Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Define worth? You can buy the same items elsewhere for a total of $300 or so.
You can also not comment unless you've used the products or intend to and that'll cost you nothing. Since you're so broke that you have to pinch penny's so heavily. You should give it a try.

Also who are you to talk on the quality of that $300 gear with that single test cycle under your belt. You definitely can't attest to the quality from first hand experience. Be like everyone else. Don't bring other sources into a sources thread. It just paints you as a shill and shows you get benefits for bringing customers to your glorious source. So since you're a paid rep, get out of this thread you fucking loser. Example. I've used 5+ different Labs but you don't see me bringing them up in eachothers threads
You can also not comment unless you've used the products or intend to and that'll cost you nothing. Since you're so broke that you have to pinch penny's so heavily. You should give it a try.
I can't comment on the price of a product if I've never used it? We'll I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it's "as labeled". And you take that product and compare it to other products that are "as labeled" and tested by a lab. It's comparing apples to apples. Unless one product is claiming it has some Magic Water in it or something that separates it from every other product on the market.

There are multiple sources as reputable as this one, or more so, whose prices are dramatically lower.

Can I ask you a question? Do you not recommend people do research, and see if they can find better deals elsewhere? Or, are you a "preacher" and want everyone to have blind faith? I'm not asking anyone to believe what I say, I just suggest they examine other sources to save $, and make their own decisions. The more competition, the better it is for the consumers.

Also who are you to talk on the quality of that $300 gear with that single test cycle under your belt. You definitely can't attest to the quality from first hand experience. Be like everyone else. Don't bring other sources into a sources thread. It just paints you as a shill and shows you get benefits for bringing customers to your glorious source. So since you're a paid rep, get out of this thread you fucking loser. Example. I've used 5+ different Labs but you don't see me bringing them up in eachothers threads
I can't comment on the price of a product if I've never used it? We'll I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it's "as labeled". And you take that product and compare it to other products that are "as labeled" and tested by a lab. It's comparing apples to apples. Unless one product is claiming it has some Magic Water in it or something that separates it from every other product on the market.

There are multiple sources as reputable as this one, or more so, whose prices are dramatically lower.

Can I ask you a question? Do you not recommend people do research, and see if they can find better deals elsewhere? Or, are you a "preacher" and want everyone to have blind faith? I'm not asking anyone to believe what I say, I just suggest they examine other sources to save $, and make their own decisions. The more competition, the better it is for the consumers.
How do you know it's a reputable source? From all of your experience with your single test cycle?

Oh I absolutely recommend people go for the most cost effective and reliable source that they can afford or that suits their means. HOWEVER I do not go into one sources thread to try and push another or bash a sources prices whilst constantly listing another sources cheaper prices. But you do and you yourself have stated you receive benefits from this source, the source that you constantly push in another sources thread and that you literally have no product experience with other than their testosterone. So yes, that 100 percent tells anyone here that you are pushing an alternative source for an alternative motive.

Sure there's cheaper options, but show me one single Canadian DOMESTIC source on this board that Is cheaper than Jetlabs and then tell me why you aren't commenting on any other Canadian domestic labs thread shitting on THEIR prices while also pushing the lab you represent.

Answer those questions if you will, but you won't because as always you will evade and try to deflect.
How do you know it's a reputable source? From all of your experience with your single test cycle?

Oh I absolutely recommend people go for the most cost effective and reliable source that they can afford or that suits their means. HOWEVER I do not go into one sources thread to try and push another or bash a sources prices whilst constantly listing another sources cheaper prices. But you do and you yourself have stated you receive benefits from this source, the source that you constantly push in another
And you or anyone else would receive benefits potentially if you purchase from them. You are thinking it's a momentary or compensation benefit it isn't.

sources thread and that you literally have no product experience with other than their testosterone. So yes, that 100 percent tells anyone here that you are pushing an alternative source for an alternative motive.

Sure there's cheaper options, but show me one single Canadian DOMESTIC source on this board that Is cheaper than Jetlabs and then tell me why you aren't commenting on any other Canadian domestic labs thread shitting on THEIR prices while also pushing the lab you represent.
Because I'm not a representative of any company, nor am I getting perks singled out for me to push any single company? If I was working or getting kickbacks for pushing a company, I would be doing it all over the place.. Right? :)

Answer those questions if you will, but you won't because as always you will evade and try to deflect.

My fucking gripe is, the first time I purchased testosterone online, I paid OVER $70 for a vial. I've found out that if you shop around, you can get it for $7. If you want to make your own, it gets even cheaper!

And all the raws come from the same place.

Here is another benefit from ordering from China. The Raws are fresher, they turn around a lot more product. A Lab ( I hate that name, someone with a scale and filter is not a lab) in Canada probably buys their raws in a large quantity, they are dirt cheap. But those raws may be 5 years old!

