Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Tren base tested around 60% purity and that's quite normal for this compound.

What is confusing you regarding the tren-ace hplc results?
I know nothing about brewing, but does this just mean while brewing the compound it has to be filtered/concentrated down more to compensate based on the % value of the raws? If I’m completely off I’d love to learn more about this.
I know nothing about brewing, but does this just mean while brewing the compound it has to be filtered/concentrated down more to compensate based on the % value of the raws? If I’m completely off I’d love to learn more about this.

More raws are added to adjust for purity and I believe this is talked about in the home brew section somewhere.
K guys what blends would you like to see added to my list? Thank you :)

100 Test E or C/200 Mast E.
100 Test E or C/250 Deca
25 Anavar/25 Tbol or Adrol

Probably wouldn't be huge sellers.
A lot of personal preference here.

Offering custom blends at a 10 vial minimum or something like that may be something that spurs some interest.
Test 500 and EQ 500 are in the works and I'm thinking of adding these blends to my list as well,

75mg test-a
75mg tren-a
75mg mast-p

100mg tren-e
100mg tren-a

150mg test-d
100mg Nandro-d
I should clarify; Test E/Primo at 150:100, or whatever a more preferable/optimal blend would be.
But I’m also stocked up on test E for quite a while so I likely wouldn’t be a test/primo blend customer until later this year at the earliest, so I’d just as soon be adding straight primo vials if/when they come around!

