitches about price. And yes, QC is better, look at all of the testing Jet does.

Yes, let’s me sure you can do a CC charge back by proving to your CC company you didn’t get your illegal drugs. Also, let’s make a fucking record of the illegal purchases with make with a CC. Not only are you rich and hung, you’re also a member of MENSA.

yep, my imaginary UGL is gonna go under because you’re a shitbird. FML. I’m gonna go broke. Woe is me.

How can you have so many posts and use so many words but not contribute a fuxking thing. That’s talent
Jesus Christ you’re even more of a tool than I thought. I forgot that everyone on here is a multi millionaire with a 15” cock but yet bitches about price. And yes, QC is
You are a Liar, I said 12", and you kinda confirmed that when you asked for the picture and said "Ohh My God"

better, look at all of the testing Jet does.

Yes, let’s me sure you can do a CC charge back by proving to your CC company you
They don't label it illegal drugs. Chargeback code :Not as advertised. Did not receive, wrong item. They don't put the actual product listed on the invoice.

didn’t get your illegal drugs. Also, let’s make a fucking record of the illegal purchases with make with a CC. Not only are you rich and hung, you’re also a member of
I'm not a dealer, nor plan to do illegal activity. Buying steroids from online, I'm not worried about.


yep, my imaginary UGL is gonna go under because you’re a shitbird. FML. I’m gonna go broke. Woe is me.
You are very emotional over this matter. I can't see any other reason you would feel this way. I may be wrong, it's irrelevant.

How can you have so many posts and use so many words but not contribute a fuxking thing. That’s talent

Yet you read them! Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmmmm
This all started from a simple post, and people keep replying!

Most people read all the messages all over the board, not just one specific thread.

Im not saying they are 5 years old. I'm saying they could be, and thats a more common problem with dealers vs the main suppliers. And that could even happen with the main suppliers. Just less common.

The range of prices on identical items in this industry is extreme. I see it no different than Amazon. Tons of people with the same product, private labeling the same item, and some want triple the price, and others are at rock bottom. Well.. I always try to get the lowest price. Call me Stupid! Opps you already said I am! My Bad!
So go comment in the other domestic threads with up to 2x the retail price of this lab. But you won't, because your agenda is based on one specific lab. Prove me wrong. I follow the majority of cad domestic source threads so I'll see when you comment and tear into one of those sources. But again you won't, you'll just deflect.

And unless you have proof of the age of the raws being used. Shut the fuck up. Everything you've said has been based off of your beliefs not on any actual fact based evidence. Adults use facts, sniveling children use their non backed beliefs
Those items he posted are not the auction items! Quit jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions. Very suspect my arse :rolleyes:


View attachment 157708
I wasn’t bringing it up as suspect at all. Just my dumb ass facetious humour not coming across well through a post.

Apparently the emojis I tried posting did not post during the message to make that more clear!
Edit: I can assure no intention at all of anything accusatory.
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So go comment in the other domestic threads with up to 2x the retail price of this
I have no purpose to. Then again, the other stud said I was hitting tons of threads.

lab. But you won't, because your agenda is based on one specific lab. Prove me wrong. I follow the majority of cad domestic source threads so I'll see when you
Like I said I just commented in here, and it snowballed. Then the lab guy could not stay out of it, and he replied back with message #2. Do the research on how we got this far. Thats all the proof you need.

comment and tear into one of those sources. But again you won't, you'll just deflect.

And unless you have proof of the age of the raws being used. Shut the fuck up.
I like it when you get angry! Turns me on when you get forceful! I have no proof, I'm just saying thats the problem with smaller dealers, you have no idea how long the Raws have been there. Just more middle men, more unknowns in the equation.

Everything you've said has been based off of your beliefs not on any actual fact based evidence. Adults use facts, sniveling children use their non backed beliefs
People can check prices out themselves. They are not dumb. If they are dumb, let em be taken for a ride... thats what dumb people are good for.
I wasn’t bringing it up as suspect at all. Just my dumb ass facetious humour not coming across well through a post.

Apparently the emojis I tried posting did not post during the message to make that more clear!
Edit: I can assure no intention at all of anything accusatory.

My post was directed more so at that other guy for his remarks about me being "Suspect" when all the wannabe detective had to do was look at the fucking pictures to see he had absolutely no leg to stand on with his comment lol :rolleyes:

I apologize for not being clearer about this earlier and thank you for your explanation brother :)
Did Jet fly a fucking drone to get that to you so fast?! Canada Post sure as shit didn’t get it there overnight
This is not the auction. Canada Post delivered. Mr. Jets turn around time was quite impressive.

I've been staring into the bottles, as far as I can tell everything is 'Fresh' ;)
I wasn’t bringing it up as suspect at all. Just my dumb ass facetious humour not coming across well through a post.

Apparently the emojis I tried posting did not post during the message to make that more clear!
Edit: I can assure no intention at all of anything accusatory.
I understood your post, had a chuckle. A drone would be nice, same day delivery!

I'll post the auction when it arrives


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