Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

My fucking gripe is, the first time I purchased testosterone online, I paid OVER $70 for a vial. I've found out that if you shop around, you can get it for $7. If you want to make your own, it gets even cheaper!
That's your fault for not shopping around and not negotiating. If you paid that amount you chose to do so. Buying 101 pay what the item is worth to you.
And all the raws come from the same place.
Here is another benefit from ordering from China. The Raws are fresher, they turn around a lot more product. A Lab ( I hate that name, someone with a scale and filter is not a lab) in Canada probably buys their raws in a large quantity, they are dirt cheap. But those raws may be 5 years old!
From this paragraph alone, speaks volumes. There's a difference in what you believe and what's actually true. Your statements are not facts, they are merely opinions based on what you believe to be true. Complete non-sense.
Almost any time you order from a bigger dealer, factory etc, the turn around will be much more, and the products are newer.

How old do you think this grab bag of stuff is, he's had laying around, and is auctioning it off as a lot?

Like I said.. believe no one, not even me. But I do encourage others to use their analytical critical thinking abilities and make the best choice for themselves. For some dummy who does not plan things out and lives paycheck by paycheck, and does not have the mental discipline to plan when he'll need something, domestic is great for him. There is a place for everyone. Me, I would prefer to buy something at 1/10 the cost and preplan, and get FRESH gear with FRESH raws!

Keep on bitch'en buddy, cause I have nothing to gain or lose.
"analytical critical thinking abilities" am I seeing things or you actually wrote that? You really did. Must be awesome to have super powers. Or maybe you went to the school for kids who can't read good and wanna learn to do other stuff good

Anyways buying overseas eventually leads to border agents paying you a visit or they may just say you're a dick and your door will be knocked down at 3am.
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Not in Canada and not a no kill organization, but if you know of any in Canada that are no kill please post up :)
I won, I should get to say where that money goes.

Unfortunately I don't have "analytical critical thinking abilities"

Common sense
tells me, purchase 21.43 bottles of Test from China.
Not in Canada and not a no kill organization, but if you know of any in Canada that are no kill please post up :)

“The BC SPCA does not euthanize healthy companion animals entering our shelters. All medically and behaviourally healthy animals are placed in adoptive homes.

Every year we also take in thousands of animals suffering from physical and behavioural problems. We treat them and find them homes as well. Most animals are treatable.

We do not place a time limit on how long an adoptable animal can stay in one of our shelters. However, our goal is always to get animals into homes as soon as possible.

If an animal is being overlooked in one of our shelters, we will transfer them to a different branch to provide the best opportunities for adoption.”

No kill policies can be tough to define, but I would definitely consider the BC SPCA a no kill shelter as they will not put down any animal that doesn’t need to be put down. Even 13 year old senior dogs can get a home found through them. SPCA doesn’t exactly deal with perfect dogs every time. Sometimes the SPCA gets dogs who were hit by cars or neglected and diseased beyond what is treatable, and UNFORTUNATELY have to be reasonably put down. I’ve seen them go to great lengths and expenses to save animals with no gauruntees that it will work, but they really do care.

I’ve dealt with the BC SPCA a lot the past couple years though and I can personally say from what I’ve seen that they would never euthanize an animal just because of space and resource concerns. I even got my cat from them and they truly do a lot for the animals in their care.

How they spend their money is slightly frivolous, but they do give very good care to the animals in their guardianship.
The donation needs to be 100% anonymous for OPSEC reasons obviously so if I can't find organizations tonight that just straight up take bitcoin without going through bitpay or whatever then I'll go buy a prepaid visa card and send the funds that way :)
I won, I should get to say where that money goes.

Unfortunately I don't have "analytical critical thinking abilities"

Common sense
tells me, purchase 21.43 bottles of Test from China.
Well, considering you just joined a few days ago.. My guess is... you are in on this.... but...

Where do you think his raws came from? Africa? Any idea how old his raws were he used to make it? Are you going to get it tested?

Larger companies like those in China that are selling globally are not as hard up to make a buck, and less likely to rip you off.

Larger companies like those in China, because of their volume, have fresher products.

Larger more stable companies take credit cards.

Test C direct from China, $70 for 10 bottles, including shipping. You can mix n match with other stuff also.
Well, considering you just joined a few days ago.. My guess is... you are in on this.... but...
Stop already man. Its getting old.

The cost argument ends at domestic vs. international.

You could also go into preferences of carriers, solvents, blah blah but that's just semantics to most people.

Go back to ripping on Naps, that at least is justified (or Pharmacon if you have ever seen their prices...)

Sorry to name drop other sources in this thread.
Well, considering you just joined a few days ago.. My guess is... you are in on this.... but...
You and I are going to get along just great.

However I'm disappointed in you. I thought you would be more creative rather than stating the obvious. Feel free to try again and this time us your "analytical critical thinking abilities"

Where do you think his raws came from? Africa? Any idea how old his raws were he used to make it? Are you going to get it tested?
I prefer not to know where the raws come from, if I was told China I would simply deliver them to a SDM to ensure they are properly disposed of.

The last time I had gear tested was pre operation raw deal. I live in Canada.
Larger companies like those in China that are selling globally are not as hard up to make a buck, and less likely to rip you off.
Larger companies like those in China, because of their volume, have fresher products.

Larger more stable companies take credit cards.
Companies? are you talking about 'gear' or gear?

Let's entertain your idea of 'companies' legally selling this product out of China. If they are a company, they will have quarterly reports, annual revenue...statistics based off their sales and even projected sales. I'm wondering where I can see this information or even request it.