Almost any time you order from a bigger dealer, factory etc, the turn around will be much more, and the products are newer.

How old do you think this grab bag of stuff is, he's had laying around, and is auctioning it off as a lot?

Like I said.. believe no one, not even me. But I do encourage others to use their analytical critical thinking abilities and make the best choice for themselves. For some dummy who does not plan things out and lives paycheck by paycheck, and does not have the mental discipline to plan when he'll need something, domestic is great for him. There is a place for everyone. Me, I would prefer to buy something at 1/10 the cost and preplan, and get FRESH gear with FRESH raws!

Keep on bitch'en buddy, cause I have nothing to gain or lose.
And you or anyone else would receive benefits potentially if you purchase from them. You are thinking it's a momentary or compensation benefit it isn't.

Because I'm not a representative of any company, nor am I getting perks singled out for me to push any single company? If I was working or getting kickbacks for pushing a company, I would be doing it all over the place.. Right? :)

My fucking gripe is, the first time I purchased testosterone online, I paid OVER $70 for a vial. I've found out that if you shop around, you can get it for $7. If you want to make your own, it gets even cheaper!

And all the raws come from the same place.

Here is another benefit from ordering from China. The Raws are fresher, they turn around a lot more product. A Lab ( I hate that name, someone with a scale and filter is not a lab) in Canada probably buys their raws in a large quantity, they are dirt cheap. But those raws may be 5 years old!

Almost any time you order from a bigger dealer, factory etc, the turn around will be much more, and the products are newer.

How old do you think this grab bag of stuff is, he's had laying around, and is auctioning it off as a lot?

Like I said.. believe no one, not even me. But I do encourage others to use their analytical critical thinking abilities and make the best choice for themselves. For some dummy who does not plan things out and lives paycheck by paycheck, and does not have the mental discipline to plan when he'll need something, domestic is great for him. There is a place for everyone. Me, I would prefer to buy something at 1/10 the cost and preplan, and get FRESH gear with FRESH raws!

Keep on bitch'en buddy, cause I have nothing to gain or lose.
So again how can you guarentee their gear Is actually good if you've only used their testosterone and haven't personally tested any of their products?

So if it's about cost savings why don't you brew your own?

Funny I do domestic and I have enough gear for years of B/C. And I have no problem affording it. So why not go with someone I can actually hold accountable and who's reputation could be destroyed by an infection or proven underdosed gear?

Still didn't answer why you only pull this shit in a single labs thread. I haven't seen you on Syns, paretos, genetec, Nordic, Citadel, or any others. Just this one.
Anyone who is overly concerned about the price of gear should be worried about getting their money right. If you need to worry to that extent over saving a col hundred bucks then you don’t have finances and retirement as any sort of priority in life
So again how can you guarentee their gear Is actually good if you've only used their testosterone and haven't personally tested any of their products?
Lab tests , as with any

So if it's about cost savings why don't you brew your own?
I might.
Funny I do domestic and I have enough gear for years of B/C. And I have no problem affording it. So why not go with someone I can actually hold accountable and who's reputation could be destroyed by an infection or proven underdosed gear?
Hold accountable? You think you could sue him?

once again how old is any domestics Raws they use? 3,5,6 years old?
Still didn't answer why you only pull this shit in a single labs thread. I haven't seen you on Syns, paretos, genetec, Nordic, Citadel, or any others. Just this one.
Seems this one has the most tards that keep replying back?

once again every, shop around for the best prices or whatever you find the most important qualities you desire. The prices are all over the place.

I have made millions buying items in Asia and reselling them. I always want to buy the best at the lowest price. And that’s always as close to the source as possible, not someone in Toronto.

if this was not such a threat to your buddy, I doubt you would be so emotional over this exchange of info and consumer education I offer.

why don’t you go spam your buddies prices, I’m sure there are a lot of people who want to pay a 1000% mark up .

Moral of the story… when men talk, women like you need to keep your mouth shut.
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Looking good for me at $660 for all that gear...
This is also a segway out of the troll bullshit.... If you quit feeding him, he'll retreat to below the bridge where he belongs.
I know I read somewhere on here you were going to be making primo. Can't find it but if you could let me know what you were thinking of making and when that would be available. Thanks!
I know I read somewhere on here you were going to be making primo. Can't find it but if you could let me know what you were thinking of making and when that would be available. Thanks!

Primo-e 200mg and will be available in early January.
As promised here is the donation to Anaboliclab.

I'll be donating to animal rescues here shortly, just looking for places that accept bitcoin.

Thank you to everyone who participated :)

If you fellas know of any animal rescues that accept bitcoin please post up a link please.

Thank you :)


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