Fresh and juice, sure I can recommend a good blender...Fresh and 'juice' never heard that before, however I'm new here, what do I know. :oops:

I suppose using a CC would be nice, earn some cash back or aero miles.

Test C direct from China, $70 for 10 bottles, including shipping. You can mix n match with other stuff also.
Even if they were giving away free Delatestryl, it's not worth the risk of importation. If you think there is little or no risk. All I can say, it's just a matter of time.
You and I are going to get along just great.

However I'm disappointed in you. I thought you would be more creative rather than stating the obvious. Feel free to try again and this time us your "analytical critical thinking abilities"

I prefer not to know where the raws come from, if I was told China I would simply deliver them to a SDM to ensure they are properly disposed of.

The last time I had gear tested was pre operation raw deal. I live in Canada.

Companies? are you talking about 'gear' or gear?

Let's entertain your idea of 'companies' legally selling this product out of China. If they are a company, they will have quarterly reports, annual revenue...statistics based off their sales and even projected sales. I'm wondering where I can see this information or even request it.

Fresh and juice, sure I can recommend a good blender...Fresh and 'juice' never heard that before, however I'm new here, what do I know. :oops:

I suppose using a CC would be nice, earn some cash back or aero miles.
Credit cards give you 100% protection. If you don't get the item, your credit card will reimburse you.

Even if they were giving away free Delatestryl, it's not worth the risk of importation. If you think there is little or no risk. All I can say, it's just a matter of time.
The Asian companies reimburse you if its intercepted or re-send it.

Once again.. how old do you think the raws are used in these products? He's not ordering raws every week. Probably bough enough for 5 years, they are that cheap. Or maybe got them from another dealer who's had them for 5 years and sold it cheap.

Usually with size you get stability. The larger asian dealers are not so dependent upon one order, that they have to take a shortcut. Smaller dealers, results may vary.

These companies are on Alibaba. In order to get on Alibaba, they check out your company and verify its existence. You can find their telephone number and actual physical address.

The only benefit to Domestic is if you are a first time user, and want to get started quickly, or you are a scatterbrain and can't plan your life in advance. These are the same type that run up their credit cards high, and live paycheck to paycheck.

Credit cards give you 100% protection. If you don't get the item, your credit card will reimburse you.
I was being sarcastic. I hope you are to, for your sake.
The Asian companies reimburse you if its intercepted or re-send it.
When a package doesn't arrive. The border has it and they keep, log it, photograph it, test it. Every single one, until they decide to act.
Once again.. how old do you think the raws are used in these products? He's not ordering raws every week. Probably bough enough for 5 years, they are that cheap. Or maybe got them from another dealer who's had them for 5 years and sold it cheap.
I don't understand this five years. Do you buy five years worth of China gear?

Order the raws in bulk, preferably anywhere but China. India or Europe is where I would go.
Usually with size you get stability. The larger asian dealers are not so dependent upon one order, that they have to take a shortcut. Smaller dealers, results may vary.
You got it all wrong. When there's more on the line for one order, you 'may' get a better service and they 'may' want you to do repeat business. These 'asian dealers aka companies' are like Walmart. You will save money at the cost of everything else quality, customer service, packaging just name it. They could care less if you come back because they know you will come back when you only care about price.
These companies are on Alibaba. In order to get on Alibaba, they check out your company and verify its existence. You can find their telephone number and actual physical address.
Alibaba.....I'm lost for words.

The only benefit to Domestic is if you are a first time user, and want to get started quickly, or you are a scatterbrain and can't plan your life in advance. These are the same type that run up their credit cards high, and live paycheck to paycheck.

Anyone using gear, is certainly not appropriately planning their life in advance. Myself included. Anyone importing may have a plan for life, however that plan certainly will not workout as they believe.

I've only read a few of your posts, throwing ya a bone here. Look into a good cognitive behavior therapist.
I was being sarcastic. I hope you are to, for your sake.

When a package doesn't arrive. The border has it and they keep, log it, photograph it, test it. Every single one, until they decide to act.
You know this for a fact?
I don't understand this five years. Do you buy five years worth of China gear?
When you are in business, you buy in large quantity to save $. Much of the cost is in shipping. You save big $ buying in bulk, the downside is, it's going to be laying around for a while. Not bad for the dealer, but bad for the customers. I have this same philosophy with many items, you tend to get the new stock, newest model etc with direct sources.

Order the raws in bulk, preferably anywhere but China. India or Europe is where I would go.
Whats wrong with China? I have products made in China. Fact is, they have the top production facilities in the world. If you want cheap you can get cheap, but it's not because they can't produce quality. It's the dealers who are wanting the cheapest stuff to pawn off onto their customers. It's not the Chinese companies fault.

You got it all wrong. When there's more on the line for one order, you 'may' get a better service and they 'may' want you to do repeat business. These 'asian dealers aka companies' are like Walmart. You will save money at the cost of everything else quality, customer service, packaging just name it. They could care less if you come back because they know you will come back when you only care about price.

Alibaba.....I'm lost for words.

Anyone using gear, is certainly not appropriately planning their life in advance. Myself included. Anyone importing may have a plan for life, however that plan certainly will not workout as they believe.
So you are saying everyone that uses gear are dummies who live paycheck to paycheck without planning? Thats not true. I would say most of these weight lifters plan long in advance for their results.
I've only read a few of your posts, throwing ya a bone here. Look into a good cognitive behavior therapist.
And the more you do of anything, the better you usually are at it. These asian companies are producing stuff on a lot larger scale than domestics.

Sorry..... I don't think anyone knows my brain better than I do. I am not the type who needs others to guide me, direct me, or give me advice.

I just want to see irrefutable proof this guy donated $. I doubt we will.


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